The reason this game is withering away

A skilled Kerrigan and a well supported Kerrigan is bonkers scary!


if u want that go play world of tanks. the game of power creep ever 3-4 months. they just came out with tanks with double barrel guns…

Heroes like Kerrigan + maeive tyrande taunt varian are heroes that dont perform great in solo queue (also tyrael/deck/ana/malg imo) but in a team they are really scary.
Yes ana because people insta wake sleeping targets with a weak attack and run the other way with nano


Good thing winrate is meaningless. Complete garbage way of measuring a heros viability. You pick kerrigan when you expect to win, because she is strong while ahead but useless from behind.

You’re a troll who trolls by quoting statistics. You try to cause a stir by making ridiculous claims just because x hero happens to have a high winrate.

The moderators see this. And they took action for a reason


Well im sorry you feel that way then

Ow cm on how am i flagged for trolling for repeating what another player says?

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Using a subjective term like fun, even to counter another subjective term like unfun is not a viable argument. For the same reason it is even less the cause of the population-decline that this game is experiencing, because everyone has a different view on which heroes are fun in this game and which are not. I can also well imagine a couple of players leaving this game because the so called “fun” heroes like Genji and Valeera were ruining their game experience.

So you disregard statistics but argue with “fun” and he/she is supposed to be the troll? Not really convincing if you ask me.


Thank you for this. Always nice to have a angel of wisdom here


im confused.
according to hotslogs, kerrigan has a very high winrate and orphea and valeera have a fairly average winrate as well as raynor.
A vast majority of the most popular heroes have and average winrate.

in terms of the big play making/not easy mode heroes, keltuzad can still one shot someone. maive is enjoying an above average winrate. falstad, etc, and ana remain fairly stable.

In my personal experience, anduin , probe, and mephisto have gotten nothing but buffs recently. keltuzad and imperius are mostly the same and your gonna have a hard time convincing me that Xul has gotten nerfed to the ground.

nova is preforming poorly at the moment but that doesn’t mean that a skilled nova cant completely take over a game with consistent snipes and the ability to bribe and clear lanes globally if needed.
genji is arguably more screwed over by the meta then he is by nerfs. yeah, that attack range nerf was pretty bad for him but so is heroes like uther and maiev being on top and popularity wise theres not much a pre nerf genji could have done against a good diablo or an auriel who just revives who ever he gets a pick on. he can still be a decent pick tho, particularly on braxis or against certain heroes and teams with limited crowd control.

one more thing. just because a hero is under performing does not mean that that hero is bad or unusable. im sure a cretin tassadar main can tell you about that.

Good riddance then. Both these heroes were nerfed into the ground because of quick match complaints. The kind of people who would kill their strengths because of quick match don’t deserve a say in balancr


Says a guy who is most famous for threads calling for nerfs on half of the characters in the game.


I did that years ago time to move on pal

Didn’t realize last week was “years ago”


That was one hero, not half the characters in the game

Well of course you didn’t ask for nerfs on half the characters last week… But you did ask for a nerf last week, which makes it hard for us to “move on” and forget your reputation for asking for nerfs.

And it isn’t like the Falstad nerf is the only one you have asked for recently. There was also a Hanzo one not so long ago. So you calling out people for asking for nerfs just seems a little hypocritical.


That’s what he is. Nothing new under the Sun tbh.
And saying Genji was nerfed due to “QM” while he had insane popularity and winrate at HGC… yea, sure, those casual QM plebs at HGC wanted Genji to be nerfed, sure :'D


You contradict yourself. In your original post you are worried that the games population is declining because heroes, that from you perspective are fun, have received to many nerfs. I countered your argument by showcasing that the heroes you listed weren’t fun for anyone and even brought people to leave the game. Now you happily embrace the fact that those people are leaving, even tho it is also a sign of decline. What this shows me is that you only care about people leaving, when they share your vision of the game. The whole post heavily biased.


I only know hailfail a very short time but he is insulting and rude. If you disagree with him he insults you by calling you a troll or whatever.

Can we just do a campain to stop giving him attention. There are many more fun honest and constructive people in the forums that is worth the users time


your answer was removed, answer again since i didnt read it in time.

Yes I basicly said it was directed to hailfail not to you

league is currently doing that and it’s just a sh*tstorm

i dont want HoTS to be grey screen simulator like league

i dont think anyone wants that other than you