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Decided to do some QM (Rare occasion.)
I wanted to try playing Arthas. I’m against Briwghttwing, Diablo and Alarak :frowning:


I’d be more pissed about the map

Maybe some advanced logic is needed.

It does happen that the entire map is pushed out, and the enemies don’t push it back. Imagine spawning on a full blue Warhead, rest of your team just having wiped at the core.
Even taking a friendly camp can get invaded, and you look even sillier.

Normally you can do something, yes.
Also depends on the hero, of course as a ranged mage I can poke, but I’ve died quite a few times because I was safely clearing stuff, and suddenly the enemies showed up and deleted me.

Grubby has a word for these kind of deaths, always being down in numbers, just can’t recall right now.

In such a situation you describe here, it doesn’t matter when you stay alone on your team side. As long as you move, you don’t take the risk of being considered afk.

Ranked decay and poor luck gave enemies 2 grandmaster players. My innards are now my outtards. 13 minute game. Bleh

They also drafted a double support comp around zj and zeratul. Ugh

Sometimes it feels like it’s me, specifically, that gets a fat penalty to XP gain and damage output. Getting dueled by a Raynor as ZulJin and my basic attacks having lower DPS than his after getting over 400 stacks on the base quest feels like nonsense.

First HOTS game in like a week… complete stomp of a loss

Crushing Jaws + Gravo Bomb + Divine storm, much fun, much counterplay, much wow.

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Let’s get a merc camp…

Tbh uther is the best healer rn… and gazno is still op so that’s expected. Orphea not so much but she’s hanging in there high A tier, maybe slightly lower if that

60 seconds ought to be enough. For a sole survivor after a lv20 teamfight, they can still hit minions that come near their towers (or if all lanes are destroyed, to their core).

If they can’t even clear minions near their core safely the game is already lost and the core will die soon.

Does this happen to anyone else?

You’re double soaking, the enemy team has 2 people dealing with you. But your 4 man that’s fighting a 4 vs 3 has 3 deaths, while no one on the enemy team has died?


A lot. Same on Braxxis/Hanamura/BoE while laning top.

It sucks, but there is practically nothing you can do (except asking someone else to dual soak or go top).

Though if it’s a 4 v 3 bot (with your team being the 4), it’s even more irritating.

Ok that’s it I’m done!
The Arthas player didin’t play Arthas. He admitted picking him randomly for no reason. I’m just going to accept that this just is never going to be on my opponent’s side. If it was going to happen it would have a hundred times by now.

So screw strategy, or soaking. I’m just going to brawl and randomly take merc camps as soon as they’re up. Other players get 50% WR doing this, so there’s no point in me always trying to make the right calls and macro.



Scarlet Crusade, Ominous Wraith, Bellowing Roar, Horrify and Mighty Gust help vs all the crazy wombo. If it wasn’t draft mode, then Godspeed.

Or my personal favorite, Sanctification.

The 0.5 sec cast time is sometimes too long. Uther is scary.

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There is a good reason he is first pick/first ban in tournament play these days.

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In competitive, they tend to focus a single target. Uther fix that in both ways.
Kiruki, Wearyday and Cronaz are big abusers. Shame on them.

Unfortunately I’ve been on the losing 4 man and it’s just as infuriating for me as it is my solo laner