Azmodan's Demonic Invasion vs Xul's Skeletal Mages

Hi everyone,

to not fill the Salt Mines with off-topic I created this thread to talk about Azmodan’s pushing power and also a bit about comparing both heroics from the heroes in the topic. What do you think about it?

Here we go.


Nice to have this up, but I was more focused on making Azmodan reworked to have more presence in PVP than PVE, rather than comparing DI with Xul’s ULT.

They both serve different functions, so it makes a direct 1 to 1 comparison difficult.


Azmodans ult serves as a push tool for him just like Raynors Hyperion ult.

Xuls ult on the other hand serves as a area of deniel tool you can set up so people gets slowed if they walk through it like a weaker Chromie ult.

And yes they serves both thier own purpose.

Maybe it would be better if you asked for Xuls lane skeletons to get a buff insteed.


He has just as much if not more with the recent orb buffs. Slightly reduce the orb kill credit window to prevent easy solo stacking, buff his AA and demons like crazy but make them require proximity to Azmodan in order to deal maximum damage as to prevent throw and go away mentality of simply overwhelming forts with support of a single minion wave.

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That is how he is. He throw his ult from a safe distance and walks away and let his minions do the work. rinse and repeat.
I would say it would be better just to remove the self explode part of the minions as the self explode deals way too much dmg even on heroes late game.


Explosion is a deterrent from using AOE spells which is the only thing that makes it remotely useful in PVP. Otherwise their auto attack swings wouldn’t amount to anything meaningful and would be nearly useless in group situations where they would lack focus fire capability.


Xul’s Skeletal Mages are fine vs double supports as their healing output could counter Poison Nova with ease.
Azmodan’s Demonic Invasion does surprisingly good PvP damage.

Azmo is my main and i was Beast-mode with him long before the recent patch. And I NEVER picked demonic invasion for the lvl.10.

It’s Tide of Sin, all day, every day, yo.

Having every other Globe after lvl. 10 dealing +50% more Dmg on top of stacks and everything else? Hell yeah!

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Wait a minute… you’re an Azmodan main and you never picked Demonic Invasion? I am starting to doubt your skill, because I feel getting trolled by you. But I guess that’s the difference between 24/7-brawl players and players, who also plays the map.

For me personally Demonic Invasion is the one and only heroic ability for Azmodan. Tide of Sin feels more like a gimmik upgrade to his Q.

Have we spoken before? I can sense your strange hard-on to get at me, although i dunno why.

And yeah, Tide of sin all the way! I bring the house down on fools :sunglasses:

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Already forgotten? We talked recently about Hanzo and you were the one, who said “Hanzo’s trash”.

And no, it’s nothing personal against you, I just were surprised, but looks like I just overstimated you a bit.

Genji portrait is a troll don’t listen to then. Tide is fantastic especially after q scaling changes!

Some players in this game go by their own, hard, 1st hand battle experience and, what they’ve had had work for them in matches.

And other players? Just go by what “they’ve heard” and “read” on websites and junk. Which is fine but, when those same players try to throw their “knowledge” around with some kind of authority? Then there’s a problem. Such foolishness lol.

Edit: Again, i reiterate flawed site information. My other main is Sgt. Hammer and for a while Icy-Veins was trying to say, “hover” was most ideal for her Lvl. 7. When both Graduating Range and powering-Up the mines are far superior options. I take everything such sites say with a grain of salt now.

Really? It feels like ‘Forever ago’ since i posted in that thread lol. I’d forgotten about it.

I’m not going to address the point about Hammer in general, but even Icy Veins may suggest a talent is ideal, but almost always this will be with a caveat. It will give you alternative talent options for different maps, or hero match ups. Most guide sites make it quite clear talents are situational.

Icy-veins clearly takes a stand and trys to say which is the Best overall.

And there’s nothing “situational” about it. Hover for Sgt. Hammer is objectively terrible. One of those talents that “looks good on paper” but doesn’t hold up in reality. Only Hammer newbies that don’t know any better, will pick it.

Oh I don’t know, it’s a rather helpful talent on Hanamura.

Because of the moving objective? That’s a fine example of a, “sounds good on paper” idea but, bad move in reality.

Personally I’m not a fan of Hover Seige, but it really is a situational talent. Some maps and vs some teams Mines and Grad Range aren’t as valuable as having some limited mobility in siege.

As I said though, I wasn’t arguing he merits of this particular talent, but rather the usefulness of Guides, most of them break down maps, ranks and hero match ups for talents suggestions.


If there was the option to “skip” and not pick a talent at all? Having NOTHING as your level 7 would be more useful than picking hover lol. As in, you wouldn’t be under this false sense of “increased effectiveness” and would spare you from attempting to make use of such a dumb talent in battle and dying.