New Dual Payer Hero Sudgestions

Hey Heroes,

I want to hear everyone’s ideas and suggestions for a new dual payer hero similar to Cho’Gall. I’ve loved playing Cho’Gall with a buddy since they came out and always thought the 2 player idea was great. I’ve been been wanting another Hero/Heroes possibility for a while now.

My idea would be to have a Demonology Warlock from WoW where one player is the Warlock with his spells and the other are his demon summons. Could almost play as a multi-class since each of the demons play a different role. Ults could be summoning an Infernal or Doomguard. Mount could be the Dreadsteed, unique to only the Warlock.

I was thinking this concept could work with Karax from StarCraft as well. However here he plays more of a support role but can phase in units controlled by the other player.

Let me know your ideas Heroes!

We actually had a dual hero Concept Design Contest that happened a few months ago: CDC #8 - Double Trouble

Other than those, here is a list of the concepts that were passed around:

  • Twin Emperors
  • Twin Val’kyr
  • Han and Horner
  • Falric and Marwyn
  • Skarvald and Dalronn
  • Aysa and Ji
  • Thassarian and Koltira
  • Theralion and Valiona
  • Twin Mogu
  • Fuegen and Stalagg
  • Rakanishu and Bishibob
  • Clever Ashyo and Ken-Ken
  • Millhouse and Millificent Manastorm
  • Lora Crowley and Tess Greymane
  • Jadefire Masters
  • Onyxia and Nefarion
  • Rastakhan (or Talanji) and Bwonsamdi
  • Akama and his Shade
  • Will of the Emporer
  • Rotface and Festergut
  • Sully and Amber
  • Archon
  • Durotan and Draka
  • Alleria and Turalyon

Ashe and BOB would be so perfect as a dual hero.


This is more an Aba-hat idea than a Cho’Gall, but I came up with an idea for Ysera. I never got around to fleshing out a hero concept, but basically her trait would be swapping between the dream world and the real world.

When she’s in the dream world, she picks an ally hero anywhere on the map to “attach” to. The hero gains a buff, mana regen, and an extra ability that synergizes with Ysera (think rune bomb). When she’s in the real world, she’s in dragon form (slightly smaller than Alex) and one of her abilities is an AoE dragon breath that puts everyone to sleep.