@devs, can I get an option to lose my rank points?

I’m tired to dodge drafts to lose my points to play with friends SL and stack my leaver status.

Seems like Blizz push me to make a smurf to play with friends in SL. Thank you.

Edit: I made a reddit post too.


So that you would buy hero starter pack for ranked queue. You are right

Asking for a way to purposfully lose rank points is missing the source of the problem and would be easily abused by ppl who want some easy wins.

Ask for the ability that masters can play with at least each other without party number restrictions.


Right. Some high kda, high wr wannabes will continue decaying their points one after another so that they can get easy wins.

Yeah and i forsee that you will soon be unable to even group with them because solos complain.

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I agree, the current system is pretty limiting, if you want to play with friends, or your Team at a high Elo. You are pretty much forced into smurfing, or purposefully loosing rank points.
Rather than punishing Players who want to play in a team I think Blizzard should reward players that play solo (Extra rank points when winning; less points lost, when loosing).


I think that rewarding solos like this when they win against groups is a great idea.
But then they would need to erase the MMR advantage solos get if it is a substantial reward.


Yeah, propably. They could also Balance the Bonus depending on how much MMR advantage was given, but that would be a pretty difficult task to handle.
Generally speaking I think the current system can’t completly erase the advantage a coordinated team has. Then again this depends on how much coordination the team can muster.


Pretty stupid atm that he needs to trow in order to play with his friends.
The only way to trow is decay or dodging a draft.
But if you dodge a match too much you get banned.

Only because you want a fair way to play with your friends…


The limit for M+ on SL is pretty pointless and, if I’m not wrong, they never even spoken about why they’ve implemented such thing.
At this point they should make SL only solo queue at all rank, leaving QM and Unranked for groups (that will also populate back UR).


No, because it compromises the integrity of the ranked system

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And adding a rule that encourages players to intentionally lose DOESN’T compromise the integrity of the ranked system?

As soon as they said “Master players can’t play with their friends” all integrity in SL was gone.

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People is really selfish. And they don’t think in the other team or in a fair match. In Splatoon you can create an smurf and just clean the floor with your enemies. That’s not funny, ranks exist to try to provide fair matches in the game, although SL needs to change how people lost and gain points.

Ranked without rank is unranked.
You’re welcome.

Maybe I’m just weird, but I have no problem playing QM with my friends who aren’t high ranked.

At least allow master to play with d3+! The skill difference is there but it’s not that massive. I don’t know why they wouldn’t allow this.

Or if that allows “farming master points” then let them queue together.

This was their dumbest decision

It doesn’t encourage players to lose. It tries to create balanced matches. Play qm or unranked if you want to have fun with a friend

This isn’t only about having fun with friends. Me and my Herous lounge team can’t properly train anymore, if we rank up further. The only option we have is either scrimming, which takes a lot of time and effort to organize, or to smurf, which is immoral and doesn’t help us improve.
Stormleague in it’s current iteration doesn’t support competitive teamplay, which in my point of view is a problem.
Of course I am not blind towards the struggles soloplayers have against premades, but in a game with such a low population there isn’t a whole lot you can do in terms of matchmaking.
What can be done is to reward soloplayers for “handicapping” themselfes and to motivate people to solo-que more.


It was in the patch on notes when they implemented it, they said it would help stop smurfing, which is ironic as it turns out.