Remove or Rework the reportsystem to prevent the abuse

Policing ourselves? Muting and blocking players doesn’t stop them from coming into the next game and going 10 deaths or just afk laning. Trash talking or just ignoring team go hand in hand with that.

In my case, 99% of the players I come across literally troll my matches lol. I don’t have a problem with trash-talkers, however, it’s the impact of the game they cause by literally ruining it while trash-talking. For example, locking in heroes when everyone else filled to help the team, or waiting in altars and moving a bit and going AFK, or just laning all game while flaming, or even feeding 10 deaths and trying to play dumb.

Let me give you an example of the situation that I come across once in a while:

Scenario 1: angry player rages at the team for not grouping at all, or just way too slow to group, or they keep engaging 3vs5. He gets angry at us because we played trash and he wants to win.

Scenario 2: Player insults me for making trash plays. For example, I picked Garrosh first pick, enemy picks Tychus. I then lead on and have 8 deaths and that player trash talks me and calling me mean names and saying how trash I am at the heroes.

Scenario 3: Player doesn’t pick tank or picks any heroes without thought of team draft, and just proceeds to play awful with that hero. They then either trash talk us, or ignore us and afk lanes and end up with 10 deaths on purpose, and does the same thing next game.

Can you guess what I’m likely to report? Scenario 3. That’s it. 3. It’s because the first 2 I understand the frustrations of that guy and I don’t talk trash back if they’re telling the truth or in the right. I might even respect it. I don’t take crap unless I deserve it. In other words if people call me out and I did do wrong, whether I’m aware of it or not, I won’t fight back and accept it like a man.

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You are like me then. Problem is, most people will literally melt into a puddle if told an inconvenient truth and will report that person.

Not many real men/women left on this game/forum. Just a bunch of easily angered children with IMMENSE egos incapable of controlling their emotions, seeking instant-gratification for minimal effort and instant retribution for a perceived wrong without arbitration. Oh and the white-knighting… is so bad… but they won’t ever admit that to themselves… or others…

What I’m saying is reporting for abusive language is used to retaliate vs people who call us bad. The feeders and morons afk and not participating, always late and not giving a damn about the team or winning, That, I fully support a reporting option for that.

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It looks that way, because most people including you probably aren’t capable to argue with randos in a friendly way, but they are using “rough language”, because most of the time people are triggered, when they see mistakes from others than their own.

Can’t really argue with someone who cannot be wrong (in their mind), they will always die on that hill and throw the game on purpose to maintain their ego intact. I just mute morons and go on. There is nothing to gain in arguing with a moron. Even if done in a civil and calm manner. Also, in game is not the time to argue. Take the L and queue again.

Also please do not assume things about people, it’s rude…

I remember one game Where me and the whole team actually convince the idiot running in 1v5 as TB varian that he was bad (he was calling us all bad), we told him to just go soak until 20 and not try to fight anyone unless we were all there. Guess what? He joined us on the last team fight after 20 and we won. Letting the tank engage and he followed up and did his thing.

I really respected that he was able to stop seeing red, put his ego aside and try to win the game by playing with the team. I added him as friends and I often play with him. Funny thing is, he is actually a really good player, but he just needed that reality check to be able to get himself back together and refocus.

Yeah I am that guy as well lol. I’m heavy on teamwork and always willing to fill in the team draft, always remind people to soak etc. I call out people for their misplays, and listen to those that call me out for my own misplays as well.


The fact is, you should distinguish between what you report and what you don’t.
E.g. you play badly, can you help your team or why don’t you choose a tank?

These are not grounds for a ban. Certain things go too far and you know exactly which ones should be reported.

But you can only write positive things or even help, you will be reported for it.

For me, the worst kind of player that ruins this game is the ones that think they know it all or refuse to ever do something unless it’s their idea. Example: I will ping and call for an ambush, we all go, EXCEPT for that smart-guy who didn’t make the call himself and constantly leaving the team all game, not making any calls himself (even though he is the tank) nor is he telling us he is not going and we end up either dying or wasting so much precious time better spent elsewhere had he communicated hit intents with us.

I’d say that guy should be reported for Non-participation. But that is me. |

I’m a leader (or try to be) in most of my games where I am trying hard, I also have off days where I do not try to shotcall and just do what I can. But I always communicate my intent through pings or words. It’s so anoying when you try to shotcall and you keep being screwed over by your teammate(s) because they can’t/won’t communicate or react in time to calls.

