Remove or Rework the reportsystem to prevent the abuse

Hi everyone,

after reading Darak’s comment in the Salt Mines I am starting to think again about this topic. Even though it’s a small example, but it is shows how there are players who abuse this flawed system. I know that a better system is might be too expensive, because you need ressources/money to make it work, but that’s why I suggest we would be probably better to remove it or make false-reporting be punishable (I don’t know how).

This is insane.


How are you gonna punish afk/feeders and toxic players in this game by removing the only tool we got for that ??

Blizzard just need to wake up and make report system better than it is now. Punish those false reporters more and maybe limit the time you can report each day. Just like you cant flag more then 4-5 times on forum.


Yes this is a problem, but I’d rather tolerate this than the abuse of the flawed system…

It would be nice, but it needs ressources, not gonna happen, sadly. Alternatively they could just deactivate the chat in ranked since it’s usually useless anyway and stacked teams using a third-party program as Discord.

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Nah dude. If you remove the report the system, there’d be nothing to police anyone. Trolls, toxic or worse will happen in every game. Every. Game.

It’s not good, true, but I know this from HoN or Dota 2… so I am kinda used to this…

The idea that the community should be their own police is stupid anyway. It’s deillusinal and we know why societies don’t have this, but trained law experts


What? Most modern societies have ways to report crimes to the proper authorities. Do you expect police to just happen across the criminals by patrolling 24/7?

While the report system is far from perfect, it definitely beats the alternative.


So, is it like because there are bad cops, let’s remove all the police. Smart, right?


Do you run to the police, because there is that one guy, who called you stupid?

I didn’t knew that you can go to the police to just be a cop without proper training?

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I will call the proper authorities if someone is breaking the law.

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And depends on the conflict they might send you back home, because it was misinterpretation or false attack.

So? You are basically suggesting they remove the 911 help system because some kids prank call it. Terrible idea.


No just try to prove that the comparsion between real security and automated system has it’s limits. The difference between the real law and the system in hots is that it’s automated and that’s huge.

Prove to me that removing the only option for bringing attention to people who are intentionally feeding is a good idea. Like I said, the current report system ain’t perfect, but giving trolls and afkers a free pass is a stupid idea.

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DotA, a mod for WC3 is probably the best example. This game had no reportsystem, the environment was toxic, but people got used to it and this game was still more popular than Hots. But even Dota 2, which has a all-chat enabled, known for even more toxic than Hots is still popular by far.

So if systems with non or weaker reportsystems are more successful than Hots with it rather hard punishable system, why there are so many complaints about the reportssystem in Hots and why there are so few players? I would consider the reportsystem as one of many issues why Hots can compete with other mobas.

I mean even players, who loves Hots, complains about this flawed system and recommend to not use the chat, because it can be abused…

Not sure what’s stopping people from trolling already when the game is free to play and basically everyone has a smurf account.

The man spake truth, now honor him.

Honestly I doubt that the report system and the player base correlate too strongly but I know people who quit the game over months of silence time that only played ranked.

Such a r-word idea, to ban people from the only competetive mode this game has. In my opinion a better solution would have been to turn a filter on on this account so they cant use bad language and make the list very long. There is lists with 1000s of words online that you can filter out, including pretty much all racial slurs but it doesnt exclude, “go soak” which isnt toxic.

But mainly I think hots failed because the players in hots were too bad at the game and people that were good at it felt punished by their teams too much. The feeling of being powerless, we had it yesterday.

People can and will easily abuse those filters, because language is very flexible. Even a total normal word can be used as an insult - that’s why you’re idea wouldn’t solve anything.

It’s a myth tbh. you’re probably biased about it. Hots player aren’t worse than any other players from other mobas. There are good and bad players in each game.

Actually yes it would, because it takes weeks to learn all the filtered words and people wouldn’t know that n00b is also blocked not just noob or Noob or NoOb and so on…

Also this punishment wouldnt hurt the game much cos the people would still play.

The report system has always been extremely flawed, even more so than now. You used to be able to report players who hadnt said anything and on the enemy team/in any chats.
The report system is currently rly bad because it’s still easily abused and it’s 100% automated now which mean that you will get an autmated answer in the apeal as well.
Also i’ve started noticing the ppl that was like “I’ve played this game for 5 years a never once got reported” actually starting to get silenced.
They should remove the abusive report part. I never made sense anyways since you can just mute.

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So you are saying people should just get used to trash talk in chats. LIke who the … want to play a game where they get trash talked everyday. I would uninstall such game in an instant.

I dont care if dota 2 and WC 3 could handle this without report system. Or maybe it was only popular cause people where allowed to be toxic all day with others with no punishment given. Sounds like that is the case.

LIke how would you react if you were given death threats in every game you play. Were is the fun in that imao. And dont even mention surrender button is the nr 1 factor people play those games.

I play a game to relax and have fun. I dont play games to listen to some kid telling me how I should kill myself in 10 diffent ways and he got a thing for my mom or crap like that.

Toxic players deserves to get reported and banned periode.

Most people who blindly defend the system are those who never had toxic false-reporters happen to themselves, so they assume the phenomena doesn’t exist at all.

“I’ve never seen a lion in person. They must not exist at all”

Fortunately I never got a false ban. But I have gotten a lot of those people Darak mentioned who tell you they are reporting everyone for fun.

Of course normal flamers or afkers deserve all the reports they get.