Made the change Lili broken?

Hi everyone,

after the new patch I already read how two players thinks that Lili is broken:

Am I getting trolled or did I miss something? Balance patch is relative new and people already fears Lili being op…

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“People” is a very vast concept… Someone who thought she was “already broken” is probably someone who plays AI or very low ranks of SL.

To put it in blunt form, if two bronzes think something is OP, it doesn’t really make that hero OP.


For the lack of skill lili players need, she’s way overtuned

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So does she belongs to your holy trinity of healers? :joy:

But jokes aside. Can you explain how she is overtuned? I personally thinks she is balanced.

So can you explain me in which sense she is broken/op?

She didn’t need buffs. Her total reward for the “skill” needed to play her should be much lower than other healers. I’d give Ana the vote to have most power and I don’t play Ana. Ana should be the pick or ban healer and be most powerful because she literally tests how well of a player you are. Instead you have hurr durr braindead lili having the same impact? Unbelievable

Wind serpent giving a speed boost to all bearers is problematic in my opinion, when you encounter heroes that have already a good agility base line, like Zeratul, Tracer, Genji, Lunara or even Valla

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I think it’s totally okay for Lili to have powerful skills because she lacks any form of control. And believe it or not if you don’t focus the healer her utility drops significantly. Remember kids, focus the tank, not Morales.

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Your evidence is salt mine posts, I’m just scratching my head like, lol.


And then I was kinda right, because in this topic we already have another two players, who kinda thinks that way. :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you know? You can unlock Blackthorne by reaching GM #1 with 0 loses? It has to be genuine, I read it online.

(All ranks)

(Diamond + Master)

It’s salt mines lol.


Yesterday I played a compound LiLi build (Wind/serpent with heals here and there).
I healed more than enough (obviously, LiLi, and consider I played with an Aba and a DW), and got 31% of the team’s hero damage.

So yeah she’s the assassin healer of the game. Plus she has high survivability through her trait and its talents. She’s become an all-in-one hero :smiley:
Not that I find it bad, I play her.

She didn’t needed much boosts. Her Blind build was always very effective against AA heavy enemies.
All she needed was that Q to be a point and click heal, instead of automatically healing the hero with the lowest heal in reach.

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I think its a little to early to say if shes op yet. Is she better now? yeah, for sure. but well see if shes all that much better then the other healers.

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#Feelsbadman I am not good enough to have a new hero. :frowning: But at least none is good enough since we know even GM players can have a lose streak. :smiling_imp: I know it’s offtopic, but hard achievements would be nice to have though.


This is trolling. 100%

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Li Li in balance changes is good one in same patch Lucio had another revamped High Five also good one.

Not at all, because this game is more than just micromanagement a hero. It is totally fine with me, if easy heroes can be good as hard to play heroes.

Edit: Remember Tooton it’s was your own words saying TLV is a hero for a robots, isn’t it ironic? :joy:


I think she was becoming very stagnate. Only picked to counter AA beause her healing isn’t the greatest anymore so automatically needed to W at 1.

So far I’ve seen her picked/banned in every match so far and been pretty successful with her. But still waiting to see how it goes.

Off topic but what builds have people been having success with now?

And tlv is absolutely broken along with being the highest skill hero in the game

If he would, then he would be nerfed already by the devs, so it’s obviously that tlv isn’t “absolutely broken”. The devs do a good job at balancing and I trust them to figure out broken stuff and nerf it properly since they have accurate data for it, but sure sometimes thinks can be overlooked since the dev team isn’t big anymore.

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