Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!

I think with that kind of ping I’d just be playing Li Li or Johanna. :stuck_out_tongue:


What is more fun then having a Butcher on your team with full stacks after 4 min.
Then you know how the rest of the game will go.

(door bell) I got a special delivery to a Mr. Butcher. 200 stacks of meat fresh from Dehaka drag service.

Butcher: FRESH MEAT. Takes both meat and delivery boy into his house.


I have a fun game to report on. I solo queued as Abathur (I know never really wise) and of course I got Braxis and not a three lane map. The Imperious player says it will be tough to win, but the Jaina player replies “If we are gonna lose, I say we beat them with a big stick!”

Well that was the spirit! I spy we have a Kara on our team, I ask if he wouldn’t mind going damage build and I’ll go team helper build. He agrees and we crush, we win every objective the enemy team does put up much resistance and gets to 20, but Kara is unstoppable. Cloning Imperious, Jaina, Xul, I couldn’t have asked for a better choice.

We win, and I am only 10k shy healing of their Brightwing, I get protector award and Kara gets the award for 40% of team fight damage. Thanks to the Jaina, you’re right, walk into the fight and carry a big stick. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


SL this morning, and the bans are all fairly normal looking, Xul, Johanna, ETC, and Anduin. We first pick KT (not the best mage, but eh, not the worst), and the enemy team instantly locks Greymane and Rehgod. Hm, they ban JoJo and lock those two heroes. Whatever could they be planning? Since the map is Hanamura and someone is showing Muradin, I go ahead and lock Artanis.

Sure enough, their final comp is Taunt Varian, Thrall, Jimmy, Greymane, and Rehgod. Whatever will I pick at level 10? It turns out, Suppression Pulse is pretty good against the new Bloodlust meta!


I mean, you have to be a special kind of dense to pick 3 AA heroes as your damage dealers.
GJ on showing how un-op these kind of comps are of you approach them correctly. Did you go double blind @20?

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We kicked their collective butts before even reaching level 20!


GG opponents. You outkilled us 38-15, but Winions did us a big favor. Undeserved win for us, unfortunate for you.


That moment when you do what a Dehaka should be doing on a large map like Warheads including ganking with global spell then after match getting /w by a salty D1 DW that i played 5v4 whole game and did nothing.

No idea why he said that. Guess i was not allowed to split push, take camps and
use my Z to join teamfights when i wanted in his mind.

Or maybe he was just salty he did not get MVP. I really hoped much more from you dear D1 player. You of all should know how Dehaka works.


<a href=""><img src="" title="made at"/></a><div><a href="">from Imgflip Meme Generator</a></div>

I want tl3. Even tho Illidan was special everyone stayed nice, think thats a victory on its own (we won)


I still have no idea, why I got TL3 so easily and you can’t get it back…,

The stats of him look like a Leeroy-Jenkins-Illidan to me


Dont let anyone convince you Aba is weak(er) on 2 lane maps!


Not even leeroy. He was just weird!

Yes. A tower killed a enemy, still strange we won a game with only one kill

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This Nova probably doesn’t do very well at billiards, either.


I just had an… interesting expereince

So early draft in a game right, I’m hovering my Qhira when the team is hesitating, now I know Qhira is an awful first pick so I immediately swap off of her to something I don’t have/is banned

Or that was the intent
I accidentally pressed Ana and by some random happenstance the game decided I was the one most ready, so it locked me into Ana

I’m freaking out, I have a level 3 ana from a few A.I games, I’m not thinking I’m good or anything and am apologizing for a GG

… long story short we won, I’m actually not bad at all, just ran.a simple Nade build and was done with it and it freaking worked
I actually kinda like this hero, think I’ll be adding her to my list.


Now that’s disappointing.
read it with Tyrael‘s voice


Your match?
But yes, this is why the term “TT Nova” exists.


We won. I was Artanis off doing protoss things with camps most of the match.


Finally, after 3 days of nothing but brain-afk players in QM, I got a team that would not constantly try to 1v4. Everyone played well, made sensible decisions regarding camps, disengaged when necessary and pushed where useful. GG all.

I also got 3 votes on the MVP screen :heart:


Yesterday I played with someone on the forums that I argue with a lot (they had the same name as that certain someone at least haha). We lost but I had better stats than him so I count that as a win. :rofl:


1v4 me irl