Ana brainstorming thread

He is, same to Ryu but you’d be surprised

Doomfist exists due to Seagull basically requesting a melee dps

Ana issue was as she is in the catagory same with Zen, her damage potential is way weaker.
This makes her easy target for dva and Tracer and Genji. The Tracer nerf saved Rein and Zarya from pulse bombs but not Ana. So she is still not meta.

However like other non meta heros she can be used in Junkertown. Like bastion. Since there is less dive.

What ever, I keep think she needs more ammo. And probably combat roll like mcree. Or maybe bounce shots. Or a charged shot with more damage so she can finish off sleeping targets

I would like to see a healing passive. It doesn’t matter if it’s not “realistic” to the hero’s design. Being able to self heal every 10 seconds is way too long and it’s one of the things that keeps Ana from being a viable pick.

Every other healer has some form of passive self healing over time. Ana is in desperate need of one too.

Slow wall climb i also thought of, and one small buff for everynability would be nice, nano heal, self heal and a faster cast dart

I posted this in another thread, thought it might have some neat ideas to add to the conversation.

Could nano boost increase healing dealt as well? Maybe ana can boost herself and output more heals while adding survivability. Maybe it could also add a passive healing ability to the nano’d target. Maybe her shots could add some aoe to them, when the dart hits a surface it explodes and heals half the amount it would on a direct hit, maybe have this aoe hit through barriers so that barriers still limit her healing but not negate it entirely

Question: How do you guys feel about Ana’s rate of fire? I was looking at some old clips I had saved, and I was struck by how slow she seems compared to Moira. If this was buffed I could see it be done three different ways:

  • Clean buff - the rate of fire is somewhat increased
  • New ability or passive - Ana can either get a new ability that will increase her rate of fire or her rate of fire can increase after a certain condition is met, for example a few seconds after a nade is burst or (if we want something very different) for as long as she’s on fire.
  • When Ana Nano Boosts her rate of fire increases for the duration of her ult.

What do you think? Should any of this go into the OP?

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Third is a great idea. I luv it

(It can even be usefull in DM)

Thank you, I’ll update the OP. :slight_smile:

I feel I need to link this here, because it summarizes many of the frustrations mentioned in this thread:

A very well-written post by Epsilon on Ana, her struggles, and a questioning of what we even gain from maining her current iteration.


-Sleep Dart on 8 second cooldown
-Bring her damage back to previous (before what season 4 nerf?)
-Give her 2 Grenades to work with

Those are my ideas on buffs that would be fun/good.

An 8 second cooldown on sleep dart would in effect mean that a slept target only has two seconds to get away - that’s not okay. I think at most they could lower it two seconds, but it would probably come with a price (like a lowered duration).

Something else you could give her is an extra passive effect on her shots when healing team mates. You could have it stack the length of time it lasts or the power of the effect on multiple shots in a row on the same target. Or have it change effect dependant on the target you’re healing. Or maybe she pushes a button to change the effect from a small list.
Possible powers could be a speed boost, damage output boost, damage received reduction etc etc.

She now holds 2 biotic grenades. They still give anti-heal and over-heal as normal, but both burst damage and burst healing will have falloff.

Sleep nade, anti heal dart, Nano fist - just give Ana the Doomfist gauntlet and a jet pack.

But seriously a sleep gas grenade would be cool.