✅ Mei, 350hp, 100selfheal, 10sec wall

Similar to the previous thread, where the idea is to move Mei to the Tank Role.

But here we have some decent balance changes to go along with moving her from one role to the next.


Hero Role

  • Moved to the Tank Role, away from the Damage Role.


  • Increased to 350hp, up from 250hp.

Cryo-Freeze (Iceblock)

  • Self-healing reduced to 100hp, down from 150hp.

Ice Wall

  • Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds, down from 13 seconds.

All told, the idea here is to make her into an actual Tank. Instead of having her consistently be used in OWL as a “Third Tank”.

The increase in HP gives her more resistance to Snipers. While the reduced selfheal tempers that a bit, by making her not quite as unkillable in 1v1’s that don’t involve insta-kills.

Should also marginally improve DPS queue times. As a lot of DPS will use her. But unlike a lot of other offtanks she can block a lot of ultimates, and give your entire team a strong positioning advantage.


ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, no.


Dude, stop spamming about her being swapped into tank role, it’s not going to happen.


I love this idea! Though her damage would definitely need to be nerfed…

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Grey am I going to need to get the spray bottle again?

You leave Mei alone! Bad Gray! That’s a bad Gray!


You do realize I suggested stuff really similar to her last 4 nerfs, right?

And they were all relatively obscure technical changes.

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They aren’t going to leave her alone until she’s F tier as long as she’s a dps though


I think if her ice block size was a little bit larger for more blocking and she had some damage adjustments then this could definitely work out. Would much rather have 400HP though.

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Moving her is much preferable to dumpstering her because then tank players get to have another selection.


They have no idea what it would take to make her a tank. She would be 100% better and far more lethal to dps and tanks alike if she was made into a tank.

The thing would be that she’d also need to be an OT non-barrier user which would just add to the the barrierless team comps people hate so much.


Yep, she can’t be a tank, and have snipers one shot her.
She needs to be a little more thicc as well


when the enemy swaps sides

You do realize that im not gonna take anything you say seriously till you actually come up with an idea that’s not gonna make her into F-tier or her being swapped into tank role, which she’s def not.

She’s dps regardless of how many threads you’d spam about you wanting her to be swapped into tank role…


Why nerf her self heal if she becomes a tank? At only 350 hp, I feel, if anything, a buff to it would not be the end of the world.


I think you’re misunderstanding my intentions. I have over 60 hours on Mei.

And what with this current nerf after 4 nerfs probably set to do… Nothing… to affect her OWL pickrate.

Moving her to the Tank Role is preferable to watching her get nerfed below Bastion tier.



True… I didn’t get that either…
What if, instead ice block became more of a tanking move? Make it a little bigger or something, rather than have it self heal.


I have 200 hours on Mei and making her a tank would be the worst idea ever.

I mean i got like around 320 hrs on Wb, 200 hr RH, 180 on Orisa, 120 on Rein, 80 on Winston, 40 on Sigma, and 20 on D.Va

So at least over 1k hours on tanks. Mei is not a tank and to make her one would require just making an entirely new hero.

I could give a rats as about OWL and I hate it so much for ruining so many good things in this game.

2-2-2 gave Mei’s wall so much more value and OWL caught on how amazing it was with people with near perfect coordination.


Sadly, the devs do though.
They’ll nerf her till she’s unplayable in OWL, Which means rock bottom of F tier for ladder.

She’s at least much more tanky than roadhog.

I actually disagree with you on this one. This last nerf I feel like is the straw that breaks the camel’s back because it removes her ability to freeze + double headshot which is really crucial for her damage output.


I mean yeah, I basically came up with the idea.
Give Mei projectile drop - #16 by GreyFalcon-11737

But now that it’s on Live, I’m still doubting it will be enough for OWL.

So I’m skipping ahead a few steps down the nerf path, and thinking it would be better to avoid that path entirely.

Since sure I can toss out nerf ideas easily.

For instance, can’t deploy wall locations through enemy barriers.
Or give a 50% damage resistance buff to enemies that are frozen.

There are tons of nerfs they could do, but OWL is primarily using her for her wall traps, and her self sustain.

And you’d practically need to delete the hero entirely if you got rid of those.