WoW classes in HotS

I wanted to write what would WoW classes and specs look like in HotS. What would be their role, and if they’re already present. Out of boredom, I guess.


  • Arms - Bruiser;
  • Fury - Bruiser;
  • Protection - Tank;

Varian, Garrosh and Muradin are all warriors, but none of them fit any spec really.


  • Beastmaster - Bruiser; (Rexxar)
  • Marksmanship - Ranged Assassin;
  • Survival - Melee Assassin;


  • Assassination - Melee Assassin;
  • Outlaw - Melee Assassin;
  • Subtlety - Melee Assassin; (Valeera)


  • Holy - Healer; (Uther)
  • Protection - Tank;
  • Retribution - Bruiser; (Yrel)


  • Frost - Ranged Assassin; (Jaina)
  • Fire - Ranged Assassin; (Kael’thas)
  • Arcane - Ranged Assassin;


  • Affliction - Ranged Assassin; (Gul’dan)
  • Demonology - Bruiser;
  • Destruction - Ranged Assassin; (Gul’dan)

Gul’dan is a combination of Affliction and Destruction Warlock.


  • Holy - Healer; (Anduin)
  • Discipline - Healer; (Whitemane)
  • Shadow - Ranged Assassin; (Gall)


  • Elemental - Ranged Assassin; (Thrall)
  • Enhancement - Bruiser; (Thrall, Rehgar)
  • Restoration - Healer; (Rehgar)

Thrall is a combination of Enhancement and Elemental Shaman and Rehgar of Enhancement and Restoration Shaman.


  • Balance - Ranged Assassin;
  • Feral - Melee Assassin;
  • Guardian - Tank;
  • Restoration - Healer; (Malfurion)

Death Knight:

  • Blood - Tank; (Arthas)
  • Frost - Bruiser; (Arthas)
  • Unholy - Bruiser; (Arthas)

While he doesn’t fit any spec Arthas is a weird combination of all three.


  • Brewmaster - Tank; (Chen)
  • Mistweaver - Healer; (Li Li)
  • Windwalker - Melee Assassin; (Chen)

Again, while not fitting any spec, Chen is a weird combination of Brewmaster and Windwalker Monk.

Demon Hunter:

  • Havoc - Melee Assassin; (Illidan)
  • Vengeance - Tank;
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Hanzo is basically a marksmanship hunter.
li ming is an arcane mage.
Valeera is all 3 rogue specs
Varian is a warrior (his multispec matches exactly all 3 warriors specs)


No supports😭 that’s why devs pulled the plug on new supports

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Wrong. Marksmanship Hunter isn’t just “Shoots people”. Raynor even technically fits the Marksmanship Hunter playstyle more than Hanzo which shows exactly how little you know.

Where’s the mana mechanics? Where’s the big purple explosions?

At best she’s subtlety, Assassination’s emphasis is poisons and bleeds, and Combat/Outlaw plays nothing like the way she does.

And leaves all of the most iconic abilities of each spec and the core playstyles untouched and in perfect condition for adding another hero to each, especially considering the sheer number of iconic warrior characters in WoW.

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Yrel is protection paladin. She was originally intended to be a tank, yes she ended as good bruiser, but she definitely isn’t retri pala.

The problem is Wow Arcane Mage is way to similar to Diablo Wizard.

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Then making a Wizard was a mistake.

And again, where’s the Mana-centric mechanics? Mana control and burn/maintain cycles are core to Arcane gameplay. It’d be like having Frost Mage without some variation on the freeze/shatter mechanic or a Survival Hunter without the traps.

Devs said mana burn mechanic will never be added.


Varian literally covers all three specs as his gimmick.

Rexxar is called a beastmaster, but mechanically he’s more like survival.

Also Sylvanas would be Marksman.

Gal is a warlock, not a priest.

Yrel wields a 2 handed weapon rather than a 1 handed weapon and shield. She’s Retribution.

Yeah and still her playstyle isn’t only about Retribution, it’s more mixed between Retri and Prot. Like Uther in this talents and playstyle is kinda all three paladin roles at once.


Then they made a mistake. Mana exists for more than just a half-baked way to limit heroes casting. Having damage based off mana is a core part of the Arcane Mage playstyle, if not the core part.

Survival is melee and Rexxar isn’t.

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We may not like it, but Varian is likely to be the only Warrior representation we get. He posesses the most iconic single traits of each spec (taunt/shield, dual wield, CS/2h) despite his playstyle matching none of them beyond that. Arms in particular will never get another hero because CS is taken, but the other two are also likely to be stuck with him.

The best we can hope for if we want more Warrior-like gameplay is a Varian rework which sees him move away from using mana in exchange for a rage mechanic and maybe another Warrior ability or two.

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True, but Ming is an representant of the diablo universe, not wow. I guess Arcane mages in diablo don’t have mana burn, that’s why Ming don’t has it. I see no mistake here. And still their playstlye as someone mentioned is a bit similar.


Sonya says “Hi!”


Isn’t Sonya kinda like a fury Warrior? :thinking:


And that’s precisely the point. Ming cannot fulfill the fantasy of being an Arcane Mage in a MOBA.

I’ve always wanted a shapeshifting druid, Qiana Moonshadow / Thisalee Crow, and I always imagined her as a “multipurpose” hero:

Can heal baseline, but can transform and become a tank, or a dd.
This concept is from before Anduin’s time, so back when I suggested this design, her Q wasn’t the same as Anduin’s Q, as he wasn’t in the nexus. And it was also before Deathwing, so her ultimate isn’t a rip-off from him either.

Sonya is a Diablo hero. I’m only entertaining Warcraft heroes which possess abilities directly out of WoW, as I thought this was about WoW class representation.

What she has in common with a WoW Fury Warrior she has indirectly via Diablo, since they were made by the same company and the Warrior classes in both games share certain mechanics, like Whirlwind and a Rage meter.

I can definitely see a Warrior kit without Csmash, as iconic as that move is. Might as well take the Pre-TBC moveset and go with Slam/Mortal Strike, Cleave, Sunder Armor, and Intercept. Add an Execute Ultimate that “pops off” (so, more of a fitting “Culling Blade” than Go for the Throat), and Battle Shout or Recklessness as the other ultimate.

Boom. Arms kit done. Attach it to Saurfang. Next one?

Just because she’s an Diablo hero doesn’t mean there aren’t similarities, because Moba heroes cannot fully represent their OG classes from other franchises, esp. WoW which is way more complex. A mage in WoW is more than arcane, fire or frost… But still you can make short comparisons.

And Sonya is comparable to fury warriors like Ming to arcane mage, even it is not detailed. but a short image.

Why be so self-limiting?

Muradin has a number of Prot abilities if you insist on being unnecessarily restrictive.

Personally, I find a ton of cross-over between Diablo and Warcraft classes and abilities, such as Johanna having a number of Prot pally abilities. This is much nicer than having an absurd glut of WC/WoW heroes.