Would HOTS want a pair of heroes that have special interactions with each other?

We have Chogall for 2 people in one body, but I’m referring to two separate heroes who complement each other’s kits. Since HOTS is a team game, I’m willing to say this would probably be liked

The inspiration for this idea would be Rakan and Xayah from LoL. An example of special interaction would be one of the duo could start recalling, and the second hero could recall with the first hero while cutting their recall time based off the first hero recalling. This would allow a waveclearer to clear the wave and get back to base faster to heal than recalling themselves after clearing the wave. Rakan: Lover’s Leap (Special Recall) - YouTube
A really nasty trick in HOTS with our thin walls would be recalling if you see your teammate in trouble, and then they latch on right before you warp back. This would save the duo partner as seen at 1:35. INSTANT RECALL TRICK? Xayah & Rakan Wall Recall! (Tips & Tricks) - YouTube

There are other interactions such as increased range on one or more moves when they’re in range of each other, and other bonus effects from the duo being near each other. This isn’t even going into how the heroes would be different roles so their kits would naturally cover for each other’s weaknesses.

Now I can guess one of the questions the forum would have is: “What if one is picked but not the other?” It is true that the total power of the one hero picked is weaker than if someone else chose the duo partner, but the kit should be balanced to be viable without the duo partner. An equivalent would be with the duo partner, they’re A to S-tier power if the players work well together and both are picked, but B-tier if they’re not both picked in a match.

I do rage when I see one picked without the other on my team as there would have been a better solo pick, but I have to get over that players will pick what they pick. Having a pair of heroes that had special interactions with each other would allow coordinated teams to have stronger output.

Too vague of a concept atm to shoot down or support. Theyd have to add 2 characters which i dont see them being able to do and im not a fan of adding this mechanic to old characters (apart from cosmetics like varian/anduin pull).
If they made it balanced and lore friendly i assume hots players would think its cool.

Also protip when pitching an idea dont ever say lol. Many of us have played it and chose hots for a reason. We aren’t fans of that community, that lore, and that gameplay. Most of us at least.

Judge the idea, not the origins of the idea. If you can’t be impartial, then that’s up to you to look at an idea from a fair view

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I did! But keep in mind presentation is at least half the battle when it comes to convincing people to adopt your ideas. This community is very hostile to lol pitches.

I think a duo of heroes who can only be picked together would be neat. Would be a great way to experiment with ways for a hero to cc or other wise manipulate their own team sense youd be playing with a friend instead of a random dude.

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Unless HOTS devs code it so they can’t be used individually, they may end up being by themselves. That’s why I wrote those heroes must be viable by themselves (B-tier) but if in the right comp (together) they skyrocket in effectiveness but not in a too game-breaking way.

In QM you might be able to code it to be like Cho’gall where you can’t pick just one before queuing so yeah, it’d work there. In ranked though you’d have to pick them in the same pick phase like Chogall? This could be discussed whether or not they should be allowed to play separately or not. They’re not like Cho and Gall where they absolutely rely on each other to move/attack.

seriously, “how, here is how two heroes can work together as a special duo”. Who cares what game it’s from.

It isn’t a “Hey if HotS had individual experience and you couldn’t deny experience and had two different bosses in each map it would be more popular, like LoL!”

If there was an example of something cool in some random terrible sports franchise that could be adapted to work in HotS and be cool, WHO CARES THE SOURCE?

Especially not when the OP is Tooton, who to my knowledge, just tries to challenge the norms/undestand things better. There is no malice or wanting to change everything “because” in their posts.

I disagree with plenty of what they post, but trying to drive away something because they dare so even mention another game is silly.

they certainly can do that, but I think it would make it impossible to balance them.

if you’re forcing them together in QM, to me you would force them together all the time?

Also because it would be funny and probably good for qm overall… make them a tank and healer hah! :wink:

League balances the duo separately, but if HOTS wants to go the Cho’gall route, I won’t say no. Viable separate, but more powerful effects when together

huh, actually now i have a wild “multi-class” idea in my mind because of this.

As in, say, the tank is a bruiser when alone, but becomes a tank when both are played.

And the other is more of a “support” who becomes a healer when both on the same team.

But i think that would be way to much.

back on topic: I think they would balance them together. And maybe throw on a % buff to some things to make them not-bad solo.

Balance them together as in forcing both to be selected in the same pick phase in ranked, and must be together in a premade party? Or for quick match could one person queue and chance not ending up with its duo?

as in balanced around them both being on the same team.

Because balancing both solo and together performance is probably very time intensive to make sure pair isn’t OP, but solo is not to weak.

But because making pair balanced means solo is weak, they throw a simple buff to make them not to weak.

Like say solo they both get +10% to their hp and damage.

Ashe and BOB. They would be so perfect as a duo hero. I’ve wanted BOB to be playable since they showed him at Blizzcon.

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It’d break tradition of HOTS to change an OW hero’s ult but I guess Ashe and BOB could work. From a 1 minute search their relationship seems more master + servant instead of lovebird equals but the duo heroes don’t have to copy the lovebird equal power dynamic archetype, especially if they’re only allowed to be one same team and not by themselves

I have a concept idea for Twin Emperor’s (Anh’Qiraq, WoW) that’s been floating around in my head. Maybe someday I’ll post it. But basically, they have to be picked together.

I’m on board with the idea.

If we get ~75% of the boards to write the “approved” stamp, then I can share on reddit and see if they want it too

As long as they can be picked separately (and aren’t total trash), I’d be fine with it.

Oop gotta talk with Planar

even if you were to only go by the latest stickied topic (Feedback thread) as an estimation of the forum populace, that’s still over 5000.

5000 people aren’t going to ‘approve’ anything that doesn’t have a blizz dev not on it: they don’t care.

Reddit is a separate context from the forums and generally doesn’t have the same sort of reactions, interest, and so on.


People have made lists of this sort of notion before, but they were particular to blizz heroes as a way to foster how the interactions will either be dependent on each other, or (if not a forced pick) how they would work a apart.

If synergies aren’t more specific in effect, then it’s really not all that different from someone picking Medic; she’s a lot ‘lower a tier’ a hero if she doesn’t have a pick for “special interactions” with her heroics.

Without little else than vague suggestions on the idea, then its not a “75% approval” because concept and names aren’t really all that unique and need more substance or specifics to engage audiences.

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Whelp that means the devs already know about it. GG as always. It’s in their hands to guide the game development