Nerf falstad please

Lighting rod is the most frustrating ability in the game, please rework/nerf it. gust also needs it’s cooldown boosted to like 80 seconds or longer


Move out of LR range
LR stops doing any damage

By far one of the less frustrating abilities in the game. At least compared to 4,75s point and click Blind from Valeera against auto attackers.


Thought you were gonna complain about the 20 gust :sweat_smile:

Lightning Rod build is by far his strongest build, excelling in single target point’n’click unavoidable damage if you don’t have a movement ability to get away (and he has his own movement ability he can use to chase with, though) or allies that can force falstad not to chase.

The most OP part about it is the fact that it’s a point’n’click if you ask me. Not much skill involved and it does crazy damage once you’re level 13, assuming you took all the talents for it.

It’s also a very strong ability against stealth heroes, which would not surprise me is the reason Hail is complaining about it.


So you cannot get valeera buffs and are trying to make her more viable by dragging down perfectly fine heroes… stay away from my falstad you stealth main


Falstad has pretty low max HP, so I don’t see a problem his W. It has high dmg for reasons. If you want it do deal less dmg - buff something else. For example - HP.

Everything must be balanced.


Tinfoil hat intensifies

You do realise that unless until you hit 20% extra damage it has less dps then his aa right?

You do realize that unless you are incapable physically, you can stutter step and both AA and have lightning rod being cast?


Except sometimes heroes are just overtuned, and they’re stronger than other heroes.

If they stand above all the other heroes, a straight nerf instead of a “nerf+buff elsewhere” makes sense.

Now, does Falstad stand there? I have absolutely no idea. He is good, but idk if he stands out enough to be targeted with a pure nerf.


How often can you do both for the whole duration in a team fight?

I mean… A vorpal blade also deals really well with that bird man too :smirk: !


if i go full w build feel free to vorpal blade me… you’ll end up having to waste vp just to get away from my steroid enhanced chicken.


in a world where chromie’s Time Traps and Zeratul’s Void Prison exist, you choose to complain about something that has tons of way to mitigate damage? lmao.

Based on what? making these kinds of silly threads and not even quantifying your arguments makes discussion pointless since we don’t even know what you dislike about something or what your evidence for it being “too good” even is.


For gust cd to be nerfed to 80 sec it would likely need to get a damage component along with it.
Not sure you want that to happen both when facing or playing with him: the number of haymakers , mines or displacements misused to save the ennemy because it does damage is real.

As for reworking lightning rod, it is not likely. Such point and click abilities exist to purposefuly counter nimble divers such as valeera.
Plus valeera has not a miserable matchup against falstad.
As for gust l2 take cloack of shadows and use unstoppable to bypass it.


True VP build has less chances to win ,if you went motn however…


Well., I guess we were due for one of those.

You could just kill him you know? Seeing as he’s got one of the weakest healthpool in the game.

Well i think he got the classical gust to get away when things get dicey and E into W to finish you off.
Both are annoying but valeera is one of the divers who has answers to this.


if you’re being pressured by the enemy team strongly enough to prevent you from casting lightning rod and AAing… you probably won’t be doing more AAing if you don’t cast lightning rod.

Yeah, kind of weird of a Valeera player to complain about Falstad.