It would be great if these changes were entirely scrapped. 2018 HotS was the best version of HotS to date (And I’ve been playing the game consistently since Nov 2014). Snowbally games happen, they will always happen. Objectives tend to snowball the game early pre-10 because a) the solo laner of the defending team isn’t side-soaking while the 4 man is defending b) people are feeding during objective push (Volskya is best example. I can’t tell you how many games I’ve played where people just run at the Triglav and get chunked).
The problem is the playerbase which will only solve itself by bringing more players into the game. You cannot fix or educate the playerbase and any attempt is wasted energy. The game has been released for 3 years, there are plenty of resources already out there for players to improve at the game.
But catering to the part of the playerbase that has no willingness to learn (and is likely responsible for the largest statistical chunk of snowballing games) is a mistake.
The game as it stands now (live patch) has strategic depth and rewards the team winning the game. The comeback mechanics exist in both mid and late game teamfights (down talents, levels, or both), and structural XP (Team that is 17 vs 19 and hasn’t killed a fort will spike harder as they begin taking structures; ultimately closing the XP gap and maybe getting a 20 to 20 fight).
The point is, if you’re feeding, if you aren’t pushing structures, if you aren’t winning teamfights (and objectives), you don’t deserve to win the game. For example, if you are behind level 6-7, and you keep feeding/missing soak, you deserve to be down heroics by the next objective. Who wants to play a game where you are dominating the other team or being dominated? Nobody. But these games happen, they WILL happen. Sometimes you are just outmatched and you lose in sub-13 minutes.
Does the design of the game bear the crux of responsibility? No. It’s likely a combination of a poor match maker (since MMR isn’t always indicative of individual skill people can boost, are likely still boosted from Alpha), a subsection of the playerbase who refuses to learn or lacks gamesense, and the genre (MOBAs are punishing; tho HotS is by far the most forgiving compared to LoL and Dota).
Ultimately HotS is a great game and I’ve enjoyed it. I have also appreciated all the changes the devs have made to the game over the years, except this one. The whole concept of removing XP from structures needs to be scrapped. If snowballing really is an issue worth addressing then less-extreme measures should be tested (on PTR, not just in-house) to combat it. But otherwise, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!