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In a perfect world, where your teammates knows what they do I agree it’s key, but what if your bruiser don’t do his “job”? More than not I remember myself doing the bruisers job as Mei or Johanna.

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I was literally roaming the lanes to get my globes for Kel’thuzad’s Phylactery and on TotSQ you usually roam between the lanes to collect the gems. So I did the side laning

So you were roaming as 4 top and mid, while your solo lane were bot? Well then it might be the Mei’s problem, don’t know what he was thinking.

That feeling when you have more XP and siege damage than the Abathur on your team…

…as Anub. W build Anub, no less.


Thats why you should always go beetle build!

That was almost as painful as my last match where I had to lane against a Samuro as Artanis on BoE. It’s not hard, just boring and tedious since you have to play very passively to avoid giving him stacks. Blah.

Another game as Ophera another 0-12 feeder on my team while i have top dmg and top siege dmg of all on my team.

Only fun in that game was i got a free kill on a low hp Illidan that hunted me and he got hit by my 250+ stack Chomp. Gonna send that in lol. Hope it gets picked for next wtf/funny clips.

But when you as Ophera owns a Xul in both dmg and siege dmg then its game over lol.

Enemies had murky AND sylvanas on sky temple. Every time we went to objective we lost a fort. At one point i was desperately rotating top/mid to get xp and stall them both while they pushed our keeps.

Luckily enemy tank/healer/tychus were always out of position so we could snag a kill then win most objs. Still took us 15 minutes to feel like we were winning and i had raged at the sylvanas in a previous game (they always go w build with no stacks) so they were of course targeting my poor leo.


I’ve heard sky temple is the most macro heavy map so double macro and sacrificing teamfight power isn’t so bad on that map

One of these days, one of them is going to straight up put out an “Illidan death montage” episode. I actually had my own illidan die recently, was a teamate Illidan where I tried very hard as Anduin to defy Illidan’s fate. I made the enemy team work hard for that Illidan kill. But they still got him.

Last pick Anduin. Turns out solo assassin Fenix is not a thing.



Dude you just need to wombo! Me and a few friends have been rocking Gaz, Mei, Lucio, and Jaina. We ended up going on like a 37 game winning streak. CRAZY combo.

5 losses in a row… I play alone, simple quick match to distress a bit. ALL against pre mades… and most of the matches, with alone players also… ok, if a match making developer were on my side right now, I would punch him in the face… real hard :slightly_smiling_face:

Last game

auriel not crowning anyone
auriel used her full bar to heal herself with FULL HEALTH
Butch diving in a group of 4
Butch kept diving murk pre-bubble and murk kept escaping with bubble
Butch not running back when low health and kept diving and DIED WHILE CHARGING

I can handle losing when my team knows how to play their hero, but I can’t stand losing when a person doesn’t even know how to play their hero.

Yeah, that comp is likely too low damage even if it’s a god tier Fenix player. Who else can really dish out anything in that team? Leoric a bit, but that’s all.

It needed at least 1 more consistent damage dealer, or a mage. Dual supports is nice for keeping Fenix alive, but there are limits to how much damage he can do even if he’s constantly kept at full health.

Hecking Muradin, who played first time and had no clue what to do
Valeera, who was picked when we had nazeebo
Nazeebo, who did no damage

Ty SL very cool

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A first time Muradin in master? I feel your pain…

Gold Mei threw the game… I am tilted af.



We killed 3 enemys, we rushed core to 1% and Mei just left the enemy core, because she feared her life/stats and enemys backdoored and won the game…

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I’d be interested if that Illidan basically pressed R anytime it was off cooldown. You’re right too, never play very late at night or early in the morning, the general insanity increases.

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That’s the first and last time I pick the basic attack build for Falstad, my god it’s awful.

And why is Static Shield just worse than the barrel roll shield talent in literally all regards?

Did the Naz say he did no damage because “stacking”?