The last hope of hots

Some people just want others to see what they want you to see.


Why don’t you head over to league of legends if you think hots is losing popularity?

As long as we keep playing and enjoying the game we can keep it alive until Blizzard decides to give it some attention again.

The main problem I believe is the simple lack of developers still working on the game after they got fired by Activision or assigned to other projects. Lets hope when Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 are developed further we get some of them back.

Maybe when the new games settle we can actually get big patches again maybe even a 3.0 version. The game is still very fun to me and a lot of people since its unique in its own way and for me it developes alongside the other Blizzard universes.


Sorry, I probably should’ve quoted the person I was mostly replying to (Ray). But there was the most recent state of AI post:

That said, I wouldn’t call hero specific discussions minor and it seems like you want to see discussion on the largest, sweeping issues in the game. In which case, I’ll put myself firmly in the camp of MySelf (:stuck_out_tongue:) and say they probably can’t for various reasons, such as still figuring stuff out or something.

What exactly would you like to see the heroes team say if they did talk about things like QM or the whitemane rework? I can’t imagine them really having much to discuss unless they’re intending on making some sort of change.

Game decayment is a thing to pretty much anything, its just HotS is decaying faster than any game right now.

TF2 is still alive after 12 years and recently they officially said its maintenance mode (like it already wasn’t like that 3 years ago lmao hahaha), on one side this says something on the other it does nothing for a game that has a backed up community of content creators, HotS on the other hand has no large river of resource to keep the game going compared to other games specifically from a “content creators and all that stuff” type of river.

Even smol indie companies has larger ones.

r/TF2 has 10 times the activity r/HotS has on top of multiple other things that keeps the game alive and well that is also connected to other games/softwares like GMod and SFM.

Who would have thought limiting expression would result in this? You can’t even post images on r/HotS!!!


Idk tbh, I think my topics about SL and masters were serious enough, but they were ignored by devs.

Imagine if players were able to make content for HotS like in TF2… It would fix a lot of problems.


H OMEGALUL TS is what i read whenever someone say they’re going to play hots in the discord servers cause it’s a funny word nowadays KEKW

Dude there’s one Heroes of the Storm SFM and they all just making Marvel trailer remakes, most artists can’t even post their quality artwork they have to link it from other websites at the same time some moderator literally posts images there its laughable. r/HotS is a joke.

r/TF2 sure its a meme fiasco, the game has ALWAYS meme fiasco, but at the same time they didn’t belittle the competitive scene that has grown by itself without enforcing anything, r/TF2 getting that competitive update at the start was overall terrible but it has gotten better, sure hackers are more of an issue but the game has still is fun, playable and has constant stream of artwork videos and trash posts like they always do.

TF2 twitter has an enormous player base size that gets flow of likes and much more, HotS twitter does not exists at all.

At the same time TF2 always stayed on average 60k~ players (Team Fortress 2 - Steam Charts) all these years because of expression, art posting and video content creation was not moderated.


:joy: trooooooooooooooo

Look for yourselves:



a smol indie company that only released like one game so far in 5 years development:

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man that’s actually sad…

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I know who you are talking about.

Tbh, I would post my memes about Tassadar on r/HotS instead r/HotSMemes, but “Sorry, but we don’t need your content to make people play our game, go and post it on places, where are almost no people around”.

EDIT: let’s be honest Sami - if there was any modding tool for hots, you would make some maps/Brawls for sure.


LOL I wish, currently you can only mod try mode by just manipulating janky code in XML data, both boring slightly a meme but seriously boring.


If you were working for some mod with Mercy, you would continue to tear your :peach: apart to make AoE Rez work.

  • The game won’t survive till they build a “new” engine to make HOTS 1.5. By then, no one cares.

  • The GFX are fine.

