Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

Last night, had a team call me bad because as Raynor, I wouldn’t dive into 4/5 enemies with the team scattered and half dead.

Today, had a really bad Medivh tell me to shut up because I said “if Alarak is on the beacon, I as Naz can’t contest it” and pinging the zerg wave as everyone pushes with our tiny zerg wave, saying “guys wtf”.

Like those Falstad’s that use their Barrel Roll for an engage

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Was he up against a Rexxar or something?

Now that i see the two together i can see that he got value out if it. But he couldn’t do anything that makes art art. Couldnt land a god swap, couldnt carefully choose his engages, couldnt camp, couldnt soak. Ugh

He went up against rag.

Going up against a good Rag can be tough, especially if you try to fight him in the wave, allowing him to keep healing up. You either have to be super aggressive in the early game to make him cautious about dueling you, or know how to use various swaps to keep him from getting his sustain going. Good Thralls and Rags are always tough for me once you get past level 7.

But yeah, he probably should have just picked Sonya for that map. If you can’t play Artanis, you are worse than useless on him.

My idiot teammate was chained by Qhira’s E. He ran back into the middle of our team, got our whole team stunned, and stunned again by Qhira’s heroic. We got wiped.

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I think there should be a minimum 5 second cooldown window from no-prepick to hard pick.
Yes, inspired by Li-Ming (hero level 231). Of course. But not the point.

ps.: Of course the match was won. Without a healer on our side as well.

Welcome to hell. Enjoy your stay lol.

And if you can play Artanis… Nvm, I don’t want you to mail me a bomb so I won’t finish that sentence.


You lack honor.


Hey btw. I saw an NGS team named “Amateur Opponents” You should join them, it’s like it was made for you lol.


Heh, I would love to do tournament play, but unfortunately my work/sleep schedule and commitment to my WoW guild make that difficult.

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I clawed my way out. 4 game win streak. 2 sub 10 minute games and 3 mvp (thrall naturally, malthael, and gazno)

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A samu having 8k dps in a 13 minute game… in comparison with a deckard at 15k…

I had the highest with malganis at 32k

The other team, their orphea had 60k damage… so yes we lost hard


Zuljin charges enemy gates and gets obliterated

Malganis: guys lets take camp
Me: uh we just blew our ults can we back out?
Malganis: oh you’re right. Lets get out
*Zuljin charges in and gets hit by sylvanas mind control. Team has to engage

Me: i had to use eq and its not back for 30 seconds can we wait until then?
Malganis: yes we can there is nothing to fight over anyways. Everyone back
*zuljin charges in and gets hit with mind control, taunt, antiheal, stukov root/silence. Survived bc malganis sacrificed himself and bw blew everything she had to keep him alive.
Malganis: gg guys but zj pls listen to shotcalls
Zuljin: ??? what do you mean
Malganis: Wichebaochwbacuwh !!!


Do you mean Zuljin or Illidan?

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Had three ranked matches recently that made me lose faith in humanity. I’ve been playing DW, not the strongest hero, but can do a bit of set up still and a threat if combined with any CC. I had one game where I showed DW, didn’t show what he was going to pick and his preference was set to tank and healer, then we were the last two picks, I lock in Death Wing and he locks in Dva and right off the bat, complaining about how I’m not tanking (DW is NOT a tank, got bulwark anyway), another match with this deckard who followed me around throwing potions at my feet as DW even though I kept telling him he couldn’t heal me and finally a full blown argument in draft about why drafting characters with Global on Dragon shire is a good call, when I showed DW and the healer showed BW. We lost three games in a row and the two after that first one had one person from the first game in these respective roles so I had DW is a tank, Healer who follows me around like a lost puppy while other people are dying, and the final one was the dps from the first game saying how bad I was at the game after draft. He ended up with less DPS than the healer BW, who played a great game, I topped in damage and zero deaths to his 7 on Li Ming and he decided to send me hate mail after the match when I called him out for not following the shots being called. He’s blocked now, but I straight up had to stop playing that night…


You have more sanity than I do (did). So many throw days out of tilt :frowning:
Stopping after 2-3 is the best call.
Then again, on Sunday I lost 4 then won 9 in a row :laughing:

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Blizzard released patch notes that didn’t address the abusiveness that is Hogger in Silver/Gold/Plat MMR (90% of player base). They buffed the already almost-broken Lili to the point where she’s just blatantly breaking games if not banned. They buffed Tracer’s damage. They buffed Mephisto.

I seriously don’t even know what to say. Normally I’m on board with their balance changes. This makes me feel like they have absolutely no grasp on the reality of their game.

They reduced the damage on his highest damage ability. Honestly he wasn’t that bad.

Actually, before the changes she was probably slightly below average. Now however yes she does appear to be rather broken.

Well yes but actually no. The made pulse bomb slightly stronger but also made it charge slightly slower.

Personally I thought that the changes all made sense, even if I agree that they went a little too far on Lili and on Malfurion’s Emerald Dreams talent.

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Not even a salt post this one but when enemy Stukov ends the game with 0-8 score and has half of our LILIs healing and is a former GM#65 then you serious start thinking how many fake master/GM players there are in this game.

Checked his profile after game and surprice surprice. Gold 5 for 4 years and then suddenly master 200 in Preseason were TL and HL got removed and. Last couple of seasons he had master 80, GM#65, master 2200.

And he is not the first master/GM in this game that showed me he dont belong in his league. Had multiple other games last year were i beated a full 5 man premade full of master 2000 players and one GM#15 and none of them played any better then a gold 1 would do.

I even see this kind of stuff in Fans clips. GM players that feeds to an amazing 0-11 score and you expect those to be the very best of the playerbase lol.

You become so disapointed to know that this player you just played againts is one of top 60 best players in EU just to find out he dont play any better then gold players and gets out performed by our plat 5 LILI.

Rank decay should have been added long ago. Then those fake masters who only play 5 games each season and still gets to keep master next season would have been deranked to thier proper rank.