A long time ago on the old forums when we still has the dislike button, someone made a Mercy post that was downvoted like crazy saying she was OP. This was before all the nerfs, before the rework went live, before it was even suggested she was gonna get a rework. They said she was the glass cannon of healers without the glass because she did so much healing with so much mobility. He thought her health should be that of Tracer’s and Pilot D.Va.
I disagreed at the time but now I’m not so sure. I think if she got her 60HPS back but with the 50HP nerf it might be fine. I play a lot of Mercy and I always thought 50HPS wasn’t enough but with this change I think she might be more balanced than she is now.
I’m cleaning my laptop out of old screenshots and found one of that post and it just hit my mind so this might be complete garbage idk just thought I would bring the idea up again since last time it was downvoted to oblivion and no one had a real conversation about it.