Buff nano boost

I actually agree with this 100% and really like the idea of nano target being healed to 100% HP

I’m really curious I love beyblade please explain…

Its Nanoblossom.

Nano Rein was bad but Nano Blossom would borderline an instant team wipe.

Not full health though, that could easily be terribly OP (think nanoing a Road Hog close to death, with the fully filled hp, damage resistance, Take a Breather… he would virtually be immortal). So I think 100 hp alone would be fine, enough for smaller targets like Genji to virtually get most of their health back but not enough to make tanks too hard. :slight_smile:

Then don’t give the full speed boost like it was before.
I think before you got a 30 to 50% speed boost.
Make it so you only get a 20% speed boost.

At least it would be better than it is right now.

I think it was actually “only” 20%, but that was enough to break it. It’s the reason I suggested half of it, 10%, as something a bit more manageable.

A nano boosted Genji pressing Q is about the most frightening thing in the whole of Overwatch. He’s already a nightmare to deal with when he herps derps around holding M1 and get multikills, would be even worse if there were no way of CCing him.

The biggest problem with Ana isnt her ult. Its her kit as a whole.

*1. She needs a faster reload time or increased clip size so she can focus on healing but also have enough to defend herself. **
2. She needs a passive heal. Badly.
3. Her sleep dart needs a damage threshold. If a D’va pellet even sneezes it wakes up a slept enemy.
4. edit - Self Nano option.

How about a reload buff (or instantly reload to full on cast). The number of times I’m playing as Winston and I get nano’d when I have like 5 ammo left is much too high. It’s like they always know the most inconvenient time to cast it.

The reload isn’t a bad idea, and probably would be fine balance wise. If it’s okay with you I would like to add it to my brainstorming thread for Ana. :slight_smile:

the ONLY change i want is to automatically bring back the target at full health. That’s it.

Absolutely - I got the idea elsewhere myself (cant take credit for it), but I thought it was definitely an interesting one that wouldn’t break too much.

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Thank you, always looking out for good suggestions for our favorite nana!

I liked all of those things except for the last one. Pray do tell, why would Ana waste nano on her self?

But that actually gave me something to think about. Every support benefit something (more sustain) from their ultimate, except our favorite grandma. Moira and Mercy get constant regeneration, Lucio and Brigitte have their ultimates apply armor to them just like their teams, and Zenyatta becomes flat out invincible. Ana just shoots nano into someone and wishes him good luck and farewell.

What if for every damage increase she helped her teammate do, she gets 25% of it as armor for herself.

Example: Ana nanos Rein. Rein does a firestrike into one enemy (100 original damage, 50 extra nano damage). Out of the 50 extra nano damage, she gets 25% of it as armor, so 12.5 armor for Ana. More brainstorming welcome.

Adding this , great idea

She’d be able to stall that’s why she’d nano herself.

Plus also for killstre-I mean Death Match

Well, if all my suggestions were to go through I can think of three situations where it’s useful:

  • Team is taking a lot of damage and needs more heals. With the suggested 50% increase on heals Ana would be able to put out some serious healing in a pinch.
  • Ana is last one on point and needs to stall.
  • People playing Death Match would appreciate having an ult (least important reason obviously).

How about let Ana get the option to Nano Boost herself?

Or what if when ana casts nanoboost, she also gets the buff. That would give her 50% damage resistance. I’m not sure the extra damage from ana would give her too huge of an advantage except maybe versus a few heroes like pharah, who she’d be able to 2-shot. Perhaps she could get only the damage resistance instead?

In case anyone thinks some of my ideas are good you could read about them, and many great contributions from others, here: Ana brainstorming thread - #120 by toop-2159

Yes, I’m shamelessly plugging today, but I don’t want people to forget about her.

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