New Mercy ability? What if she could give her own health to allies?

What if Mercy could trade some of her own health in exchange for more healing output?

It would be activated by hitting the reload button while using her staff. It could instantly trade 30-50 hp and be used as a burst heal on cooldown or it could trade 10hps for a certain duration; or it could always be available via toggling it on/off for 10hps.

I think it fits the character nicely because she has such a selfless personality and I think it’s good for her balance because her loosing some of her own hp should make it so the ability isn’t OP or anything while it still provides a little something extra to make her healing feel more diverse and impactful.

I think the risk management would be fun and the ability would reward good positioning because if you use it out of position you could easily get yourself killed. It should also encourage the other team to focus the Mercy more, which is something I miss about mass rez days.

I posted this in another thread, but just thought it was a good enough idea that I really wanted to get it out there.

What do ya’ll think? Any other unique ‘reload’ button ideas out there? or damage boost change ideas? I love talking Mercy lol

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Overloading her staff for a temporary 75 hps maybe, followed by a ‘‘recovery’’ period during which you can only heal for 25 hps. And maybe even at the cost of her self heal. That way good Mercy players can make a judgement on whether the team needs an emergency heal at the cost of reliability, or if the risk isn’t worth it.

I’d be welcome to something like that. What I’m really looking for is something that adds more decision making for her. While many players think Mercy doesn’t take ‘skill’ because of her lack of aiming; I love how her kit is completely based off decision making and, to me, that is the ‘skill’ of being a good Mercy and I’d love for them to add to that. I probably wouldn’t play Overwatch if it wasn’t for Mercy, I don’t even like shooters lol