What's a good thread topic

Hey guys i’m having a hard time trying to figure out a good topic to post on the Heroes of the Storm forum pages (General Discussion) and i would like to hear everyone’s opinions on what is a good topic to post about.


Hero Attractiveness Tier List


Most Needed Heroes (and why that’s Kyle Vlaros).

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How to cook as Butcher?


HOTSball skins, when?

(Polandball and so on)

[clears throat]

Abathur is the cutest videogame character I’ve ever seen!


what have you done

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just paying respects to the great heisenberg q:

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Samisha wanted to do a lets talk about other thing that hots thread. Where you just talk to forum members about life

Heroeslounge videos if your into that

Which one would you choose as pet: Brightwing or Murky.

Which hero has the best dance moves – according to Lore.

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Oeh write bad fan fiction

Everyone must write one line and others need to follow up on it

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Ohh, I have an idea!

You can always make a guide about your most played hero, that does the trick.

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I just found out who is GF is.


Whatever you do don’t post a positive thread. Compare:

With my counter:

Make sure you go for something titillating, informative, negative or controversial and you will get the views. I’m very bad at making threads as I get very self conscious about it!

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Both would end up eating me right? Well at least you would get some laughs out of Brightwing (as she can speak English and other human languages), Murky, you would just smell fish and end up getting slimed.

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If you want views, pick random hero and say he’s op or bad. :stuck_out_tongue:

ah…so you want that do you?
well your in luck! as today for the low low price of FREE! you too can have your mind blown by the forum creation of “The STORY of HotS”


"The Story of HotS"

HotS the Story:
I love HotS, but my teammates suck! So i threw trust level around the schoolyard, aka the forums.Then Tassadar said, “From order … comes justice!”. So we nerfed him. Because with great power … comes great nerfs. Later on we saw an increased winrate in Malfurion so we reworked him again featuring ice block and literally no healing at all. Depressed, Malfurion threw a moonfire on a bush but then Diablo charged to him and died.

Diablo then reincarnated as a murloc to bring a legion of murlocs to block out the moon (and all moon- related spells)! And so Diablo has retired from HoTS.

But Sonya disagrees on this story and whirlwind it ou- I love HotS as a paid schill. But this wasn’t any ordinary shill. It was a Battlefront 2 type shill.

And Mal’Tanis said: “I must feed … the children!” So he fed them XP so they starved because the dreadlord gave them soup made out of glue and sawdust, so they developed juicy entrails. Then brightwing came to dinner, bringing Lunara with her, And then they feasted on the flesh of many murlocs! But the murlocs were poisoned. For Murky was at work where he sacrificed fish to the old gods. “Please keep nightmares away from me.” Murky asked, and was cursed with insomnia

And therefore, Abathur was born. Zeratul blinked in, killed Abathur and wormholed away into a hostile Morales who shot confetti balls while Luico ate his jam and he high fived a Blizzard financial analyst with an Activision name tag that said Bob.

D.Va then shouted “nerf me harder! UwU” as she threw her bomb at a solo Maiev who jumped out of the way at the last second like an action hero. Unfortunately, it was an action hero like in a comedy and she tripped and fell down 2 flights of stairs, landing on Mephisto.Mephisto blushed! He said “UwU you’re so warm.” and began to hug D.Va. D.Va tried to mech up, but she instead pulled her gun on Mephisto and said “Give me all your Doritos!” But all Mephisto had were Cool Ranch Doritos, and it angered the nacho cheese gremlin.

(Narrator Voice of Kevin): Meanwhile back in the Hall of Storms…

Diablo was baking a cake for Orphea’s tea party it was going to be a surprise tea party but Alarak had seen better. Alarak then proceeded to use telekinesis on the tea table, but Chromie used Temporal Loop.

Thus, the Malfurion rework was gone. Malfurion became upset and cried out for Tyrande, he reaaaaalllly needed her. But she was more interested in Illidan, and his hatred of ten thousand years overwhelmed him. He could not contain it anymore so he ate chocolate ice cream. Then he told Tyrande he didn’t need her to be happy as he’s a strong, independent demon hunter and was on his way to the top. He had just gotten enrolled in a prestigious business school by the name of Storm League University of Marketing. It was run by that damn fool Bob, back and ready to make Abathur a household name by releasing brand name Abathur merch. Illidan was unaffected, since he can’t read the labels. So Bob asked Illidan to drop out but illidan was prepared and petitioned for magic imbued ink to be used in the printing of all labels.

A wild Chen has appeared!! Chen shares his barrel of infinite booze so we can keep this party going. But he did not, because li li told him he drinks too much. So he rolled over to The Lost Vikings party.