Upcoming XP Changes

I would just like an official explanation on that hit box change, maybe there’s some unknown purpose that makes sense that we simply don’t see but right now no one but the HoTS team knows why the change was thrown in with no explanation.


Two are not mutually exclusive, I’m explaining how things work, if you want to bash then I’m going to point out pointless bashing.

If they already realize why be uncivil by using all caps or explaining to them what they already know what’s wrong.

Responding to a lot of different opinions at once?! How dare he!

I even posted my own suggestion at the bottom if you look.

Not when it means you’re losing by level 5, that just constitutes a feeling of dread and people wanting to give up early.

Shocking, I do.

“Having a civilized discussion”, must mean “bash company with previous failures” to you.

Considering how open that is to interpretation I’m pretty sure that’s suspendable on grounds of threatening, however I am a reasonable dinosaur and will let that slide as I pity that your natural state must be perpetual pessimism, never looking forward to anything must suck.


I was thinking something similar, except the core has an extended attack range in which it can hit catapults, so that in order to make use out of your already attacking forces, you need to remove more structures. As the game goes on the catapults and start increasing in range, reflecting how much early game seige you’ve accomplished.


I was just kind of thinking that since your original post was actually pretty solid and this guy cuts out the super negative part to use it for his own trolly doomsayer purposes…

although I think you underestimate the lack of having a life that they ragers and doomsayers have, they come here just for the purpose of trash talking and insulting the game. most of them never have any actual feedback it is just talking smack about the game and anyone who enjoys playing it.

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It does affect body blocking potential in a way, which is a slight nerf to tanks, but it also makes some heroes slightly better. For example Kael’thas has one of the widest models in the game and is far too easy to be caught off guard and blocked to death. This is his 2nd liposuction and this one reduces his model width by 20%.

Also, this slightly negatively affects Ana’s heal dart snipe healing (skillshot), but also is an indirect buff to Nazeebo’s zombie wall, which might be able to surround even more heroes in a single cast, since player models are smaller with patch.

Also, Kerrigan/Alarak combo might be slightly harder to hit? Easier to escape small bursty area of effect like Jaina’s Blizzard. This change affects more than expected.


Wanted to make sure that CriticKitten’s response on r/heroesofthestorm is captured on the official forum: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/a3f33l/upcoming_xp_changes/eb5qh8z/.

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What hots players wanted? Better matchmaking, more alternate fate and crossover skins, PvE brawls, ARAM mode.

What we get? EXP changes, for no one asked tbh.

So yes, we have right feel dissapointed but it is not much big fire, like it was with Diablo Immortal.


Regarding the hitbox changes, I play Ana … [Removed by Forum Moderator.]

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You should quit while you’re 50 steps behind. The only reason it may be open to interpretation is due to flawed bias on the part of people that have yet to recognize forced wins and losses built into the matchmaker. Their logic is so flawed that they can’t comprehend why blizzard would implement it let alone how it works or that it’s happening at all. All your comments are rooted in antagonism while you hide behind daddy blizzard.

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It really was great B8. SuccessfulTrollisSuccessful.jpg

That said they did target people making good points on why this could be a bad idea without adding anything remotely useful, maybe they work for Activision PR? Seems classy enough.

Oh so thats why we snowballed so hard the other night

It had nothing to do with the enemy team not knowing how to address us or how to contest lane or obj

It was just a bunch of no skilled good luck. Cool.

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I’m pretty sure you don’t even know what I mean, let me refresh you.

I meant as in I was dead. As in you would make me dead for supporting blizzards game.

Considering I’m not trying to antagonize anyone, I’m pretty sure you find any disagreeing opinions to be hostile. Granted I am calling you pessimistic, but then again, you would be doing the exact same thing you’re accusing me of doing, making antagonistic comments.

