Who's hyped for Hogger Teaser tomorrow.... not many I imagine

Um, Samuro’s E, Malfurion’s R.

Why tho? She has pretty fun and unique gameplay, and she is pretty weak if you know how to play against her.

Hogger is among my most anticipated Heroes, I’m really hoping it’s him.
I always loved gnolls.


I certainly am not excited :stuck_out_tongue:
One might think that we should cherish every hero we get, but I kind a lost hope when the hero release rate was killed. It makes little to no difference if we’re getting 0 or 2 heroes per year. I was a lot more excited for hero releases back when we were getting 15 heroes per year.

I’m sorry if you could help me a bit, your post confuses me, so do you like having Gnoll as a new hero or not?

Well it’s not Overmind but content is content. Not excited for the hero itself, but maybe the skins and mounts are cool.

The issue is that even for a Hots unique hero, her lore is that horrible she isnt worthy at all. Orpheas lore is limited, but its there, and that lore is connected to a significant part.
There is nothing positive about qhira to me. Not even that she was added as hero, as it could have been a diffirent one instead.

Fun is also very dependant on the person (i find her boring to play), and unique… it could be very likely that some of her abilities could be tied to a diffirent hero. Unique is relatively easy to make. Especialy since there is only 1 ability that is unique on her.

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Oh yeah, i care so much about lore :expressionless:

Oh yeah, the ones who say that her D is Sonya’s W and her W is Lunara’s Trait…that’s all what is “not” unique. Her Q and E are unique, just like both of her Heroics. And falstad isn’t joke to me, they work in different ways.

Its why most hots heroes are the way they are. They are known because of lore. Its a USP for this game.

Only her E is (and specificly the angle of attack that changes over time). Q is just a very standard AoE that can apply marks.

W is indeed similar to lunara’s trait. But thats not an issue at all to me. For her trait its a good mechanic to exist.
And her ultis also work fine. Even if its very similar to falstad, i would actualy compare it between a mix of falstad and valla (as the ulti has a travel time).

Its simple, her kit works, and is balanced. Its not the most original to me, but it works. And gameplay is still a very important aspect, so this is fine. A very generic kit doesnt always mean its bad. It works, thats important. It adds a gameplay element.

But maybe i might have to clarify my statement about her existance in the current state:
Yes, she shouldnt have been made. Thats a waste of potential in this game to me. The abilities could have been finetuned for a diffirent hero. And the effort spent on visuals again were spent better to me if it was for a diffirent hero. Thats a part that will remain permanent to me.
But since she exists now, i would also state that she should definitely not be removed. She is now part of hots, and thats a part i already accepted. And even more if she would be removed, it would anoy those that found her fun to play, which is a waste aswel. Lore can always be added afterward. And maybe over time she finaly makes sense to exist. But for now, i simply dont like qhira.
it also doesnt help that her voicelines are full of anoyance and cringe.


But Lore doesn’t affect their abilities. That’s the problem with HotS.

Um, show me at least 1 ability with the same “skillshot” mechanic.

It’s similiar only because it’s skillshot. Then i can say that Jimmy’s Q is Uther’s W.

I’m happy that you’re happy, but that is a bad sign…


Hogger isn’t really an important character storywise, but he’s notable for being the first real lethal opponent for human players back in classic.

His importance is more of a meme than anything to do with the character itself, but if they’re making a meme a character at least it’s Hogger and not Leroy Jenkins.


I think (or at least for myself) the hype is less exciting when dataminers spoiler it

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There was literally a Voljin kit pasted from the wow wiki to the hots forum

We already have Leroy Jenkins in the form of butcher


My hype for Hogger is non-existent. Better than another Qhira…though not by a whole lot. But at least it’s not Nathanos or Leeroy. The most I’m looking forward to is another popular hero crossed off the list.

I’d mind Hogger a lot less if SC got a hero first. Or if we got more than 2 heroes this year.

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As with nearly all abilties, its a combination of aspects.
The first aspect is that it travels out and in. Diablo has this on his flames, which also spread out. Its cone effect is rather normal, as there are abilities who only perform this at an outgoing way.
The forward and backward effect are similar to artanis aswel.
The boulder of ragnaros is also an example of a skillshot that can repeatedly hit the same target and it can make its damage vary a lot.
AoE effects that changes size over time are also not that unique (alarak, stukov, malfurion.

