Experiment time?

321 is extreme?

oh i get it, change in the actual core game play, if competitive became 321 that would be major

I can kinda get why they want the short test times, getting a quick gauge of how it impacts the game and how the playerbase feels about it can tell them if they’ve got something, are on the right track, or need to go back to the drawing board.

I just work night shift and only have seven days off next month, so fast testing just doesn’t mesh for me.


I’m not talking solely about bastion, Sombra and Mei will make it pretty much unplayable for all tanks except Orisa if this goes live in its current state.

The few matches I’ve had that didn’t contain Widow, Reaper, Mei and or Sombra have surprisingly been pretty fun, but those heroes pretty much completely ruin the tanking experience as it is.

Unplayable? No.
Hard? Yes.

Small tweaks could be needed but even then, small tweaks would go over well in the community.

Make Mei only freeze through one target, maybe reduce her ammo some, things like that.

Give the proper tweaks and you will get positive feedback than negative. It’s that simple. Orisa and Sigma going to need some loving for being main tanks. Some dps heroes going to need some tweaking if they’re to survive Genji and Tracer harassment or the snipers. Symmetra and Junkrat’s projectile size being reverted.

You want positive feedback. Give the right proper tweaks that’ll do justice to the game.

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I see what you’re doing there Jeff :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wish he’d reply to my Mercy posts… Or at least the question of ‘What is the deal with Mercy?’

Hear that, Jeff? Please? Some sort of insight? Don’t mean to sound like a b**tch, but it’d be nice to have something said about her.


Mercy and Bastion deserve some respect… it’s been years.

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Yeah, but a lot of players still don’t like it and they’ve tried it, especially support mains, some of whom didn’t think they had a stake at first.

We kinda do have qp classic for that but if you think so than sure, why not?

That’s basically the same as asking if any reworks are planned.

I think its short too. I don’t know what they mean by prime times


i’m enjoying it, i can’t tell if it’s the vocal minority that is so negative.
i would like this to stay in arcade at least =/

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Please take note how strong Mei during this.


It’s a little more specific… asking if the most neglected heroes might benefit from the new experimental card, is an inevitable question. One that should not be so blatantly ignored.


At this point, it’s just Moth meta ptsd. If you run a Mercy, the effort you put in is not worth the value that comes out. She’s not difficult to use, but she doesn’t do much of anything. She needs some powershifting, not just flat out buffs, maybe a slight rework.

And Bastion just needs to be reworked. Nothing else to say on that one. His whole kit if flawed, and he has the same problem with Mercy: for the effort you put in, you don’t get enough out.

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Jeff, any chance we can get a better Visual Indicator for Inspire and Repair Pack? You barley see it on both sides.

It’s really bad for enemy DPS and also for her own team. At least my opinion.

Would it have many negative points adding this? I don’t think so.

My suggestion would be an aura around the players affected on the floor.


Would be nice if we had a way to read the changes in game before testing. A simple info button that open up a text window with the changes. It seems easy but idk if it really is.


I get it dog but if he wanted to talk about reworks, he could make a thread about it.

Wish he would.

I never said reworks.
I said experimental changes.

They basically reworked the Tanks in one sweeping change on the card, how hard would some DPS tweaks be?
Hell, they gave Hog an AOE heal… Bastion’s tweaks would mostly be numbers.

to be fair for jeff, he is probably just finishing up work and just wants to relax

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i love this update. please make it go live. thank you sir jeff

I see what you did there.