A Mercy Rework Concept (by a Mercy Main)

well to reduce her hp is just like reducing her uptime, i dont like the healing nerfs but hp reduce is a massive nerf rather than healing nerf

Well, yeah but like I said, there’s stuff to counter balance that making her uptime even higher if played right, like instantly healing for 100hp with 20 self hps for 5 seconds after, every 8 seconds with the ability to fly farther and faster, but I get what your saying

Dude, after this disaster of a nerfwork, I’m willing to try anything

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Oh welcome to OW you arrived 2.5 years late, a game where you can be countered or your hero is not the optimal pick 100% of the time…

Mercy was not suffering this for LONG LONG time swap to moira or ana when Mercy is not working

I do, I play all the supports, I’m just having fun and putting idea’s out there on ways Mercy could be fun and useful

Dont get me wrong, but I think Res is what should go to finally balance Mercy. It has been problem with balancing from the start, and if they just remove Res from game, they could actually make Mercy stronger on other areas.
I know its her signature thing, but yeah. I think we should look at the possibilities of balancing Mercy AND making her more fun to play by just remodeling her whole kit a bit.

I mean rez as an ability is overpowered, when mass rez was around there was counter play, at least there was until the Invincibility buff was applied which killed all counter-play but before that you could kill the mercy before she could get the rez, call it out and prepare for the incoming rez, kill her while rezing so they’re down a main healer, try and not use all ults in a team fight and use them when a rez comes in. It wasn’t OP as an ult (at the very start of the game) in fact it was underpowered with plenty of higher up players not picking her until she got her 9000 power Mercy rework, It’s a very strong ability, but as an ultimate it can be properly balanced, like you could have it bring people back at half health, or make them have a short slowing effect when there rezed.
it is a very powerful ability that can be hard to balance, but I personally don’t think It needs to be taken out of the game, it just needs to fixed

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Yes, I understand what you mean. I personally liked the very original Marcy. Either that, or just my memories have gained a golden covering. But anyway. The sad truth seems to be that Res is the thing that keeps her from being balanced. So thats why I think they should give a shot to some rework on her kit. With stronger abilities overall, but without Res.

Technically Mercy was balanced pre-rework. The only thing that excelled was her pick rate but that’s understandable since she’s a fan favourite hero and will be picked a lot. Her win rate was relatively the same pre-rework and was hovering around a 50% winrate. Which is how it should be… I don’t understand why people thought she wasn’t balanced back then… the reason behind her being reworked because ultimate Resurrect was an “unfun mechanic to play against.”

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It is basically infinite ammo.

Yeah I agree the re-work shouldn’t have happened, they could’ve like added an ability like they did with d.va or something but she was fine

Well, no not really you’ll actually be getting less shots unless you’re hitting head shots

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Sounds good if you take out Regenerations burst healing. I like that it heals herself a bit faster, but there needs to be one main healer with no burst healing capacity so that there are situations where the other 2 (Moira and Ana) are preferable.

The burst heal is a self burst heal, it doesn’t get applied to allies

Ah ok, I misread it. I still think the 100 instant is too much, it should be 50 or just the increased regen.

Damn, this looks so controversial, DPS Mercy. People will get tilted for DPS mercy and not healing.

i know, people aren’t fans :joy:

I don’t mind Valk as an ability. What i do mind is that it gets rid of one of her weaknesses which is being dependent on her team. I made a thread on how i would make her, i hope you enjoy!!

Well i mean it’s meant to help since in ‘this’ rework concept she has way less health which was traded for the extra mobility

Overall I really would like this in the game, I think it could make some really interesting support play