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A great sigh of relief tbh.
It changes the fundamentals in stratgey. Things I wish to note that the power spike in current live is in the forts. The current changes in PTR made it underwhelming in destorying the fort to begin with. The siege is a spectacle, an escape route for the enemy, and a fodder for Objectives. The only real value you can get from an objective is if you shove-in the forts as far as you can to destroy the second line of towers. Which in any case the winning team could hold the final cap until conditions are met. I’m not a fan of playing guard duty until they or waiting until we get a kill.
Second I wish to note is that the winning team wipe basically a free raid and pillage at undefended areas for increase of exp (Camps/Boss). Key word being “undefended” a team wipe could give the wining team more exp and pressure by capturing camps. Though I want to note in theory the “Scorch earth” tactic can work by capping your camps post fight to keep the enemy from that exp, which happens anyway in pro play before objective- but the problem is that the camps might be worth more than objective due to exp changes.
Last thing I want to put on the table is that the game can easily turn into late game. This means a number of things.

  • Late game heroes might dominate the current meta because of this.
  • Passive play is more rewarding than risky head on plays. Kills are great, but few passive defensive plays make it easy to keep the enemy from completely null the kill exp just by soaking.
  • The lowered octane early game is all pumped into late game. Plays early game may not matter due to strategic points being so disposable.

This all I gathered. Again this only a span of two days in PTR, but that’s all I have to go on why I don’t like it.

Can you PLEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEEE just update the PTR with whatever changes you come up with? I feel like the community deserves to test it first. This is a massive change to the game.


We don’t know anything about games to be able to say if things are good or bad, duh. Have faith in BLizzard’s plans for the games which will never cease changing.

Ammo was a bad thing. Having ammo was equal to: your forts are forst for a limit duration of time, after that an empty bag of xp for the enemy.

I loved that but what’ll be the point? Care to explain why is it so important?

At least not all of your ideas are wrong even on paper, this one will be interesting imo, would try.

That map was terrible. I miss the vehicle, but the only positive thing about that map for me was the piloted Terror. The new version is better. Don’t like it? Whelp, sorry, but just because you like the worse version more doesn’t mean it’ll be wise to bring it back.


Maybe you wasn’t a forum-dweller back then (can’t tell cuz smurfs and alts all the way) but I was here and ppl wrote “mount change is bad” threads.

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Removing ammo didn’t make the game more fun. It just made something theoretically smarter. The game now snowballs. They could have added faster recharge rate. They could have added AOE from forts/keeps while removing the second tower. Instead we get this forced infinite ammo thing, a nerf to mule, an already dying fun toy. And now we can’t even have xp on the forts anymore.

Did the mount change get thousands of dislikes on Youtube? No.

AP is an absolute snowball fest. The objective is poorly designed. Both the result and the fight for it.


That’s all fine and all, but could you just fix Murky’s Fish Tank to be damage mitigation again?

The fish boy does not need life steal.

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Your first question (still in your head) should be: was it on youtube in the first place? Nope.


I think balancing exp is pretty tough. Too much from laning means the game is just about who can soak best.
Too much from forts/keeps and the game becomes a deathball snowball.
Getting the balance right wouldnt be easy.

Id personally like to see a little less exp from minions (as compared to live) and touch more from forts.

As for keeps, I personally would LOVE to see an augment system.
Give each role augments, and allow players to choose them (much like talents) when they destroy a keep. Augments could be something like +15% healing, +10% hp, +10% attack speed, +10% spell power, 15% CDR etc. Three keeps down = three augments.
That way its damn awesome to take a keep, but its in the players hands to take advantage of it, and allows for counterplays. Also removes the winions thing.

But, i know alot less about balance than i think i do.

My only problem with this is that despite allegedly “months” of testing, players were able to near universally agree on all the bad things within a DAY of the changes hitting the PTR. while the community is obviously much larger than the dev team, there was also warning far in advance that many of the proposed changes would likely have negative results, even from players.

It does make me a bit nervous when months of development can find nothing but a day of PTR is able to reveal every single massive flaw. i do hope enough feedback is actually looked at to make the Live changes good instead of awful.