Passives: Every hero should have one!

but junkrat put such lovely magnets in the traps? How could Zen be so rude as to not get trapped when he put in so much effort?

Zen: Guidance.
Reaveal discord’s symbol to hamony orb target.

Reaper: Usefull lifesteal.
Get 2 hp for every pellet hit.

Moira: Facepalm.
Team mates who die within 15 meters of Moira causes her to heal herself.


thats literally an increase of 12 or a decrease of 12 if he gets a lot of headshots

Love this.

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I don’t think every hero should get a passive. Passives are more like a “Oh hey! That’s a cool bonus the character has!”


A passive I think would cool is for Ana to have some sort of self heal or McCree have a passive that allows him to see a enemy through walls if he/she killed a teammate. Kinda like they were on the wanted list.

Ana: Clean kill

“Some snipers like to wound their targets. It draws out medics and other soldiers, to let you to kill more of them. I can’t stomach that. The needless suffering.”

If an enemy has <=30hp after taking damage or while slept or antinaded, they instantly die.


That’s like helping you, because you where too bad to heal him up.

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I’d love this and I agree!

Ana [Symbiosis - Passive]: heals for 25 every time you land a shot on a friend or enemy.

Mei [Frostwalk - Passive]: gain a slight movement speed increase when walking on frozen ground (a bit less than a Lucio speedboost)

Reinhardt [Hardheaded - Passive]: cannot be stunned while you have armor.

Symmetra [Repurpose - Passive]: Whenever a turret or structure you place is destroyed, your ammo is refreshed.

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McCree: Rolling in the Deep: If he rolls against a wall, his roll will be reset, and you can infinitely roll against a wall.


Hanzo: Piercing.
Fully charged arrows get a piercing effect. If a target has less than 125 hp, they take enough damage to kill them and the arrow will keep flying with remainder of damage being dealt to anyone whom it hits. This affects barriers and if you hit a headshot it will work like normal except the arrow has a total of 250 damage on it instead of 125.

1 Like Overdrive: Boosters cool down reduced by 1 second when used without firing or using abilities during it’s duration.

Doomfist: Battleworn: Armor gained through abilities during an elim are permanent.

Just thoughts :stuck_out_tongue:

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I like that DVa one. Sounds cool. Useful for using it only for mobility

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Orisa’s gallop. Not my idea. It was suggested in old forum.
When she walks for three seconds her speed increases significantly but if she takes damage she loses her speed.


I think that would be the perfect passive for Roadie :+1: right now.

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Zarya: Gravitational pull.
Hostile projectiles within 2 yards of Zarya change their trajectory slightly.

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Winston: Fury: repeated melees do increased damage (might deactivate during primal rage). Mccree: Armor piercing rounds (name says it all). Rename to mortal wound if effect only applies on crits. Soldier 76: Strike Commander: he can see his teammates through walls like a support hero, maybe also hear what abilities they are using by aiming on their teammate (hearing might only activate if line of sight is broken, might also exclude barriers as blocking line of sight).

Doomfist armor is already a passive.

Reread it. I said armor he gains if he eliminates the target becomes permanent instead of decaying. Gives him a bit more sustainability.


  • Always Watching: Sombra cannot receive any additional changes.


  • The ordre through chaos: By using damaging someone with her left click, Symmetra can change the priority of turrets.


  • Engineer: While out of combat and still having some armor points left, Torbjorn will regenerate armor to 75 armor.


  • The eye of Horus: People affected by the biotic grenade or the biotic rifle can be seen through walls.


  • Creeping chill: When hitting a surface with her weapon, a patch of ice will emerge from the surface and slowly freeze ennemies near it.


  • Helping hands: When overhealed, Moira will regenerate a small portion of her left-click ressources.