Can Mercy please have a new ultimate?

No one counter-ults Rein, Winston, Wrecking Ball, McCree, Lucio, or Widow.

I don’t think that reasoning exactly holds up.

In fact, you’re an idiot if you Ult to counter McCree or Wrecking Ball

Not only that, but the response/counter to most ults is a regular ability.
To counter McCree or Soldier, get a barrier or DVa or just kill them. To stop Reaper or Moira or Roadhog, stun them with one of the game’s many regular abilities that stun. To stop transcendence, throw an anti-nade. To counter DVa, get a barrier or speedboost.

in certain situations you should emp to counter high noon or the ball’s bombs!

I said “unlike other supports” didn’t know those tanks and dps were now supports.

Literally no idea what you’re trying to argue against.

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I’m saying that no one uses an ult just to counter Lucio. No one uses an ult just to counter Moira. No one uses an ult just to counter Brigitte. In fact, valk was nerfed because you had to use an ult to counter it. That there was no other viable way to counter it.

Not in my games. Many teamfights are “Dry” or use only a few ults. Only lower SR games and the current GOATS meta are usually ult spams, in my experience.

She shouldn’t really be worried about beam juggling in her ult. It’s an ult, she earned it by juggling in the first place. Zen doesn’t have to worry about who to prioritize with his ult, neither does Lucio, neither do lots of other ults. It’s an AoE, just like Deathblossom, trans, sound barrier, EMP, supercharger, dva ult, Rally, Coalescence etc. the list goes on on and.
Ults are’nt supposed to be difficult. They’re bursts of power that you earn and get to use.

That’s good. They’re defensive ults, they’re supposed to be better at that. Mercy ult should NEVER be better at countering ult combos/spam than Lucio/Zen ults. Idk, I feel like if Mercy could nullify ult combos as well as Zen/Lucio it’d be an issue.

But I still can outheal a lot of enemy DPS/tank ults with Valk, so I’m pretty happy with it

Valk is a teamwide nano, Nano is an indivudal boost. All of nano’s power is concentrated in one person, whereas Valks is spread among 5 people. Also, I don’t really think it matters, Mercy can right click someone at any point outside of her ult and be a less strong nano. Damage boosted ults like Blade and Visor do just as much as nano’d versions of them.

At the end of the day, I think that Valk could be lowered to 10-12 seconds, buff GA speed by 25%, make her main healing beam 80-100 HPS and her chains 50-65, and it’d be a force to be reckoned with.

The point i was making is that it’s important for a support ult to be impactful. You’re playing the game to help other teammates. Having a good ultimate makes up for that fact. Giving up the “main” role dps.

Lucio was a bad example as his is a defensive ult. 90% of the time he ults to counter another.


Mercy’s ult is impactful.

Then what’s the problem if your ult does that? Her ult is good.

You don’t just get to decide that my evidence was a “bad example.” Lucio’s ult doesn’t get counter-ulted. Besides, my others still stand. Brigitte’s ult is nothing special either. Moira’s ult is nothing special either. Neither of these is counter-ulted.

Like every other support ult, it’s impact comes from when you use it.

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Mmm, but do you though?

I love to use Valk for boost AoE damage and during this time i tell the other healer take care of the HP. This serve me very well cuz is a 30% power for my entire team if you pair this with graviton or shatter is a team wipe

Yeh same. I’m kinda just feels like I’m in the t pose and gravity is turned off and I just kinda exist here, then exist over there =\

I tried to get into it when they changed her, but now it’s just eh

That’s taking away one of biggest parts of her kit. The other part is taking away the dashing around healing/evading enemies… Kinda the same reason why I don’t like tac visor.

Depends how spread out your team is. Back when I played I would be rapidly looking around to see if anyone had meandered out of the aura or looking to see if there were shots to body block.
Lucio has to make sure he gets everyone then setup for the charge in, or has to nail the timing for ults like rip tire. Tbh I’m not a fan of the cast on Lucio but I still like it more.


Why would a counter-ult be countered? I don’t understand the point.

Valkyrie is a lot less powerful and interactive than the ones you listed. I don’t know how you could say “Moira’s ult is nothing special” when it emits both huge healing and damage. It’s a lot more satisfying than hovering with connected beams. 60hps is just not going to do much in the heat of the battle most of the time.

And Trans takes away orb prioritization and shooting away from Zen. Emp takes Hack prioritzation away from Sombra. Tac Visor takes aim away from solider. Primal Rage takes the ability to bubble or shock away from Winston. ult literally takes her mech away from her. Heck, half the ults in the game stop heroes from using their base kit (Roadhog Ult, Torb ult, Moira ult, Trans, etc.)

Ults don’t have to follow the “rules” of your base kit. That’s why they are ults, and not in your base kit.

You can still do that tho…you have faster GA and longer GA range. If you are just floating in the air during Valkyrie and not using GA to dodge attacks, that’s a yikes. Maybe that works in low SR’s, but in masters and above you have to be dodging and flying around like crazy.

But again, Valkyrie’s description says “Mercy gains the ability to fly and her abilities are enhanced”. She’s supposed to gain freeflight and independant mobility, that’s literally the point of the ult.

I mean’t to type “Aren’t”, my bad.

Not debating that. My point was that it’s taking away “things to do”, and not repacking them with anything. It just makes everything easier which I don’t like (hence the tac visor example).

This just makes everything easier, and more boring.

Yeh…? That is boring. If it was actual flight were there was some sort of interesting mechanic involved (like Pharah, but even her flight mechanic is pretty meh. Just that valk blows it out of the water for how dull it is) it might be interesting. Instead it’s just hovering around.

The absolute best change that has ever been introduced to Mercy was the original bunny hop bug where you kept your momentum. Do it right, and you fling yourself around very quickly, screw it up or get hit by a concussive and you’ll get blown across the Mediterranean to Africa (personal experience, though I only made it half way cos I hit the edge of the map =)

Why not? Why does it have to be easy mode like Soldier/Mercy? Winston ult is one I like. Basically an experience of “have your learnt how to jump properly cos if not your screwed” which is great.

In my opinion, Mercy’s ultimate is one of the best in the game, and arguably the very most versatile

I dont want it changed

you’re not wrong but what i’m trying to say is that the fact that you don’t make many decisions and it’s not short and explosive like many other ults makes it less impactful and so tedious to use

i still do think that pushing with nano is better than pushing with Valkyrie and
you dodged the issue here! there are other ults that have the same effect as Valkyrie but are better


i’d love that!

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I had an idea to make Valkyrie more interesting by removing freeflight and simply giving her GA a speed and range buff, and also decreasing the CD and buffing the bunny hop distance/speed you get at the end. It’d reward skillful movement and be really fun.

Agreed, it was the best time for Mercy. Once on Illios lighthouse, I was on point and my team all died, and then a roadhog ulted me as Mercy. I got pushed so far away off the map that I ended up back in my own spawn with the rest of my team as they were coming out. It was like a free reset lol.

Because if you are forcing someone to earn an ultimate over the course of the map, by hitting shots/dealing damage or doing healing, I don’t feel like they should then have to work even harder to use the ultimate they just spent a minute earning. In my opinions, you earn ults, and the most skillful thing about them should be when and where you use them. Trans isn’t hard at all, mechanically speaking, but the skill in it is timing.

Yeah we all want mass rez back give us mass rez


Weird how it’s always the people who don’t play Mercy telling the ones who do that she’s fine, and that her ultimate is “”“fun”""".

Regardless of whether it does anything or not, the ultimate isn’t impactful like other ultimates. Blizzard needs to change it.