Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Yea sorry about that i missed that one. One of the reasons why i never play him these days is after they gutted his dunk spec and made his ball slower and with less range. I loved when i had the ability to dunk someone 1/4 of a map range when they had zero hp left. That is what made him special to me.

Also i rememeber old Azmo mains loved his laser build that could stick to someone for as long he was in range of you.

Also nerfing Tide of Sin just broke that build even more.


That’s what I loved about Azmo too. I don’t understand that with the three Q quests they didn’t make one “Gluttony would have made the most sense” give extra range as part of the quest completion.

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After a thorough investigation of the evidence :clown_face: I’ve been banned for the first time in almost three years.

I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later from sheer volume of matches alone in the last few days. It has become unbearable, premades on your own team are just as bad if not worse than having to play against them and if you establish eye contact you only get in trouble. As many times they may have had something against me, just imagine what a large percentage of games I found completely unenjoyable.

Do I now just open a fresh account and continue to be toxic and spiteful in a care free way like everyone else or take a month off from game?

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Some premades only join games to report solo que players for nothing while they feed big time themself. They dont play this game to win but to abuse report system and get eveyone banned. And they love it. I have been a victem of such abuse myself. 4 man trolls reporting people not feeding with them and then I got 4 days silence of it. Report system in a nutshell. banning the innocent and letting trolls get away with eveything.


Did you actually get an account ban, or a suspension? Was this the first time in 3 years you had any action taken? If so (and if you got a ban) that seems like an unfair and extreme system. I’m not surprised as friends of mine who play high volume of games (see addicted) suffer the same fate, it’s still just bad practice.

I have encountered this and so I never talk in draft chat (as I don’t know if anyone is grouped) and when I see four or three are grouped on the load screen in QM I mute my chat. I’ve played with four man’s who have deliberately tried to goad a negative response from me, while calling me vile names and feeding deaths on purpose into enemy towers.

I know not all four man teams are like this, but my experiences with them have been more negative than positive.


You dont get banned right away. You first gets silenced, then suspended and then banned.

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The classic “three strikes and you’re a lifer” which has proven to be such a bad idea in the real world, makes its appearance in the virtual one.


There’s a healthy amount of disbelief in the air but I can assure you I’m not willing to risk losing a high four digit account with almost an entirety of the collection unlocked through self-play over a disagreement in quick match. I’ve long learned to avoid chatting at the start and at the end of the match as a precaution.

Discussing it only further exposes my account and if they truly cared something would have been done about the whole system without my feedback. If any dev is reading, I’d like to ask how long they expect my enjoyment of the game to last if I’m unwilling to take advantage of a key feature out of fear.

Coincidentally all of the actions against my account happened around the time when mixed-party team league first got introduced. I believe some of you have fond memories of that period.


If they read the forums or Reddit, they should know what regard the report system is held. I’m sure they deliberately misinterpret their very leading after game survey question, that’s if they take it into account at all.

It’s clear to me they don’t want to do anything to make the system more fair. A simple thing should be if someone is reported by a party of four, that counts as only one report. Not even that is done.


Does anyone know why they changed the ability name from General to Lt. ?

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Probably something to do with his lore?

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Yea its bad. People here have suggested giving accounts that has nothing toxic done in a timeframe a clean board again so you dont run around with 3 year old reports hanging over your head until banned.

Oh lost another game. This time I got extended que and i get 3 bronze players and a silver 5 on my team in qm. Aba hatted B1 Tracer cant even out dmg me as Tyrande and Aba who are bronze aswell afk plays with his monster ult and place zero mines on the map.
And Bronze 4 Falstad never took a single camp.

Only the silver 5 Qhira had a brain and helped me do something.


Please don’t tell me you were healing this awful team Froggy? If it makes you feel better in my QM game I made the mistake of going Taunt as Varian and not once did my team follow it up with even a single AA. Ended up top damage above a Tassadar/Raynor/KT who of course went convection and didn’t finish it. :frowning:

Let me guess too, you were the highest MMR on that entire team and supposed to balance out all the Bronze? The QM MM is horrendous.


I was playing TLV with a varian, and this dude thought I was throwing because he saw my vikings on the minimap in the nexus, they were dead, varians have high iq.

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I did. Only positiv about that game was I got a owl snipe on Lunara.


You have the burden of a vikings player being considered troll pick for the majority of players. :stuck_out_tongue:


What’s up with Assassin mains and other good merc campers who never take camps at the start of the game, but when you can end, that’s all they care about?

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Just got out of an ARAM game where we lost because our Ragnaros decided to build Q talents, feed most of the game and then get mad at me for not carrying him with my Hanzo Ult (keep in mind I landed several that stunned 2-5 opponents, his build just wasn’t good so he couldn’t secure kills or finish off backline). His friend decided to blame comp for the match, I decided to mention that if our Rag had build E, we’d have won easy (which is true, E build Rag is great at finishing off squishies and diving backline).

His friend starts saying “BRO BUT THE Q BUILD IS A TANK KILLER BUILD BRO”, and blaming our “Backline heroes” (none of our “Backline” heroes actually played bad btw, it was 99% bad play by Ragnaros) once again defending his Ragnaros friend who blew chunks the whole game. Why are pre-made teammates so often this dense?

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First off, it’s the Random insanity that is ARAM afterall.

The second thing you need to consider is, it’s frakin’ ARAM. You can’t take a mode like that or what goes on in it, seriously.

Maybe you misread my post and got the wrong impression but I was responding directly to people who were trying to be toxic first:

Our Rag was being toxic for a good portion of the game and spamming “WHERE IS THE ARROW” almost every time he fed (as I mentioned, I was landing my arrows, his build and play were just not great so he couldn’t secure kills consistently) despite his own poor play/bad build and his friend joining in at the end of the game by trying to low-key blame the rest of the team for our “comp” (he avoided blaming his Ragnaros buddy) are the only reasons I responded. I’m not salty we lost in ARAM, I’m salty that we lost because of someone’s obvious mistakes and instead of either keeping quiet (it is just an ARAM game after all) or admitting their mistakes (which would have gotten a “it’s alright dude, just ARAM” from me), they actively decided to be toxic and get their friend to join in for absolutely no reason.