Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!


If only this had Sindragosa as well, it would be background worthy…

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you will be judged! your jaina plays i mean. time to watch the replay


If you have any feedback plz let me know! :innocent:

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Ah no don’t judge me I’m learning!!! :sob:
(But I guess judging is how I learn…)


He played ETC once when I went new Tassadar. It was awesome.


i can give tips on jaina! so yes it’s good :3

you’re in EU too? we should team up some time!


Wait untill you see him on Malganis. Also really impressive!! He does awesome sleeps

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Hmm, I’m missing Alex in her Dragonform in this screenshot.

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Oh man this was hillarious

OKay so this was a two game story,

First game was a loss, we got hard ocuntered in draft partially becasue I think the star of this story wasn’t adept in many tanks or at least not ones that would have been better for the circusmtance,
It was alterac so I was on my Rag

A few words were tossed back and forth but then the next game comes. Around this same Stitches who was getting mad at me for not being able to frontline with him bans my rag, my 65% storm league winrate rag saying it was awful

Long Story short, Even after this guy called GG early on after a lost first two tribs
We then proceed to win and my Zul’jin was MVP and he had nothing left to say to me

Don’t you jsut love it when you can stick it to a hater like that? Because I do.


Just had probably one of the most intense games in a long time. BoE was map. They push out, smack our core down to 6%, and die trying to finish. Their murky uses March, I make the call for taking the murlocs with our bodies. We miss a few and core goes to 3%. I’m playing Zagara, so I just sit and defend from anything, killing all minions so if they want to rush, they have to tank core shots. Spamming creep so we have lots of advance notice. Murky naz and valla try to rush a couple minutes later. We kill all three. Obj happens we get that. Push with it.

I defend from Merc camps they throw at us. Not a whole lot happens for a bit. Objective spawns again, rest of team gets it, but all die. Just me. I manage to defend from a bunch of Merc camps and a backdooring murky. They are getting desperate at this point. Throwing themselves at the core to get that last 3%. Another objective goes by, with us getting it. We push and win.

They still had both keeps and a fort when this started. There were so many opportunities for this to go wrong, but we all worked together. Rest of team would fight and do obj, and I just wavecleared and nydus’d like a maniac.

We held on for a solid 10 minutes with a 3% core and won. Truly a GG!


I set that happening a lot with a low health core. All of the sudden people start rushing it 1 by 1 even though shields are up and enemy team is there.
GJ mate.

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It was actually just me there most times. :stuck_out_tongue:

But you can’t kill a core with shields, and Zagara at the same time.

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Right? I’d much rather use attacks.

don’t hit me


We’ve won 5 games in a row. Ngl, playing with friends that you actually enjoy playing with is really helpful :>


I now have a rather bizarre mental image of a Johanna and a Garrosh standing by a 3% core spamming Blessed Shield and hurling Zagaras at it.


Well minky’s thread is in the top 10 most replied threads :partying_face: Nice to see minkys optimism reached this high


Thanks Harb, I don’t think it is though? It doesn’t matter as it’s pleasantly surprising to me that everyone has kept this thread alive and shared stories of their epic games. Especially when you can more easily just share a replay instead, it makes me happy people take the time to post here. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I still wish I didn’t play with 200ms ping when I play on NA. If I had the 15ms I have in my server you’d see a beast :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Do you dare to attempt to play Genji with that kind of latency? If you do my hat is off to you good sir. :grinning:

No, I never play Genji with that much ping. I did a couple times but it is really painful. There are some heroes that I can play “not bad not good” with 200ms, but I definitely play much better with low ping.

Like, we had a game some days ago where I kept getting swapped by the enemy Artanis, but it was just due to ping. My character just took too long to move to dodge :frowning: