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After 30 years you would think Blizz can improve their matchmaking system or include a surrender button like the other mobas out there.

QM-ed into a team with (Naz, Li Ming, Tassadar, Junkrat, Stukov) vs (Uther, Kerrigan, Kael, Illidan, Abathur)

It was a glorious one - sided game from the start

Their mephisto damage: 98k
Our mephisto damage: 20k


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Just to clarify, which team were you?
Both teams are pretty good, depending on how everyone plays.
Left side pushes like a boss.
Right side has blowup potential, with or without casualties.

When contesting a camp, we need only 1 person on the point. Everyone else should spread around to avoid AoE damage. Why the hell did my whole team try to stand on the points, got CC’ed and deleted instantly?

Maybe, because they are afraid that then none will go on the point I’ve seen that as well… It’s always one extreme or another.

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And this is why I only use my main account on weekdays

Blind needs to be given way more weight in terms of kit design. I get that it has less meaningful impact on a lot of characters, but the characters that do rely on basic attacks are essentially rendered null and void by the mere existence of Lili or Artanis, and that needs fixing.

So I just discovered 2 facts.

  1. The time to kick for AFK is longer than heal fountain cooldown
  2. tapping heal fountain is all it takes to reset the AFK timer

How do I know? Because that’s all Zeratul did all game. 0 exp, 0 hero damage, 0 siege damage. And the worst part? He still was very possibly less bad than Feed’thuzad or 9000-WPM-salt-stream Gazlowe, the later of whom probably did more damage with spread living bombs than he did to the enemy team.


Ok, i’ve seen a LOT of weird things playing this game. But this is definitely something I’ll add to my milestones.

A Morales solo invading an enemy camp, seeing two people there, and fighting them for it.



Name checks out. I wish I could will you into getting a Morales as good as the last one I had, or heck even one as good as me would probably be good enough.

MMR to rank up: 177
Wins game: earns 176 MMR.



I would say Morales is higher rated than her team, because considering to gank enemys camp is sth. most average player don’t even consider, they even have struggle to do their own camps…


Nah blinds are fine. Buff marksmen or just nerf mage damage

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I can’t find screens now, but I did +120k with AA build against two tanks sometimes. It’s phenomenal against two front liners. Once Marksman quest is done and you have Giant Killer it just melts even a stacked up Diablo.

For average games it’s a pretty bad build though. W or Q are almost always better.
Lightning build especially makes him a very safe and high damage mage, and bribing enemy camps is a nice bonus (I like how each bribe keeps increasing his W damage).


I would personally never consider invading a camp by myself with a healer. Maybe Rehgar, but even then it’s sketchy. And if I saw two enemies there, I would just leave.


Well, one way to buff marksmen is by not having them instantly keel over when a blind is anywhere on the field.

I agree. Afk timer really needs to go down. But for now its just something trolls like to abuse to avoid getting kicked and end in leaver que.

I had a game some years ago were i had Whitemane stand in minion waves whole game and b-stepped whole game in a circle around the minions.

Sometimes i wonder why some people even think its fun to waste 4 other peoples time by not contributing to the game with anything.

People has better stuff to do then wasting 20 min of his life playing with a afk troll really.


You got me, you already know what I think of the insanely high AFK Timer.

I was matched with someone 3 times in a row in QM, so I didn’t think I needed to do the whisper to avoid trick. They had a name like “GaMEisTrash” (not the real name) and all they did in these three games was spawn, walk down mid lane into enemy towers, repeat.

All three games the teams I played with managed to get those games to level 20, so it shows how easy it would have been to win those games. I looked at that players profile, all games lost for as far as it’s recorded. Yet they are still playing.

*I should also note, as I said that wasn’t their real username, it had an unmasked swear word in it, how that got by when people get banned for asking someone to soak I don’t know.


Because you probably need to get like 200 independent reports within a given time span or something before you get in trouble for the name. And not enough people are going to bother reporting for that.

The problem probably is that the reality is that if they make it shorter, then you might get people being kicked because their team lost a team fight and they were the only survivor, and now they aren’t allowed to wait out the death timer for their team.

The fact is, no automated system will ever catch intentional thought out malice, at least if the person is actively avoiding getting caught by the automated system.

One thing that might be nice though is if someone had not taken action 30 seconds into the game it would recognize them as legitimately AFK, rather than just being an idiot.

No, you can still participate by clearing the lanes in safe distance of your towers. There is no need for such long afk timers!

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