Yeah the report system does need a major rework. Blizzard won’t do it though, their overlords; Activision give zero damns about HotS…but the report system HotS currently has is one of the most short sighted, boneheaded concepts I’ve ever seen and whoever’s brainchild this was needs to think things through more thoroughly as this all could have been avoided with common sense.

Of course you can’t let a community decide what’s toxic. For starters, that’s not an enforceable clause in an EULA because it’s far too vague so on the legal side, already not exactly a wise choice…then on the practical application of the system…it’s been a complete mess. 1st off, it’s a F2P game, if extremely toxic people want, they can make a new account and simply not care. 2nd, it’s so easy to abuse that big names like Grubby have gotten bopped by it due to blatant wanton abuse. 3rd, when an issue does happen the GMs don’t care, they’re not interested in what’s fair, context or anything else. They just want to uphold a broken system with an unenforceable EULA clause because that’s their mandate.

The ONLY way this changes is if someone SUES Blizzard (not for damages but to challenge their broken EULA which any 1st year law student could tell them won’t stand up in court).

This issue in a nutshell is a unique combination of Blizzard hubris combined with Activision’s sociopathy - and until the EULA is basically thrown out, they have zero motivation to change their broken underlying issue which imo is a huge part as to why the game is almost dead.


Well said! But why not just all agree to grow up and mute people for “toxic chat”? Why make people lose their accounts for being passionate in the moment? It’s a competitive game, people will get upset, mad or even abusive. Only the far end of that should be bannable. Not X amount of reports by butthurt people = ban. That just punished vocal players who play a lot in the end as the actual garbage humans and trolls will simply make a new account.

it’s this weird need for retaliation that causes the actual toxicity in my mind, people are so fragile…

This 100%

The answer is simple; the reporting system we have was ripped straight out of Overwatch and applied to HotS without special considerations that a F2P game needs. Probably by a fairly high up dev or manager who had zero understanding of contract law and lacked the foresight to consider issues which may arise in the future (these issues started happening pretty fast; Grubby getting silenced by Trolls and GMs not caring is my perfect example as it happened when when HotS was still popular so imo there’s absolutely no excuse when they had realtime data suggesting the system has severe issues with implementation).

My solution is simple; I stopped playing the game. I refuse to support cancel culture - and this game in essence is cancel culture incarnate as the report system works off of a mob mentality.


Lol go cry Somewhere else and take your idiotic politics with you. Nobody. Nobody cares what you have to say. Irl or on these forums. So pathetic that you stop playing but hangout here so much.

Quit being a bully on the internet, he actually makes a good point here.

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Bold words from someone who just called me a Whiteknight 4 hours ago and wants toxic players to be able to keep talking trash in chat with no punishmet done to them. You could just mute him if you care less about what he says but you dont. You wants to flame with him.

If you want a snowflake free enviroment go play LOL. Then you can trash talk all you want in all chat. Thats what you want isn’t it ? Playing a game where all talk trash to eachother like they have nothing learned from thier parents when they were small lol.

Learn some disciplin and some manners in your life for once. You can get much further with that together with others then being toxic.

Toxic people ends up being friendless anyway.

Also dont even try replying back casue I already muted this thread now.


Get rid of the reporting system and an avoid system. The more and more these 4 players avoid solo players, the longer their queues become. Problem solved again with an avoid system.

I literally dismantled your entire argument (that you reported) so now you are trying to play victim and make me out to be a bad guy lol. Classic. You are literally the kind of person I refer to in my post. Can’t handle valid criticism.

Don’t reports from a team only counts as one even if they all report you?

While I agree that this reportsystem is flawed and creates problems, because it can be abused, but talking about #cancelculture takes this discussion to a new level. Are you sure you know what you’re talking about?

It’s not wrong to demand punishment for bad/toxic behaviour, every sane player knows that and it’s common in the real world that toxicity in society gets consequences. So how is the naturally demand for punishment can be cancelculture? The last usually means an attempt to surpress common cutural things. Do you really count the ability being toxic and rude as sth. that should be commonly accept? Really?

I don’t know, is it? If yes then this topic can probably be closed.

well u cant have nothing if ppl abuse this ,imagine what will they even do if there no report system at all,but i understand you i stop playing game after my first reprort for things i did not done,and punishment are way too harsh i dont want to risk of losing my acc . They should copy dota2 report system its not perfect but its way better then what blizzard had to offer .

Since it’s long ago I played Dota 2, can you explain how the reportsystem in D2 works?

i made a post about my potential rework of a report system but the odds of them devoting the resources to do that is minimal so i think the better option tbh is to just remove the thing
How would YOU rework/change the report system - General Discussion - Heroes of the Storm Forums (