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Cheeky comment: if every GM plays his smurf, rinse and repeat, then I can become GM #1. Except I have to smurf, too.

Seriously, it’s a bit crazy because fighting skills are fairly good across the board, specific skills vary but sometimes it’s ultra easy to win in G5 and yesterday I was bullied hard. I guess a lot of people at lower ranks could do better if they wouldn’t go on throw streaks and such. Or simply if they wouldn’t intentionally upset their teammates - it’s a sophisticated way of throwing. Just be honest and feed hard.

  • Li Li didn’t exist in high ranks and wasn’t picked over other healers so often in lower ranks
  • didn’t exist as solo healer
  • she wasn’t picked even for double healer comps so often
  • terrible healing and low-average damage at max

I am sorry, but as someone who plays Li Li I have a question - where was she broken before the patch?


Lili was fine as is. Lower rewards for lower skill. Let her be perfect in bronze elo and slowly getting worse as you go up in rank. Raynor should get the same treatment

Honestly I think it’s impressive how you consistently have the worst takes on this forum.

No game developer intentionally follows what your suggesting. The reward for playing a hard character isn’t that you win more- it’s that you have more options to choose from during draft. Having someone that can play Alarak well means you have a possible hyper carry hero. This is why GMs pick him. They don’t pick him because he gives them a 80% win rate as one of, if not the hardest character in the game.

50% win-rate across the board is the goal every balance dev should be striving for. It’s a constant battle, but that is indeed the goal.


It’s difficult to make Li Li win a lot at high ranks though because of how limited her kit is. She has only auto-aiming things in her kit and her main heal can even be held down with a rock on the heal button.
Her wave clear is also very low as is her camping ability.

She will by design be more successful at low ranks. She has no skillshots of any kind. Even the Water dragon ult is auto-aiming at the nearest target. 1000 cups ult is auto-aiming. Serpent is point and click. Blind is auto-aiming as is her main heal (healing brew).

She is dead last in win rate from patch 2.53 onwards to today, in master and diamond combined. (45%) It would be very hard to get her to 50% there.

In lower ranks her win rate rises substantially in the same patch periods.

It would be. Lili has issues that need addressing further. She’s following the Butcher dilemma of getting less value as you rank up. That said, it should be the developer’s goal to get characters like these to be usable in high ranks while not absolutely demolishing people in lower leagues.

Not to say I have the ideas for it. Good luck to the person in charge of that.

MM sucks and blizzard knows it

If I get the “Win 3 games” quest on a day I want to play SL one more time, I am going to kick a zergling.


Remeber that Zul Jin game I talked about a week ago?

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We lost a team fight. Our Greymane mounted and ran away. When he passed by a wall with 1 HP, he decided to kill it and dismount. Of course, enemies caught up and killed him.


I tend to play such challenges vs AI. Just pick a hero you really like, gather your AI team mates and storm through the bot lane.
Or, you pick a hero you want to learn and play a regular match against AI

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I ended up floating around as Murky in co-op AI to finish it.

And then went on a 4 game winning streak in QM.

Go figure.

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Another game and other lose cause i have to heal people that just like to stats paddle and brawl whole game instead of taking a camp or defend the lane.

And ofc i get spam pinged on when i hs back and try to get mana lol while they die in some cornor.

Weekend players in a nutshell.

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No matter which mode I play, no matter which hero I pick. Every game is the same.


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To be fair, they had 2 feeders too who accomplished very little (plus they weren’t present for even half the kills or teamfights).

This game could have gone either way, that was bad luck.

That Xul siege and exp does look very weird though, he could have done a lot to depush Murky.
Wonder what he did all game.

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Got matched with this duo for 3/4 games. Played with them 3 times and against once. Take a wild guess which one i won

Logs on, feeling cheerful and optimistic about getting some SL in and mauling people

Checks quest log

Kicks a zergling


Twice in a row QM: 3 dive heroes and an Abathur against 4 mages. Thank you blizzard, very good.

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Now that zergling will come back with an army of banelings :smiley:


I had to handle Murky most of the game (It’s becoming a trend). Xul died a lot trying to chase kills, despite my many retreat and danger pings.

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