Take an underused ult from one hero

No. It literally does not do its job if it does not deal damage. As a sustained damage dealer, it is not Junkrat’s job to scatter the enemy team with a non-damaging ult. And not only does the ult not do its job if it doesn’t do damage, it also removes Junkrat from the fight for prolonged amount of time.
You try to tell me that if Kael’thas casts his Flame Strike and the enemy walks out of it, it was a good Flame Strike because it “displaced” the enemy team. Only difference being that Flame Strike has lower cooldown than Rocket Ride AND keeps Kael’Thas in the teamfight.

You know what also displaces the enemy team? RIP-Tire’s explosion. And it’s in your control.

QM argument can be ignored.
Yes, you dealt the damage. But if the enemy tank eats the shots, you will get no kill. Enemy team will hearth and be back in the game within 10 seconds or so compared to a kill at level 20+, which removes heroes for 60 seconds. Precision Strike can get a guaranteed kill. Precision Strike can also combo with other abilities and hit multiple enemies, plus has lower cooldown.

And don’t get me started on buildings blocking the shots, as posted just hours ago by Hoku:

Both ults are absolutely atrocious.

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