The reason this game is withering away

How do you know. Your plat :sweat_smile: and as far as I know you dont participate in tourneys
Just do yourself a favor and search nic’s kerrigan

And please hail just do some freaking research before calling someone out of touch. But you never do you just trolling for attention


one player who does well on a hero does not mean the hero needs nerfs. Next troll attempt.

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‘Nice’ troll


Problem is they were not fun to play against

Masterleague 56% wr
Heroesprofile 54.96 % wr
Hotslogs 54,1%


Just to name a few. So her winrate is positive on 3 sites.
And your reason why you find her underpowered is “She needs it” How am I the troll in this story? At least I can talk about a hero.



Im platinum? Damn my master portrait and last season was a mushroom trip then. Tourney, which one? The hgc was shut down time ago, you could simple google it, the other types of tournament has 0 values.
What about Nic, i saw him and he is good but not that mOnSteR on kerrigan you claim he is to be, and every kerrigan main can tell you that.

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Y’all fell for the bait again

Nah its cause they are killing the game by ignoring trolls in all game modes.

Its funny that you call the masters out of touch but then complain about fun to play heroes being bad picks. Let me say it one more time THE META DOES NOT MATTER BELOW (and even at sometimes) DIAMOND!!! If you cannot do well with these heroes in plat it’s because youre not good enough with them.

As for thread, some of these heroes are not fun to play against for lower ranked players. Im okay with them getting some of the balance as long as blizzard mainly uses masters+ to make decisions. I dont think their balancing did much to lose interest in this game.


Underrated and true post.

Chu8 was soloing ranged assassins (and winning those trades) with Deckard-freaking-Cain in his rank up challenge. That was in silver-gold.

Up until diamond or so, it is all about player skill, not the hero being picked.


Go figure, easy to use heroes are easier to be good with.

I enjoy most of the heroes, and can do decently well with most of them.
A great deal of the heroes have low win rates not because they don’t have the capability to be good, but because being good with the hero is difficult.
It’s especially difficult when people insist on only playing one way, only learning one set of talents, not fully understanding the heroes capabilities.

People say Tassadar is a bad pick, or is super niche, but a good Tassadar really hurts.
Medivh too.

But I’ve never seen Kerrigan or Orphea as even close to niche, or even all that difficult to use.
Genji or Nova maybe, but not those two.

Although I don’t think that’s the reason this game is “withering away”, I do wish more heroes fit better in a variety of comps. I know for sure Nova, Genji, Illidan, and Valeera can dominate in good hands and in the right comps but are hard to draft for because they rely a little more on who else your team drafts, whereas heroes like Johanna, Valla, Raynor, etc. (actually the cow too) fit well in most comps.

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It’s not fun being globaled.
It’s fun to do it to others. For a while at least.

It’s not fun to be stomped.
It’s fun to do it to others. For a while at least.

It’s not fun to be CC locked.
It’s fun to do it to others. For a while at least.
Chain CC feels so skillful.

The challenge of making a good multiplayer game.
Especially when it’s 5v5.

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The HOTS dev team has always been about helping out the casual / least effort possible crowd.

They will never let people just “figure it out” or “grow independently”. Their answer to most issues is nerf things into oblivion or simply remove it.



False. It’s always fun.


False. It’s always fun.


False. It’s always fun.


^ that

Mostly hailfail and new forum users who just type

“Nerf this because i feel he needs it :sweat_smile:


The trolling is getting silly now. Genji… valeera…? The most antifun heroes imaginable for everyone except the person playing them. These are terrible hero designs which should not have existed in the first place, certainly should never be top tier again as they are hell to play against.


i don’t like anyone that asks for nerfs just because he thinks that hero is broken and deserves a nerf “just because he lost to that hero recently” i think they forgot that a good player can make a hero that nobody cares about shines but a bad player makes an amazing hero look like garbage cause he’s just bad at that hero and then comes the “pls nerf” threads.

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Genji is that hero if you buff him even slightly he could hecome OP again😅

I feel the same way. Im horrible against Rexxars for example. Im loosing a lot to that hero but I think he doesnt need a nerf.

If hailfail did something like “Assimilation Mastery isnt great because Kerrigans spot is in the solo lane as a ganker. And on big maps with a lot of regens fury of the storm is still dominant because it offers better waveclear. This is why i think this needs a buff”. I might taken him more serious. But like ana the banana quoted he just says “she needs it”