✅ [MEI] Icewall Nerf for OWL



  • Can no longer target deployment locations through enemy barriers.

This would target Mei’s viability in OWL, without dumpstering her viability on ladder.

Similar to how Roadhog can’t Hook through barriers.
What if Mei was blocked from placing an Icewall behind a Reinhardt who has his barrier up. That the barrier blocked Icewall deployment locations the same way a brick wall would.

Would be just what’s needed to knock Mei down a bit in OWL/GM pickrate.
And overall make her feel “Less Oppressive” to barrier tanks on ladder.

NOTE, I didn’t originally think of this idea.
BarronOfSD did.


I think that’s a good way to make Mei fair, while still applying pressure at the choke.

It’s already kinda finicky to deploy ice wall through barriers because of how the targeting system works. I don’t really like this change.

Tbh it’s pretty easy. Just get it roughly where you want it, then jump.
That causes it to smoothly move backwards, then forwards.

And also this nerf is a lot less aggressive than other potential nerfs they could do.

I’ll admit to not being a Mei player, but that does sound like a pretty neat solution.

Great, make Rein even stronger than he already is. /s

Well, I’m working on an idea where they could buff single barrier, without making double barrier too strong.

Ideally all barrier tanks should be roughly equal value as single barrier tanks.

I liked it, that’s a good start.
Now we also gotta think about her not hard countering Dive tanks with her CC.

does nothing to her CC, does not lower her pick rate, does not affect meta.

she needs a hard nerf to allow the game to heal from how far she has warped it.

That part is easy.

✅ Nerf Mei Frost to be a Projectile

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I’d rather widen the pillars and make CD start on destruction rather than deployment but it’s an interesting idea. I just don’t like how it interacts with Reinhardt.

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But if they synergize, you will risk getting two single viable barriers in one the comp.

That’s why barriers are risky depending on the hero kit.

Sometimes it’s best to have two not single viable barriers than two viable ones on two synergizing kits.

It’d make her worse against deathball. Ice Wall trapping has always been really dumb.

Don’t worry, dive will come back.

Then just make it so barrierHP is one set of values with singlebarrier, and a smaller set of values with doublebarrier.

✅ If buffing Sigma and Orisa is the answer, - #16 by GreyFalcon-11737

That seems inconsistent somehow, but could work obviously.

I think a better idea would be shared barrier HP / regen rate, so when at least one barrier is up, there’s no regen going on for the other, you must get both down to regen it.

IDK I kind of feel like maybe she should just get reworked into an off tank instead of nerfing her wall and everything. Because if she stays a DPS I think she needs some substantial nerfs.

She already has 250 HP, a thicker hitbox, her ult is area denial, her kit is based on CC and area denial, wall helps her take or control or block off space and is basically a thick shield. She’s already pretty much an offtank, which is why the current OWL Meta is like mini-GOATS because Mei is like the third tank with how much sustain and space-control she brings.

She is also one of the few DPS who punishes tanks for moving forward and doing their job. Tanks are supposed to take space and make DPS leave said space, but Mei just walks forward, walls off tanks, freezes them, and iceblocks if she gets in trouble. She takes space from the space-taking role.

That gets to be difficult with a regen barrier and a cooldown barrier.

Yes, I also had this problem when I was thinking about it.
Edit: But if you come out with a solution for this shared HP idea, let me know.

Basically “current BarrierHP” if 2 barriers
Older pre-nerf barrier values if 1 barrier

And then 500hp brig barrier if no barrier tanks.

Make ice wall a neutral entity :clap:

Both teams can damage it. It forces the enemy team to hold off firing, the team can help free an ally behind a dead ally Mei wall and lessens Mei trolling by walling you off in spawn.