Game will be a lot more fun if Widowmaker didn't exist

Just saying. She sucks the fun out of a game


It’s fun for the Widowmaker

Meh, there are way less fun characters to deal with, like Mei or Sombra. I’d much sooner fight a Widow.

Well, if they did something like this, then sniping would be less of a problem.

Throw in something like this, to drop those boosted Ashe headshots down too.

But why though? That remains the question

To make it so that a Barrier helps, but a Barrier isn’t required to win.

Aka. What Scott Mercer said:

It would be a lot more fun if the dev team was replaced.

The player base sucks the fun out of a game :neutral_face:

A barrier isn’t required to win though

What do you think people have been complaining about recently? Hog certainly doesn’t have a barrier, neither does Zarya. And yet?