An idea for Mercy

lol nope. My words were referring to the POTENTIAL damage boost buffs Geoff mentioned in this post:

Your words were referring to the current PTR damage boost changes:

Which I never called a buff. Two different changes. I am talking about future changes, you are talking about the changes that are on PTR right now.

I disagree completely. Valkyrie absolutely has the potential to save people. You do 60 HPS again, and your beams heal all allies in range. That’s 300 potential HPS, for a total of 4500 healing possible during your ultimate, whereas outside of valk you can only do a maximum of 750 healing within the same time frame. Just think about those numbers for a second, that’s a pretty huge increase in healing output. The increased beam range allows you to support your team even if they are spread out, the chains allow you to heal teammates out of your direct LoS. Your team basically gains 4 extra Mercy players, each one pocketing someone, for an entire 15 seconds. That’s crazy impactful. Literally, just imagine having 5 Mercy players on your team, in addition to your other 5 teammates, for 15 seconds during a teamfight. That’s what Valkyrie is.

Which is why I suggested giving Mercy a healing boost ability on her Reload button while healing, and Geoff said it’s “certainly possible” so who knows :woman_shrugging:

Except, that’s kind of good. Before, anyone could play Mercy and be extremely effective, getting lots of value for little work. Now, Mercy players have to be really good at healing and beam juggling to be an amazing healer, which is good, he skill floor/ceiling is significantly higher now than it was. I still do amazing with her as a main healer, almost always getting 30-45% of team damage healed and never being outhealed by anyone else. I can also solo heal with relative ease. The only issue is that she is currently TOO demanding for not enough reward, in my opinion. A few buffs/tweaks can easily fix that though (like making Valk 12 seconds with increased healing on the main beam, cutting rez cast time in half during valk, giving her a heal boost on reload, etc.).

Something like what EeveeA herself suggested:
(Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her 📝):

Also doing something like this to rez to make Mercy even more skillful and differentiate bad Mercy players from good ones:

i don’t think mercy would ever be overpowered because of her survivability and i think if they reduced her health to 150 hp she’d be as bad as she was when the game first got released (if you’re not informed back then mercy’s passive would activate after 3 secs of not taking damage) which made her very squishy and she couldn’t utilize her mobility as a result of that this would hurt her a lot more than 60 hp/s healing could ever help her


generalizing isn’t nice sweetie!

That wasn’t just recently. We’ve been hearing that tripe with every balance patch effecting Mercy since her rework, and guess what? Every time the say Mercy’s fine or she will be fine after this nerf, two months later she’s being nerfed again with the exact same line, “X is just a little too strong.” Hell, they’ve got another nerf on the way even while they continue to claim she’s “balanced.”

Maybe if they’d tell the truth for once, people would believe them.


that’s an interesting idea make it into a thread!

i call that a contradiction

Yeah it’s because the Devs are balancing the game. They’ve only said “Mercy is fine” one time, and it’s because she WAS fine. She had a normal 6% pickrate in comp and wasn’t dominant. But then a few months later her pickrate was 14%, so obviously they needed to change her so she wasn’t so dominant. It’s how balancing works lol.

It’s not an intentional nerf, it’s just a change to damage boost as a whole, which Geoff says they will probably buff soon anyways:

So what does Zenyatta/Lucio heal with their full team around them, providing they are not hit with anti healing? A lot more.
Ana Naid, Moria’s Orb or Ult beam, or Brigitte’s armor? Still more healing than the potential that Mercy’s split beam can dish out, an here is why.

Mercy sees her team needs extra healing and pops Ult, what does the enemy team (if they are smart) do? They focus fire on one then another enemy and kill them off because with only 60 hps for each person it is not gonna save them.

Well I hope that does come through, but after all Mercy has been through I wouldn’t hold my breath…

I wouldn’t call zipping all over the place trying to heal a spread out team doing ‘little work’. That can be very exhausting.

Many disagree with that, most say that her skill floor is low and so is her skill ceiling.

Agree with you there, as I stated above zipping around trying to heal everyone can be exhausting.

That has been suggested, several times, even before it was suggested by EeveeA. It would do wonders, but again I wouldn’t hold my breath…

As for Rez, IF it flowed like it used to when it was Mass Rez, not ‘THIS’ Rez with 1.75 seconds of being a helpless target. Cut that cast time in half, it is too painful and seems punishing.

it was more like a fix i literally broke a mouse when when 1.28 was live because i was trying so hard to heal and i held the button too hard and destroyed my lmb really!

i think people are overreacting about the damage boost change because it changes how you have to damage boost as mercy and don’t get me wrong i could absolutely be wrong about this but i feel like it’s just a matter of getting used to it

there are not a lot of decisions to be made during valkyrie hun you said it yourself

Well, I can see and understand that point of view, but here is the thing.

REWORK occurred- we had to get used to playing that. Well, we figured out (some while it was in PTR, and wrote about it back then) it was extremely OP. So we knew some changes were necessary.

Several Sledgehammer Nerfs occurred- we got used to them because we enjoy playing Mercy.

More Nerfs occurred- total Nerfs to date 15- we got used to those too, but the choices of how to play Mercy kept shrinking. We either Heal/Damage boost 1 person (pocket heal) or we work our tails off trying to keep the whole team healed especially when it went from 60 hps to 50 hps. Forget going “Battle Mercy”, you’re throwing if you even think about pull out your pistol even to defend yourself.

With the upcoming Nerf- choices for mercy reduced to being a Pocket Healer. You would be throwing if you even try to heal/damage boost another person, much less going ‘Battle Mercy’.


right after triple tank, during dive meta mercy still was considered to be a troll pick there was abuse towards mercy mains
she was viable but the majority of player base didn’t feel that way and like i’ve mentioned before utility heroes are either bad or very aggravating to play against hence why there was a rework

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i understand what you’re saying but complaining alone doesn’t fix anything what are you suggesting they do?

First, and foremost, stop Nerfing Mercy.

Make her game play more fluid by reducing that dang 1.75 second cast time. Mercy got Invulnerability during Mass Rez era because she kept dying on Rez, but even that was a good trade-off since it got the team back when Mercy died. 1.75 second cast time is killer, an over half the time no Rez occurs.

For the rest, maybe some suggestions from the top of this thread-

OMG- I finally reached Trust Level 3…

ok that’s better!
i don’t think the 1.75 sec cast time is the underlying problem with rez right now it’s the 75% movement speed reduction + not being able to crouch
or they could just replace it with something else there was an idea about rez being replaced with an ability that you target a friendly hero and if they die within the next 4 secs they’ll be revived [and the enemies wouldn’t know about it] which i think it’d work really well with mercy
but i also think that Valkyrie has the problem of being drawn out i think if they gave Valkyrie more power and reduced its duration to 10-12 secs it’d feel a lot nicer compared to the current version

Now that is something I wouldn’t mind seeing.

I did; it didn’t get any traction and was buried under all the other threads. You should bump it for me :slight_smile:

I think she would be. Shocking how two people can think differently.

Her mobility was far worse when the game was released. Her healing was 50HPS, her self heal didn’t start until 3 seconds of not taking damage, her ult was clunky. She’s far better now than she ever was pre-rework.

This makes no sense. Literally ZERO correlation.

it’s okay i don’t expect everyone to understand what i’m saying