So got out of a game tonight my group of 4 + one pug vs a full 5 man premade so having the pug for us was a disadvantage to our team. But we crushed that 5 man in the end I think we hit level 16 or 17 and on their core by the time the enemy finally hit level 12 .
This was GoT btw and the first few levels the enemy did get some kills on us but it was the Nova pug dying the most. She went bot lane up against Gul and Sylv and once I noticed, I took my thicc dragon butt to bot lane to babysit the Nova and a good thing too because all game she was being a hyper aggressive melee Nova. She got herself killed face tanking the two but it wasn’t the biggest lost to us since I was still there soaking.
Once the Sylv and Gul’dan started pushing hard after that kill I just let my team know this was happening and my best bud came down and pushed their faces in.
I never saw the enemy help in the lane their laner lost from being killed and that started their slide into a snowballing loss. for the first two team fights over seeds neither team was 10 but my team never lost any of the TFs over the first 3 seeds. I was never pressured into going dragonqueen for any of them and I only went dragon for the last one to make sure we got it and by then it was level 11 to level 8.
We were put against a 5 man it wasn’t like it was 5 randos and we were not in queue so long as to it just garding anybody to start a game. One thing is for sure that team didn’t know how to fight against us even with a melee Nova on our side.
So who’s fault is this to the point everyone on every level of play needs to be punished for it?
Is it my fault for having the foresight to go and lane with our wild card Nova?
Is it my teams faul for knowing when to back off, get chased all the way back to our towers and turn around and kill them more?
Should I have just randomly used powerful cooldowns when the enemy team never engaged us hard enough to justify it?
Is it the fault of the enemy team for letting two die bot lane and never sending someone to cover for it till after we threaten to push it in?
Is it the enemy temas fault for having the gall to be put against us?
C’mon this is clearly someone’s fault so who’s to blame?