Its just like her ulti, technicaly it isnt anything special. Its not that unique, its that its combined effects make it appear unique.

But again, i said its not a bad thing to have anyway.

Its not that strange to look at it that way, and its also very likely why it works as mechanic.

Note that choosing trusted effects doesnt mean its bad, its trusted because they have proven to work. Its usualy the kit combined that make a hero unique.
Zuljin in his kit doesnt realy have that much unique aspects either, but as combination it feels very diffirent.

Obviously you want to avoid abilities being the complete same, but a small alteration to those doesnt make the ability anything special.

Note that even imperius’ Q has such detail applied to it (it actualy matters at which distance your mouse is!), yet it feels extremely generic.

And if you are going that much into ‘any combination of effects’ makes it unique… then every ability can be easily called unique. Thats why i look at unique effects applied on the ability

(we should actualy use the word generic in this case, as thats what most people actualy notice and use as argument. Thats why i said it is a very standard AoE, and didnt mention anything about unique either.)

Qhira’s most noticed effect is her E. Which initiates similar to sonya, but after that actualy has a targeting system that i havent seen in the game yet: time decides angle. The invuln is very similar to illidans dodge, except then avoiding all damage (again a relatively generic effect)

Thats how critical i look at those things. I look at seperate aspects.

Qhira feels mostly like a very cheap hero. Just like zuljin. Except zuljin at least has lore attached to it. Orphea on this has actualy even less unique abilities (damage + movement isnt special at all). There is barely anything that truly makes her unique as hero, but she has the lore with her.

This is how important lore is in this game. If we only get those generic irrelevant and completely newly designed heroes that do not have any references at all, then its a hero that could have been added to LoL or dota. Hots heroes have a history, its a USP, and one that is important to keep.

This is often why franchises die, they ignore their origins and make an extremely generic game. For war shooters (even modern ones) call of duty lost the status ages ago. Call of duty is an extremly generic shooter, and for those who care about gun mechanics, its garbage. Yet people that now play games like arma used to like those games, as in the early days, those games tried to get accurate mechanics.

Details matter a lot. This is why Qhira is considered a marketing disaster. There is nothing positive about her release. Even gameplay wise. If she didnt exist, no one would have missed her. If there was decent lore about her, people might have actualy wanted to see her ingame.

But considering the nitpicking you did about my previous post. Im guessing you are going to do that again, which shows you simply dont care. The exact reason why many classic games are now are getting yearly releases, with extremely generic storylines and content, and are just plain boring games you can better not purchase.

Lore can be extremely basic like with blaze, hammer and morales, but its there, in its unit type. That makes those heroes worthy to add. Qhira is complete trash on all aspects.

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Well, don’t get your hopes up. With new heroes hardly being released at all, and Starcraft 2 getting canned two months ago making Starcraft effectively a dead franchise, it’s not just very likely, but almost certain that we won’t get another Starcraft hero, ever.
But with new heroes hardly getting released at all, and HotS getting Sc2 treatment in a matter of months, it might be for the best considering that the living franchises already have more than enough content.

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I think both of these statements are rather pessimistic. Can’t say I agree. In the latest destructoid interview, we know Mengsk was at least considered. I do think a SC hero will come eventually. But eventually can be next release or it can be in another 3 years.

Speaking of which, the devs have said in that interview they don’t really worry about pulling from franchises anymore. Which is fine to an extent. A 3 year hero drought is just too much though. That statement kills my hope for SC heroes :cry:


couldn’t care less about furry ,gnolls in alterac pass more then enough for me.

That Hogger “leak” is a NotBelial fake. It’s just a prank, bro. The actual hints for Hogger are some suspicious comments from developers on Reddit, gnoll laughter you can hear in-game, and Mei’s gnoll tint for her PJ skin.


Whoa whoa whoa.

I don’t know what country that is but here in Fuzzland we spell that “Blackthorne.”

Naaaaa… Hogger and Murky, we just need Leeroy, Gamon and Randy’s character from South Park and we’ll have a meme squad straight outta Azeroth.