As most of us are aware our most beloved grandma isn’t in the best of spots. I refuse to just let her be and hope that eventually the meta will shift to make her useful, so I made this thread as a way for everyone to talk about how we feel about Ana and what can be done to make her better.
For starters, I want to clarify one thing I feel very strongly about - Ana’s issues are hers alone and not the result of other characters being better healers. I made a thread about this on the old forums (because I’m lazy and don’t care to repeat myself Overwatch Forums) and my opinion hasn’t changed at all since then. Ana won’t become better if Moira and Mercy are nerfed, she will still have the same difficulties. Ana struggles with having no mobility despite having a kit designed for high ground, with being forced to use her best offensive/defensive team-fight ability to heal herself, with having so many restrictions on everything she does (shields, cast-times, travel-times, effect times)… there are so many areas I feel you can experiment to make her feel smoother and sometimes just downright viable. With this said, I don’t want or expect Ana to ever become the queen healer again - she’s supposed to be a bit difficult to play but with the difficulty should come a greater value in utility. I don’t want her to heal more than Moira or Mercy (although the difference shouldn’t be too great), I want a skilled player to be able to bring more value with her.
Also worth discussing is the fact that Ana doesn’t really serve the same purpose she was originally designed to do. She was meant to be the character that could burst heal, that could keep tanks up, that could provide utility, that could heal targets far away… now we have to accept that Moira does the first two just as well and with greater ease while Ana’s utility is hampered by the amount of abilities that hard counters them (for example, since Ana arrived we’ve gotten 3 new shield abilities, and another one has gotten a lowered cooldown). If Ana’s niche is going to be shifted to primarily good ranged healing/burst heal rather than close to middle ranged healing something has to change.
I’m going to make a bundle of suggestions, and I obviously don’t mean for them all to be implemented. Some are small changes, some might be dumb, and some might even be a bit controversial. The goal is to get a discussion going on what Ana is meant to bring to the fight and how the player experience can be made better.
Biotic Rifle
- Reload decreased to 1 second from 1,5 seconds while ammo is increased from 10 to 15.
- Healing/damaging effect decreased from 0,9 seconds to 0,5 seconds.
- Edit* Healing shots can now pierce full-health allies to heal teammates behind them. This would, however, make pre-healing impossible. Could possibly be solved with a toggle option.
Biotic grenade
- Travel time increased from 40 meters/second to 50 meters/second
Sleep Dart
- Mobility abilities are cancelled one second after awaking, regardless of whether the target woke on their own or not. This will make it a lot easier for Ana and her team to finish off high mobile targets she slept.
- Damage cap of 35 hp damage before target wakes up.
- Target can not be awoken the first 0,8 seconds after being slept regardless of damage.
- Projectile speed increased from 60 meters second to 70 meters second.
- Dart damage increased from 5 to 20.
- Edit* Awakening time from sleep dart is the same regardless of whether the target was awakened or woke on their own.
- Edit* Cast-time decreased from 0,5 seconds to 0,3.
Nano Boost
- Instantly heals target 100 hp
- Nanoed healer gets a 50% healing boost, meaning Mercy’s healing would be 90 hp/second instead of 60 hp/second.
- Speed boost of 10%.
- Ana can nano boost herself.
- Nano Boost now instantly reloads weapon.
- Nano Boost increases Ana’s rate of fire significantly and automatically reloads her weapon.
New abilities and passives
- Ana gets a two second aimbot that only works on allies. This will help her land clutch heals on small targets far away like a Genji ulting (called Eye of Horus?).
- Ana can wall climb but does so at half the speed of Genji/Hanzo, and can be interrupted by damage.
- After standing still for two seconds Ana gets “camouflaged”, meaning she blends into the area around her (not to be confused with invisibility), can be clearly seen within 10 meters.
- For every 5th consecutive shot Ana hits (friend or foe) she heals 15 hp.
- Edit* Ana gets 150 hp and 50 shields instead of the current 200 hp. This would make it so she doesn’t need to use her nade for chip-damage.
Tell me what you like, what you don’t like, what you would like to see! What is Ana to you or what should she be?