  • Blizz nerfing and buffing will never end. There are too many heroes and skills to perfectly balance something. The players will find the flaws so fast, that they will complain something is not fixed immediately. Balancing takes time and the players have no patience. But hey! Players want even MORE heroes to cause even MORE balancing shenanigans! I’m still sickened by the people who made a huge fuss over the nexus heroes. Nearly 90 old characters aren’t enough for them but 2 original heroes is heresy.

  • Reworks should be made into a poll for players to get involved in. Blizz is allergic to communicating with the playerbase. Blizz makes the game Blizz wants to play, players be damned. They just happen to want to share their creation with us, and charge us for it. They will NEVER credit players for giving amazing ideas, for free.

  • The reconnect is of terrible design and is a carry-over from the old recycled engine. Skip “replaying” the file to catch up. Drop us into the game and give us the recording after the game is done. The last moment a player is connected should be the “snapshot” used to place the player back how they were and where they were.

  • Skin shop should not be a priority on the list. If we are to have a “redo” on the game, everyone will be expecting to have all their virtual crap brought over too. It is obvious what will happen if they don’t. I don’t even care if the entire UI is recycled.

I will admit that the reconnect issue is a problem, but falls under QOL. Which HOTS requires of bunch of. Yet, under a fossil of an engine, is like yelling at a brick wall.

Yet, none of what you suggested will bring players back.

MM requires a healthy pool of players to work properly. Without it, MM is destined to fail.

How does one bring players back to a game where a population is dependent on it’s survival to even work properly?

I mustn’t forget to put a good amount of blame squarely on the shoulders of Activision. Like saying, Amen.


Because it’s a different game with different rules?
I tried to be an active LOL player three times, but the league of legends bored me.

I’ve been playing HOTS since 2016, since Chogall was added. I remember HOTS was a great game, but it had 3 big problems:

  • return after losing connection
  • ranking mode
  • reporting and punishment system

Which of these problems have been fixed or eliminated?

  • Supposedly (as I read in the official Blizzard post) the return to the match has already been fixed. I don’t know if it’s true because I’ve never had a problem with it. Fortunately, I have a stable connection

  • Ranking mode was a joke and is still a joke. Each ranking mode update is one step ahead and two steps back.

  • Was there a change in the reporting system? Yes, one, to report someone for a vulgar language, someone must first write something. Formerly you could report for nothing, now you can report for writing “Hi, anyone can choose support?”. The reporting system is the same joke as the ranking mode.
    I know it can’t be done better because the game engine doesn’t allow it, but I know it from the community.

I skip completely removing eSports from this eSports game. I do not believe that it was a HOTS-team decision.
Although I would like to know why HOTS cannot have a system like DOTA2? Does this system not fit into our game or does it have any major disadvantages?

I appreciate the work that has been put into the creation of new heroes, skins, mounts etc. I am very happy with new mechanics, e.g. armor, provocation, sleep, mud that slows down. I dream of a hero who will be able to set up a wall that will block / reflect incoming missiles.

Only how can I enjoy it if 75% of the games are clown fiesta.
Yes yes, I know HOTS is a game for fun after work.

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I asked them in a thread if they are keeping the XP Anomaly (as I like it!) and how and if they are going to do a player poll. I feel it’s a serious topic.

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Thats cool! Can you share the link/source? Im curious

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It’s way too late for HoTS. Bad balancing, bad game design and horrible MM are what killed the game. They could make reconnecting better even now if they wanted to. The reason why in some ARAMs you can reconnect quickly vs slow old ARAM and regular game reconnects is because first one has no replay to shift through. I doubt anybody would really miss replays and MVP screen that much when in exchange the reconnect system would be a lot faster. Sadly we didn’t exactly have the brightest devs to begin with and now we are left worst of the worst with most devs having left/transferred for other jobs or fired all together.

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I guess I didn’t say “devs” but I did that when they removed the damage taken stat and it never got a response either, so I didn’t bother this time. So far the majority of the responses are for keeping it. *I’ll update the thread title.