Salt Mines - Deposit all your anger here!

It doesn’t happen every time, of course not. It’s less often about someone thinking you play poorly, but as Player said, you can get teammates that harass you about other well, icky things.


Yes you are, because most people think in stereotypes what they are used to and since the moba genre was dominated by male long ago, it’s a common prejudge that women’s aren’t good at games like this.

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They dont expect a gamer girl to join them in voice :rofl:

People in EU general chat even makes fun of it that no girls play this game or males who use general chat to look for female players to play with.

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Just like males who says woman are not cable of driving a car properly.

You mean like this?:


I agree with this.

On topic, I like mixed voices on chat.
Bullies are internal self-testing of a society. Our job is to weed them out. If we can’t, we fail.


Same. Wow, congrats. You pushed almost a single button during the entire game. Here, have the honor of standing right next to people who carried their teams or did something that changed the course of the game :upside_down_face:

When i was raiding in Wow i had both males and females on Teamspeak. It was pretty chill. No one was gender flaming. If you just did your part to help kill a boss then people did not care if you were male or female. Some of the top 10 hardcore guilds in Wow has both genders on thier team and not only males.

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I have played multi-player videos games for decades (no exaggeration!), and I generally don’t mind being in chat, whether text-based or voice. Many years ago, I decided that I was not going to let any hairy-faced knuckle-dragger dictate what I can and cannot do, both online and in the real world. Because of this, I can get a little feisty when someone wants to be creepy, which usually shuts it down very quickly.

The quickest and most effective tends to be any response based on the classic “ur mom” joke.

Knuckle-dragger: “Are you hot?”
Me: “Your mom thinks so.”

Awkward silence.

But in my experience, that is pretty rare. Most guys don’t care, or will be surprised, but not hostile about it. My absolute favorite experience in HotS was back when HL was a thing. I had been in voice coms with the team, but quiet as there really hadn’t been anything I needed to say. The other 4 were communicating regularly and appropriately. At one point, I noticed the enemy Zeratul was rotating to try and gank our solo laner.

Me: “Care, Zeratul is heading top.”
Valla: “Was … was that our tank?”


Okay you made me laugh there, I’ve had that one too!


I have to recall my statement on Raynor being good on BoE. (Maybe with PvP build.)

The last few (many) matches I tried him, I had virtually no damage and a million deaths.
He is so peel dependent.
My numbers are so low, about 25% of what my D Tassadar would do.

The match (average Silver 2) was carried by a lifetime Silver 5 Orb Ming.
Sorry Minky. :purple_heart:
3 kills against 24. 4 levels down. That’s the normal for Raynor.

What’s funny: according to HP, Exterminator has 54% winrate.
Shared stats in my last two matches on BoE with Raynor:

  • game duration 17 minutes 0 seconds
  • 7 deaths
  • played against ETC, Li-Ming and Malfurion

On another note, my Li Li winrate is down to 11%. (QM: 8:5).
So apparently, some heroes are too easy (basic) for me.
But seriously, I don’t understand how skewed my stats are this season. I have a whole screen worth of heroes above 58% winrate, 8 more if I include 100% over 1-2 matches.

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If you have to afk you owe your team an apology

If you afk and then rage at team you should delete the game


An interesting note, from the people I know in person every single tank main is female. I might work with a weird pool though because a good half of them are most comfortable as solo laners and bruisers.

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Add me, lets de-tilt you my homie

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Man people are creeps, who cares if shes attractive or not, its a game, youre not here to get a gf


He is good for the same reason why Artanis is good on BoE, because he has that one talent that gives him 150% bonus damage against minions (including immortal). He is also good as solo laner, his AA’s hits like a truck.

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I guess you really like cooking lol.

Well yeah, my mom does think I’m hot. (She also says I’m cool)


40 minute game hanamura

Malfurion (me): 4 deaths
Cassia: 5 deaths
Maiev: 4 deaths
Diablo: 11 deaths
Artanis: stacking quest and 14 deaths



Good ol’ times in Dota 2, where this length is common. :joy:

Free lane, our Mura was walking with the minions, then decided to use jump onto a tower. Enemies behind the gate ganked on him. If he still had the jump, he could have stunned and jumped away safely. Just why using your only escape to save 1 second of walking?

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