A Mercy Rework Concept (by a Mercy Main)

Thank you, I would too (though that’s a bit biased :smile:)

I actually like this idea. Valk as an ability (like it should have) and ressurect as an ULTIMATE with three charges!!! It would be better than mass rez and there won’t be so much drama about it… This current rework with 14 consecutive nerfs was trash!!!

I feel the same way, I hope the devs do something with her instead of leaving her in this current state

Honestly, they should’ve realized the rework was a failure and switched over to making mercy 3.0

The charge res ult idea is amazing, honestly one of the best suggestions I’ve heard.
I like most of the things you suggested (the regen on ammo sounds just like Mercy) but I think giving her a ability for self healing is a bit weird. I feel like many Mercy’s would use it and Valk and storm in trying to battle Mercy to often. I love Mercy’s passive regen already and can’t really imagine it as an ability.

Thank you :smile:, and yeah I could see that, I mainly have it there to help her with her health reduction so she has that little self burst heal when she really needs it, but yeah it could be clunky

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I think it may work if she kept the passive and had a little personal “amp it up” for that passive if she is getting focus fire. But idk

Oh, I like that idea actually, I might change it to that! :slight_smile:

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That actually is a cool idea

Yeah it definitely is :smile:

While I do think this is an interesting idea, there are a few criticisms I would like to make.

I feel like the health reduction is unnecessary as Mercy can be killed quite quickly already.

I think this is a cool idea, but I don’t think it’s really needed.

I don’t think the buffs to the Guardian Angel speed or range is needed.

I have thought about Valkyrie being an E ability, and I think it could be balanced, but it would still have the same problem as Valkyrie as an ult. IT IS NOT ENGAGING. And this nerfed version of Valk just lets you fly and gives you extra range on beams and ga. It’s even less engaging than our beloved spectator camera we have now.

This ability would be awful to play against. 7 seconds is WAY too long. The cooldown would probably need to be upped to like 10-12 seconds as well. With a 35hp/s regen that can’t be interrupted that pretty much makes her unkillable.

This is just a stripped down version of Mercy 1.0 resurrect. And that was underpowered until they gave her invulnerability. This would be even more underpowered.

Personally, I think Mercy just needs Res on Q with no invulnerability (instead having something like a 30% damage reduction), and with LOS bug fixes and a small cast time (say 0.8 seconds?) and for an E ability either something that cleanses debuffs and/or cc within 10 meters of mercy or a projectile that makes an enemy do 30% less damage before things like nano boost.

Saying she is one of the hardest heroes is subjective. Skill isn’t just aim, like all the toxic dps players say. Skill is also positioning, game sense and awareness, knowing when to heal or damage, managing cooldowns etc. Every hero has several unique aspects of ‘skill’

Thank you for the feedback, and I’ll make a few changes. However I do disagree with a few things said:
The GA movement buffs are there to make her faster, and harder to catch in a fight which goes along with another thing said, that the health reduction isn’t necessary. I put it there so that she could be a faster, harder to catch hero and it also allows for more counter play to a hero that the community feel doesn’t (or didn’t) have enough of, and for the regen and valk yeah I totally see what you’re saying I can see that being really stupid and boring to fight against. Now for the ult, I have another idea for rez that I’m gonna switch it out with, so you can check over that.
Thank you for the feedback I really appreciate you looking over it :blush:

Annnnnd you lost me. Wait, no, that actually doesn’t sound too bad. At least she would have to rez one at a time.

I figured people would like that way more than just insta 5 man rez :smile:, but I also did just make a few changes to Valk, Rez, Restore, and added a new passive :blush:

I like the changes you made to it, idk if that would be too powerful tho

Let’s also give her invisibility ,immorality and autism. Let’s just give the team with the mercy an insta win, they deserve it, they held left click hard enough to win and press a button to rez someone who a hanzo killed with a long range well placed headshot…
Mercy finally rewards the same skill you put into her, get over it.

first, there are nicer ways to respond to people
second, have you ever played Mercy or any support enough to understand that it’s not just a hold down a button hero.
Some heroes take more mechanical skill than others, some heroes take more game sense and an understanding of timing, ability usage, balancing, and juggling.
If you haven’t played a hero long enough in the competitive scene you shouldn’t talk down to people who play that hero and say that they’re brain dead, and no skill.
And all this was for was to put my idea out there for a healthier hero, so there was not even a need to be toxic.
Thank you very much

I disagree with the health nerf. Mercy is already a crosshair magnet, and I think 150 HP would make her way too easy to take down.

yeah, a lot of people have said that, but I put it there because of the faster movement, and the ability to boost her self heal as an ability, but I know it would make her easier to kill when her abilities are on cooldown, but I don’t think it would be as bad as everyone thinks