500 days since Bastion's nerf

Is still don’t understand why he would need any mobility restrictions in Tank mode though… Why would they need to limit his main mode so much?

I don’t think it was a problem early on (I didn’t really play Bastion then, I only started a month or so before his rework). Especially now that there’s a lot more to stop Bastion in Sentry mode like D.va’s DM being on a resource rather than a cool down, and Hanzo’s Spam Storm Arrows. And Orisa’s shield, that wasn’t in the game with old Bastion, he only ever had one shield to burn through, now he has more.

As long as they don’t put the turn restriction back in… with all of the mobility that’s been added to the game, that would kill him…

That’s a fair point, the ideas was to make his different modes more true to their name. Recon is for just that while tank mode has less verticality but has more speed. Maybe INCREASE mobility in recon mod with some kind of high jump or wall scaling? I think the general idea should be that his different modes should be useful

Im just spitballing ideas here mostly because as I said initially I think its his main kit that makes him a problem because rather than balancing his interactions its just mathematically balancing his numbers because thats all he has.

Is still think that if they want to go with that form of rework, they should do Tank on E.

Tank is for burst mobility (he has good vertical mobility, but limited ammo) and burst damage, Sentry is for high mid-range damage, Recon is for moving around and longer range sustained damage.

When it comes to Bastion, we have to spitball new ideas because we have discussed the life out of every other one.

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Bastion isn’t meant to be used in the state he was prior to him being more balanced overall, in fact I feel like he is a better Pharrah counter in his recon mode than any other dps, he holds a tighter shot group than 76 and he isn’t as unreliable as a McCree, the problem most people get stuck on is that “hes a turret” bull… hes actually a mobile turret, he works best if you kill and move like that of a sniper tactic and he also has a heal where he no longer needs to sit still to use which gives him more utility than other hit scan. If you are really having problems playing Bastion, it’s because you’re doing it wrong… sorry not sorry

He should be a mobile turret, but the rework kinda ruined that. Ironclad just encourages staying in one spot because of the damage resist, and that goes against what his kit should be. However, with his poor damage output in Sentry mode, he’s not even good when being used as a turret.

Saying he should use primarily Recon is also wrong though. At that point, you may as well use Soldier, because Soldier is just all around better… Better spread control, better DPS, smaller hitbox, smaller critbox, faster, team healing, better burst damage…

Recon is meant for long range sustained damage, Sentry is (supposed to be) meant for high medium range damage, and Tank mode is meant for mobility and extreme burst damage. I agree that he should be encouraged to use Recon to move around more, but not that Recon should be his main mode.

It’s not really our fault that his damage is pure RNG. We’re playing Bastion correctly, he’s just very weak. We have to stay in Sentry much longer than we should to be able to get the kill. Here’s a thread detailing his damage a bit more. At a mere 25 meters, I was already missing half of my shots on a stationary training bot (which is a much larger target than most heroes in the game) while not moving my mouse at all… That’s not my fault, that’s the character being extremely weak.

This right here. It’s ridiculous how they barely nerf certain characters, and by sheeeer coincidence, those are the characters that are the most popular.

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Actually, I’m going to put that in it’s own post instead of tacking it onto that one…

With Bastion’s current spread, it would have been better to have taken off 5 damage per bullet (going from 15 damage to 10 damage per bullet) and keep his spread and headshots (even without headshots, this is still true) than it would to rework his spread like they did. If they want him to do more damage to barriers, make him “headshot” them, or make him do 1.5x damage to them (this would bring him to the 450 DPS that he has now).

Even with 10 damage per bullet, he would do 300 DPS (600 with all headshots, but if that happens, that means the Bastion is most likely cheating), which is more than he currently does at 20 meters away from a target.

I’m not saying I want them to do this, but if given the option between this and the spread change they gave him, this one would be much more favorable.

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If it makes you feel better, it’s been 572 days since Pharah was buffed/touched/changed at all, and that change way back in Nov 2016 was just to have slightly better hovering efficiency

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Fair I suppose… But Pharah is in a fairly decent spot. She’s getting slowly power crept, but she’s pretty useful. Her ult is kinda sorta dumb because it holds her in place, but I’m pretty sure it’s the second highest DPS ult in the game (Roadhog is #1 I’m pretty sure because of his ability to headshot).

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lol mercy is in a really good spot right now

Slowly power crept? With the huge falloff buffs coming next patch, it’s really really fast. And yes her ult is sorta dumb, nothing in an FPS game should freeze you in place in open air for 4 seconds. The self harm from it is astronomically exponential over anyone else too. Ever tried to kill yourself with bastion’s ult? You literally can’t, even if you fire all shells point blank into a wall. Barrage takes approximately 0.75 seconds to suicide from

Yes it is 2nd highest dps ult but that is all wasted and it does TOO much damage, your targets die in the first second and you are left there as a sitting duck barraging empty ground like a dummy for the remainder of time waiting to die (and you usually do 90% of the time before finishing your voiceline)

Id kill to have ONE of bastion or McCrees ult benefits…moving while using, self healing, ability to cancel early, mapwide effectiveness, zero or minimal self harm splash damage, reloading your primary weapon after ult, etc

Yeah, this change will change things pretty quick, but it took a while to get here…

Yeah, being able to cancel her ult would definitely make sense, I don’t know why you can’t… Bastion can’t kill himself using only his ult, but I’ve definitely done it when killing someone because they were shooting me… He does 35 to himself, but he can’t kill himself because he only has 8 shots and they’re 1 per second. I think Pharah does 40 per rocket, but she has 40 million rockets per second, so it kills her really quick. I think a simple cancel button would be really nice for her…

Not trying to say that Pharah is fine right where she’s at, she can definitely use some work, I’m just saying that Bastion is really really bad where he’s at, and we’ve gotten 0 word from the devs about him…

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I don’t play much bastion, but when I try to, the main problem is that it’s in quickplay and tanks are virtually non-existent, and MAIN shield tanks (rein or orisa) are even rarer, so unless you have a tank to babysit you, you will simply set up, start firing, and all 6 enemies will simultaneously focus you down in 2 seconds, it doesn’t feel very nice

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Pretty much… Used to be less of a problem when he had the damage to defend himself, but now he can’t really do that, so you pretty much need a main tank on you at all times…

“nerf bastion”
said no one ever

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You’d be surprised… :frowning:

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Yeah, this bugs me. Bastion was the Sombra before Sombra. He was buffed pretty significantly, and given some compensation nerfs so he wasn’t too powerful. Turns out his buff was still too much, so they stripped it away without touching the compensation nerfs.

Why are compensation nerfs a thing? Why not just buff the hero less and avoid this whole mess?


All people wanted buff before the buff/nerf/bs was faster transform and heal while taking damage.

No one ever wanted rusty clad, there was NO IRON only salty tears from the haters that left him with his rusty clad as is now. We didn’t even care if he had to stop to heal, we didn’t even want the lower spread in sentry or the magazine increase. They added crap no one wanted! All everyone wanted was a stronger sentry.

Instead he is worse than torb’s turret.