[✅] 2x Widow headshot, 2.5x full charge

I didn’t think of this idea, but I think it’s pretty smart. Dysvalence did.


Widow’s Kiss (Zoomed In)

  • Headshots deal 2.0x damage for 0-99% charge.
  • At 100% charge Headshot multiplier is increased to 2.5x.

Has the effect of increasing the charge needed for a 200hp kill from 63% to 86%.

Which should go a good way towards reducing how oppressive Widowmaker is when barriers aren’t up 24/7.


And if they want to go one step further.

Throw in something like this, to drop those boosted Ashe headshots down too.


150 hp.


I mean if they where going that route, 175hp would make more sense.

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I just want it to where widow can’t just sit 80 feet in the back one shotting everyone, and then even IF someone gets there she’ll just grapple away to a better position.

Not to mention you have to invest abilities just to reach the places she’s at most of the time, so you’ll be left with nothing to chase her down with.

I also don’t like being forced into a game of hide and seek. You either hide or you peek and get instantly one shotted by the widowmaker.

I have stopped playing on my main for this exact reason. In masters and above it seems like. You need a better widow or you lose. Atleast that’s how it’s been for every single one of my ranked games this season so far.

I can confidently say after being in metas with sombra, mei, and even bunker bastion. No one ruins the game like widowmaker does.


biggest problem with widow at the moment is the fact that she doesn’t even die if she gets dived because of how her grapple so I definitely agree with the 150hp.

She’s only able to sit back that far because flankers and dive heroes are in such a rough spot. Not to mention people don’t dive properly.

Exactly. Even WITH 150 hp she’ll probably still be difficult to kill. A widow sitting at the back, you have to get through her entire frontlining team first, than use abilities to get to her little highground, then she just grapples away if you don’t basically melt her in under a second, and now she has positional advantage over you and you just can’t do anything… again.

We bring up dive heroes being sht so often when talking about widow. but never realized even when dive was going on, widow was still used.

Proof is in OWL season 1. It was dive, and even then you would always be seeing insane widowmaker plays.

Heh, well, they could make it so that her Grapple has like a 2sec cast-time.

When she had an 8 second grapple and faster charge. Which she was given because she wasn’t used when dive was used.

Good ideas here…not

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So did I hallucinate all the games I went through during dive where widow as played? and owl season 1?

She didn’t see that much use on ladder, so I guess you were remembering the OWL matches you watched.

She wouldn’t have been buffed so hard - 12s to 8 second grappled and Venom Mine made to do something, significant charge rate buff - if she was really that amazing.

With the self slow on scope it’s really not. She’d lose to 76 at range and absolutely get nuked by Pharmercy or boosted Hanzo. I’m pretty sure there’s a Zen breakpoint somewhere too.

The way I see it, we’ve had 2.5 years of compositions taking to the extremes to avoid as much potential sightlines for Widow as possible.

And that if the devs want DoubleOffTank to not be a throw comp, they are going to have to make it so that such extreme hyper-vigilance about barriers isn’t needed.


For the record, this is the relevant half of the post in which I suggest it:

What about giving the “blink” arrows a use for her?

1 arrow charge - 1.75x headshot charge
2 arrow charge - 2x
3 arrow charge - 2.25x

Or something like that

This is all if she doesn’t bang a headshot.

The way I see it, is they introduced 2-2-2 and Sigma without a real idea of how they’d progress from there. They were, and still are, trying to fix the mess they made with Brig and compounded the issue with those massive changes.

Most of the roster is built and designed for a game in which neither 2-2-2 nor Brig existed to counter the compositions in which they’re usually run.

They made over ambitious changes and attempts to fix a game that simply wasn’t made for them. And while they could and should be using this time with no new additions to really nail things down in order to adjust - they’re just using balance as a pseudo-banning tool and creating ever more problems in the process.

The ship is running aground and rather than slamming on the breaks they’re arguing on the bridge about how to rearrange the deck chairs.

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I mean, that part isn’t that hard.

  1. Reduce the self-peel/peel on Orisa/Sigma. And buff their barriers. (Fill in the gaps with more Lethality)
  2. Reduce the peel on Mei/Brig (Or make them Tanks).
  3. Buff Dive
  4. If needed, buff the Peel on OffTanks.

I agree. It shouldn’t be. They need to at least give Sigma a cost of wasting shield uptime in exactly the same way Orisa is punished for wasting the cooldown or Rein isn’t allowed to attack.

If he can waste his shield, then he’s in a position where it hurts his synergy of being played with another barrier. Make it drain from simply being up, same as DM or put a longer cooldown on re-placing it, so it’s just not desirable to have both active together.

Instead he seems to have been built with the express purpose of having this double barrier synergy and it’s something they specifically don’t want to pull back from. But as long as there is literally no downside to him spamming barrier, he’s always going to promote this kind of play.