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I guess, but ARAM is just a goof off mode anyway. My feeling about ARAM is I don’t care what hero people take, as long as they try the hardest they can with it. I’ve won many ARAM without a frontline, without heals, etc…

True, but then why make a comment on salt mines then? I mean, if I want to goof around I don’t mention it, except I find sth. funny. But maybe that’s just me.

If you have comps like the enemy team in phaseshifter’s case that’s totally possible, because in ARAM there are other heroes that shines there than in ranked or QM. Kaelthas’ and Chromie are premium picks in ARAM and double KT is like winning the lottery. But phase’s comp isn’t really great without tank though, because one KT/Zag can’t beat 2x KT+Chromie.

Same here. I once won a game againts a hard engage team with no tanks to peel us. We only had me as Reghar but enemy team also did not pick any healer so we ended up winning cause saved so many with healing ult that later on heals everyone in a small area so even if Butcher took his chain upgrade everyone got instant healed again ahah.


I highly doubt that you would win without a frontline in a similar match as phaseshifter were in. :stuck_out_tongue:

First game of the day starts with another bullsh-t matchmaking game.

4 squishy targets + Anub vs Diablo and Artanis. How is that fair? This is why matchmaking in QM is broken, because bruiser+tank against a single tank is just unfair.

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Ye or full melee team vs teams who has 2-3 range to poke you down from miles away.
QM has been broken team comp wise ever since i made my bruiser vs non bruiser thread.
The team who gets a bruiser litteraly has one extra body in the frontline to harrash the enemy solo tank away and open up for a hard engage on his team and he wont be able to stop it.

Also just now qm proves again its broken.

Enemy team gets tons of stuns and % dmg and my team had no teamfight dmg and could only get back into the game by playing the pve game with Murky.

Enemy team: Garrosh, Imp, Valla who knew, Auriel and Hanzo.
My team: me as Mei, Murky, LILI, D.Va and Genji.

And when we reached lvl 20 Valla and Auriel just became monsters you had no chance to kill. I even managed to body block Valla into a corner but she jut healed her way out LOL.

Better just uninstall this game until the Valla bandwaggon train is over. Everyone are farming free wins with this joke of a hero now and they love it.

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On the contrary my team had Valla, but we still lost. Does it mean having a bruiser as additional frontliner has more value than having an overtuned hero?

I jumped into QM and had my first few games as Valla. I’m probably the world’s second worst Valla player and yet I topped damage/kills/assists with ease using her multishot build. As I say, it was just a few games, but they felt very easy and far more easy to get value from her and her “silly strafe upgrade” than it ever was using Valla before the rework.


Better just call this game Valla of the storm now. Everyone wants a bite of this overtuned heroes and they dont care if she is overtuned or not just as long they get thier free win.

And ofc now 5 stacks are queing up with Valla on thier team so gg for that.


Convection KT.



I don’t know why people who try to frontline with KT pick convection…

Tried another game. Had an Azmodan on my team. Some things don’t change.


They see that convection increases the damage of their Q and think “more damage makes this the best level 1, I’m also going to frontline so I can get stacks faster and do even more damage faster!”. It’s sort of why convection sometimes functions as a trap talent.


There is a reason why i call Azmodans for feedmodan.

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The trouble is, even with Nerfs it seems the suicide Azmodan “strategy” still seems to work more than 50% of the time. I doubt so in Diamond and above, but few players are in that tier.

Many will hate this, but from someone who once favored specialists, I would be happy with even more of a power shift away from Azmodan’s PVE and have it directed more to PVP. This is how I like to play Azmo, but I think it’s still somewhat slightly weaker than his PVE power.

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I agree, Minky, but I think it’s unlikely that Azmodan’s PVP presence will overcome his PVE, because his kit just fit too well with pushing with E and trait. He would probably need a complete rework to achieve that goal, but I don’t like the idea, because I like the summoning aspect from him.

Edit: And I hate Tides of Sin, it doesn’t feel like a heroic ability compared to Demonic Invasion, it’s like old Lucio with Soundbarrier vs Reverse AMP…


I like Azmo’s summoning ability in particular his Demon Lieutenant, it’s satisfying to be pushing on the opposite side of the map to where you’re located.

It is possible, you only have to look at Nazeebo to see how this can be achieved, though Naz shouldn’t have had the largest part of his power budget looked behind a level 20.

So a quick look at some of what they did to Naz to shift his power away from PVE yet still retain the core of his play style.The old Naz’s Gargantuan used to hit structures for 100% (actually that could have been 150%!) extra damage and it had a gigantic leash range. In the PVP focused reworks for Naz they removed the extra damage done to buildings completely and made the leash range very short. This alone helped prevent Naz from easily taking down forts quickly with just Gargantuan often without the need for a minion wave to accomplish it.

The same could be done to Azmodan. They could increase the damage E does to heroes and decrease it’s damage to structures. The only other glaring issue I’d see with Azmo then would be Demonic Invasion, which I agree would probably have to be reworked. They could again decrease dramatically the damage it does to structures, but make it last longer and do more damage to heroes, they could even add a slow.

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His minon ult is still strong because of the self explode thing. He can still walk in and take 50% of a forts hp with his ult.

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Oh you scamp, you got in just before I finished my post, see above, I agree with you about DI.

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They would also need to increase the health of this little demons, because they are easily destroyed and if you reduce the dmg to structures dramatically it would become useless. As example take Xul’s summon heroic. I don’t like it, because it’s value is nothing against Poison Nova.

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I totally agree. They do almost nothing when an Azmondan drops them during a team fight, they are basically useless for damaging heroes, especially considering it’s an ult. It’s weird we’re talking about this in The Salt Mines (my fault) maybe one of us should create a new thread?

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Ironically this heroic is still better against heroes than Xul’s for two reasons: A) they can be boosted by commander (13) and B) they are moving… xD Xul’s heroic is just a worse Probius’ wall to me…

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