👿 Hero 29 Hint is late...... or not coming?

There was no new comic with lore bits, so no hint has been given for Hero 29.

So for now it’s a complete mystery unless he, she or it was already introduced to us.

But could be completely new, or not, we just have no idea for Hero 29 Hype Train.

Betting like last year they are just gonna have the hero introduce themselves on stage at Blizzcon in the beginning of November out of the blue.

It really could be anybody thinkable… so I think it’s best to avoid guessing, for false Hype trains.

Unless Blizz is willing to tell us something, like she, he or it has a hint in one of the maps or something similar.

(There is a likely comic coming but likely focused on Halloween stuff and seasonal comics never given such hints.) (edit comic not coming confirmed)

(Edit in response of below; Gonna say it’s BOWSETTE… After the last hero, BOWSETTE has a better chance of being next hero, as much as Max. No matter what else you say.

We literally have nothing.

Unlike Moira, there have been no real hints given by the devs.

Just ones we been making ourselves.)

Edit weeks later… 🛰 Sanjay chance to be Hero 29 highlight

Updated possiblities


Huh? We need to wait until closer to Blizzcon, big boi. Probably 2 weeks out, but we shall see. They did sort of just drop Moira on us after pretending to be stupid. They might want to repeat that for the “surprise.”


There is a queen of a junky town, that has been teased quite a bit.


Moira actually was hinted before her release. They added a Reaper voice line on Oasis saying he was meeting an old friend


and she appeared in the doomfist comic


Gonna say it’s BOWSETTE… After the last hero, BOWSETTE has a better chance of being next hero, as much as Max. No matter what else you say.

We literally have nothing.

Unlike Moira, there have been no real hints given by the devs.

Just ones we been making ourselves.


There’s a full image of the Junker Queen in the first ever Hammond emote reveal though…


We don’t need anymore rule 34.
There is enough.


Could say the same with Leonora and a lot of others possibilities.

November is when hero 29 is due to be revealed. We have seen multiple characters in comics by now. Moria was shown off in the same manner.


Blizzcon is five weeks away. Ain’t happening anytime soon.



Welcome to the Scrapyard!


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Clickable link for all!

Seriously the lore is everywhere at this point, it’s impossible to guess


(20 char)

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you only prove my point more

I think the next character will be someone who we know about name/look but dont know anything about him/her.

Like Moira and WB who were barely mentioned until their release.

I have 3 guesses:

  • Liao
  • Emre Sarioglu
  • Junker Queen

Before a Talon hero is released, Reaper always mentions the character ingame (Sombra, Doomfist, Moira). At this point we havent got one but it could be changed with the event patch.
(Maximilian, Sanjay, A surprise Talon Tank)

It could be a character who has a player model (or being mentioned) but we dont know much about him (Moira, Wrecking Ball)
(Maximilian, MEKA Squad members, Dae-Hyun, Liao, Emre)

But it also could be a character who was lore already before been made playable (Ana, Sombra, Doomfist, Brigitte, Hammond)
(Liao, Junker Queen, Emre, Maximilian, Sanjay, Lynx 17)


Need to add more Tanks / Supports.

Queen of Junkertown sounds like a good choice for either of those roles.

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They need to balance the heroes we have already before they introduce more.

  • Roadhog
  • Bastion
  • Mercy
  • Sym
  • Reaper’s awful shadowstep

These heroes need some major love and further balancing.