Who's hyped for Hogger Teaser tomorrow.... not many I imagine

In what will probably be the most anti-climactic teaser for HOTS ever

We’ll probably get the Hogger teaser tomorrow since next week is the last week of the season, so PTR monday or Tuesday to have Hogger coincide with shadow lands release and new season of hots :yawning_face:

I’m excited for any new content. You should be too.


Hogger has routinely been one of the regular requests for new heroes, according to the Reddit polls, so I doubt I am the only one looking forward to him. I hope he is a melee assassin, as we could use more of those in the game. And yeah, I agree with MurlocAggroB in that I can’t really be unhappy about new content, even if it isn’t Reinhardt.


Im super ready for hogger. Hots needs more silly heroes.
even if its another warcraft hero


Hogger maybe isn’t such a well-known hero or beloved, whatsoever it is a new hero, and it will spice things up.

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That is extremely debatable. They replaced The Lich King with Hogger during a live raid at Blizzcon, and the raid team wiped. There’s a stat tracker in WoW counting the number of times Hogger killed you. People used to form Raid Groups of level 1 Gnomes and take on Hogger.

Even Kael’thas can’t help but misquote his aggro sound. That’s how famous he is.


Whatsoever. Should have put “might be”.

Heck yeah I’m excited. I’m excited for how many players are gonna come back (briefly or not) after a new hero is announced!

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if you don’t know who hogger is, then you ain’t OG Blizzard fan. Hogger is kiiiinda a big deal :expressionless:


Hogger or no Hogger we are close to a new hero. Which is something to be excited for.

If it does happen to be Hogger I see nothing wrong with that. He could be a fun new hero.


I am not excited for another WC hero.


I always get hyped for a new hero. He’s a bit of a legendary meme in WoW to the point even I know about him and never touched WoW.

I still don’t understand why people are so… pathetic when it comes to be released a new Warcraft hero. But I understand one of the reasons behind it — you don’t know the Warcraft lore.

You wanted so much Deathwing - devs launched him for you. You’ve played him for 1 month and then you threw him to the forgotten heroes. You’re back to your old heroes.

You were also impressed about Mei release and loved her - barely if I’m playing with a Mei or against her in 1 of 20 matches that I’m playing.

Speaking about Hogger, he is a great character. No, he is not a kobold (I’ve seen a lot of people confusing him with a kobold, which is blowing my mind off). No, he is not just a gnoll. He is the king of gnolls. Veteran World of Warcraft players know that I’m talking about.

Let’s not release Overwatch heroes just because you’re playing too much pew-pew.

A lot of players are confusing Heroes of the Storm with a mini-FPS game.

And now you don’t want Hogger, after so many threads where you asked for him. What a tragedy.

Well, that’s lame! :frowning:

Couldn’t care less about Hogger, especially cause there’s dozen Warcraft heroes needing to be added. I’d give a 1000 Hoggers for Vol’jin, Lady Vashj, Lor’themar, Mekkatorque, Khadgar etc…

Not to even mention that Winston and Reinhardt haven’t been added. (and most probably won’t be)

Isnt he just another illidan with glaives, but with a troll model and shadow thingy instead of demonic power? Im curious what his abilities would be.

I can see that as a medivh skin, but not really as a hero.

I would LOVE to have reinhart in hots :sunglasses:
Sombra too , shes awesome !


If it becomes a warcraft assassin im automaticly not interested. Its 2 things the game needs less of. If its a bruiser/healer/tank/support. Then sure, i can accept it being warcraft. But otherwise, i rather do not see the hero at all.

Even if its a melee assassin (which we dont have that many of) i realy wont care. The issue is simply that its an assassin melee or not barely matters. We have qhira… a hero that to me shouldnt even exist, which for a melee hero doesnt even feel that much like one either.


Haven’t played Warcraft 3, have you?
No, not a single simmilarity. He’s a Shadow Hunter, a ranged healer and support.

Maybe, however as I mentioned on my topic (linking cause I can :stuck_out_tongue: WoW classes in HotS) way back, we have a frost mage (Jaina), we have a fire mage (Keal), so we need an arcane mage, and either Khadgar or Rhonin would be best for that role.
I’ve made a hero concept, linkin it cause I can :stuck_out_tongue: ([HC] Rhonin, the Archmage of the Kirin Tor)

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Will read it later, but isnt medivh arcane? He has the Q, the shield and ley line.

No, he’s a support, while Arcane mages are the burstiest assiassins of any WoW class and spec. Also, he lacks the signature Arcane Charge mechanics. Same goes for Li Ming. (don’tt have to read it, I just linked them for I don’t know what reason)