👅 All the possible hero concepts for hero 29 I could find etc

(Top is most likely in my opinion, bottom is the other)


The Queen:


Leonora: (My Personal choice but still wip on Hero concept)

here’s a link that breaks down what Leonora is and character comes from. h ttps://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/8bki82/who_or_what_is_leonora_botruvio

Leonora could probably work like Mei but with Magnets possible like a Tank. (so sort of the opposite to Mei) (If we judge the art and how it works) (Don’t know yet how to define Leo’s Gender yet.)

(Defense matrix anchor tank/ Fortfity ult giver hero?)

(The rest provided by TheNow)

Lynx 17:




Others: Casino and H. Faisal; (no hero concepts found yet)

Edit: Also forgot about this concept I made over a month ago: 👻 idea for ghostly possession Support Hero (Anubis)

Edit: Hopefully we get some hints soon (we need them)

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I mean. I think its junkerqueen. If they started her development around the time of junkertown shed be done around this time. Now they can wait to release her and start on the next hero in the pipeline.

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Why a tongue on the title tho :thinking:

(I think it could be Maximilien tho)


She is a fan favorite, but not in the way for those who want more balance and tanks.

She could be a main tank, imagine the hype.

Sejuani from league style.

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She could be a bruiser

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Why indeed… maybe because this is just for fun fan theories.

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I’d adore a drone hero, especially if they had a bug theme. Imagine a support hero who controlled an area (put up barriers, dished out buffs/debuffs, not CC) via drones. Like we could legitimately have a non healing support if they could hold the area down good enough.


Was not even thinking about the bug theme… totally would be a thing. D. Va already has a bee skin. That is, if he is next.

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You mean would BEE a thing?
Jokes aside, this character would have me wild. (Especially if they were a cute boi)

We do need to “cover everyone interest here in the community.”

Looking at the gender ratio of heroes.

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Like doom fist, next hero will be an new hero that community ask for, jumkertown queen, they need one year to concept a hero, after results of baguette to help counter the dive, now is time to get a new hero what we want.

(sorry for bad English/grammar)

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If it the Queen, she will be the hero we want but didn’t deserve in my opinion. Aka I don’t think they will not make her balanced for the currently meta… aka just how Doomfist release went. (aka Niche)

Thanks dude xD whoever it is they better progress the damn story!

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Added an Support Hero Idea I had for Anubis last August.

I sort of liked my old idea for Maximilien. There are few numbers, though, because I don’t have a good grasp on what numbers would be balanced.
HP: 50 Health, 200 shields
• Arc Barrier (Passive): Maximilien constantly projects a barrier around himself, which extends in 75% of a circle around his body and has (maybe?) 800 HP.
• Ability 1: Barrier Projection — Maximilien shares his barrier with an ally. The ally gains a copy of Maximilien’s semi-circular barrier. The health of this projected barrier is shared with Maximilien’s. Maximilien can add his barrier to any number of allies, but the health pool is unified for all of them (damage to any one damages them all), and he must wait for the cooldown.
• Ability 2: Illusive Barrier — Maximilien sends a barrier in the direction he’s currently walking which projects a hologram of himself inside it. It lasts for several seconds. It will jump over small obstacles and turn if it hits a wall.
• Primary Fire: Maximilien shoots circles of light from his palm which expand as they travel outward, fading after 20 meters. These ripples repair allied barriers and shield health as they pass through them, including Maximilien’s, but deal half damage when doing so.
• Secondary Fire: Holding the secondary fire button charges it up. At low charge, a small circle of light extends just past Maximilien’s barrier, damaging everyone around him. As he charges it, the radius and the damage increase. At maximum charge, however, it uses his entire clip.
•Ultimate: Barrier Blossom — Maximilien’s barrier becomes spherical and extends outward, gaining three layers of decreasing size. In this state, the barrier damages enemies that come in contact with it. Each layer will explode if broken, dealing damage to nearby enemies.


Hopefully we will get some hints soon…(seriously we need some) (added a vid)