Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!

Not just nice stats and ~10+ takedowns more than your teammates, but accomplishing that with zero deaths.


Game looks like it ended up as a snowball.


Guess the Sonya player was the bad player on her team.


I will Adun the wisdom out of you.

I was a bit lucky, my teammates would play a bit cannonfodder, throw themselves at the enemy and get killed - while doing enough damage that I could clean up :smiley:

Not that bad honestly. It was more consistently outplaying the opponent team while not giving the advantage out of hand. We won with a significant lead in the end, yes, but it was not uncomebackable for them.

She was a bit too dive-happy, but I think their Kael was worse. Of course he took Convection and Pyroblast and threw the latter either on our Force Armor Li-Ming or my Oracle Tassadar. Zero impact, only stat padding.


Just one thing to say

Losing a game hard
Then ull a comeback to the Non planned tune of Sabatons the Winged Hussars is amazing
especially when it’s also played to a smirk on my face as one of my teammates started dissing me and calling GG cus low damage.


Cain is mad I beat him. Artanis feels so damn good when you get over 400 stacks!

And I still don’t get why Varians hate taking Shattering Throw. He went Mortal Strike, because those BW burst heals are so scary!


I do need to take our hierarch out for a walk and try this new talent. I haven’t done so yet.
But that would mean a match in which I cannot play new Tassadar… ah, decisions, decisions…

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I bought him recently but didn’t had the opportunity to play him yet.

I really enjoy him, but you have to be careful, as he really is susceptible to CC. Don’t swap just because you can!

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Teamwork in a quickmatch without premades :heart_eyes:

This felt really good!


Don’t look at me, I shake my head at my fellow variant players all the time

Though I will say if you had been with say a Whitemane I can see the appeal of MOrtal Strike.

Take me to yoru world I want to live there.

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european server. But it s really rare

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Went up against a 5 stack in QM last night (we were a 5 stack ourselves, so that aspect was fair), and they were running a Tracer/Lucio/Abathur cheese comp. We did have a Malfurion, so I told them to just stay on my butt the whole match (I was Tyrael), and to save Roots for follow-up CC.

Casting Judgment on an Abby-hatted, speed-boosted Tracer never got old.


Maybe I’m too silver to understand, but this counts as cheese? Is it Lucio just for the 10 % speed? Didn’t know that this bit would make Tracer so much more dangerous.

I like drinking as/with Deckard Cain.

The speed means she can save her blinks for something meaningful. He can also help isolate a backline kill target more easily than most healers, with his trait and boop. Between his constant heals and Abby shields/healing, she is normally immortal in that comp unless she is facing a lot of point and click CC.

Like Judgment.


First time in 5 years i get that confirmed. Never thought 5 stacks would ever see other 5 stacks in this game.


Can’t she recall it and waltz away?

Finally got my first win with brightwing. Been a long time since ive been able to put up top healing, more dmg than our bruisers, and still feel like i can carry the team. Thanks devs for much needed bw buffs. The tp changes certainly make a difference as did the passive buff.


As if I wasn’t paying attention to her CDs…
