Remove or Rework the reportsystem to prevent the abuse

do you see them devoting resources to make it better with how little staff they have? it feels like at this time in the games life it would be better to just remove the broken system because of how little effort that would take on the devs side

you do realize even the report system doesn’t really stop this because it is a FREE TO PLAY GAME, meaning that if they get punished they can just make a new account in 5 minutes and then that just makes the smurfing problem EVEN WORSE, so 2 problems dont get solved and the report system is still trash. remove it. you remove one of the MAIN reasons people make smurfs and you can not see toxicity by using these MAGICAL in game options called MUTE, BLOCK, IGNORE so you can never see their toxicity again. and if they never make smurf accounts that are NOT blocked then you will not see them again. where with this system they can make a smurf account and get in your games again.

Also if your defence is “but they will lose all their stuff” doesn’t mean much because they will still be toxic, and they will still be playing the game. Right now the report system PROMOTES not even talking to your team members, so a system that promotes this in a TEAM FOCUSED GAME is BAD and NOT healthy for the game.

big difference between the report system and the world LAW, for starts and probably the biggest point. there needs to be CLEAR evidence of the law being broken and there is lines of WHAT IS OK and what is NOT ok, like the boundaries of a property, don’t cross the boundaries an you are fine. Yet with this report system because of how their ToS is worded it means that the subject of “toxicity” and “abusive chat” is subjective, meaning ANYTHING and EVERYTHING typed can be considered toxic, abusive, and reported. Also with law we have REAL PEOPLE determining what is right and what is wrong where the report system is fully automated.

every game has a chance at the start of being toxic or non toxic, if you don’t want to risk it you can just turn off chat all together, but if you want to communicate you will have to risk toxicity because that is just how it is. you can’t have 1 without the other.

very well said, a lot of people who defend the report system either stack a lot, barely play regularly, barely talk, or never touch storm league or any combination of these

don’t have to be 4 mans, how many times do people report just for off meta picks or strange strategies that don’t work say in ranked? Nova locked? reported, probius hovered? reported for throwing, etc etc, and since abusive chat is the DEFAULT report option AND it just takes a single thing typed in chat for it to count it is usually used to report for a myriad of reasons other than abusive chat.

what if they don’t play very much? like say 1 or 2 maybe 3 games a week? they will never get banned because of how this report system works, so your scenerio of reporting being good is flawed due to the many flaws of the report system.

because they are very much thriving games and can afford to NOT have a FULLY automated system and they have CLEAR lines of what IS toxic and what is NOT toxic. not a subjective view of toxicity in their ToS. Microsoft report system and their clear lines of what is toxic and what is not is a great example, i have never been punished by microsoft report system yet i send good and bad messages all the time to how people are, such messages are like “nice job landing solo and insta dieing” (apex legends btw) “thanks for throwing that fight idiot” etc. and this is in ranked not pubs. YET i need to take certain precautions with Hots and limit how much i play or else i may get hit by this report system, as well as i am hesitant when i type in chat.

the report system doesn’t really stop that either, in ranked do you know of the aba 1 trick S4Y? he never talks, throws games all the time and because he never talks he will NEVER get punished because of how the report system works.

if you are heavy on team work why do you support a system that promotes people turning off chat in a team game in order to be fully safe from the report system?

that is why i am a firm believer that the best course of action would be to outright remove it
low resource cost
more positives than negatives on the impact of doing so

im sorry sir but you are VERY toxic and must be banned both forum and game side. you have hurt my very fragile feelings

no every report counts towards a total, when total is met punishment is dealt. reports decay over time not games played. Also the trigger for reports being legit is the person typing ANYTHING in chat. before that reports will do nothing but any report afterwards, even if they only type “gg” will count

with policing, the current system, people just make new smurf accounts and then contribute to the smurf problem. toxicity problem doesn’t go away and smurf problem grows. remove the system, people are not afraid to talk anymore in a team game, main reason to make smurfs is gone, and the broken system is gone. just mute/block the people you don’t want to listen to and you are fine yourself. I doubt they will copy dota 2 system due to how much money it would cost them to maintain

1 Like i mean this screen its pretty much self-explanatory the more reports u get your behavior score will drop and u end up in low priority and more likely u get in match with ppl who have same score and in low p u cant play ranked until u win 4 games in low p and more likes u get ur behavior score will rise up. there is new overwatch system as they calld it where other ppls watch ur game and decide are u gilty or not. As punishment u end up in low p- if you lave game u need to wait for 1 hour to play again and ur end up in low priority and if you leave it again then timer adds up for exampla 2 .6 .hours and so on ,and that timer resets with our good behavior score . And when comes to blizz if you leave game u get acc ban lol. problem with blizzard its report dont worrk or work way too good.To get ban in dota u rly need do some crazzy stuff like hacks and using 3 programs and stuff like that .

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Thanks for your information, ZeroGravity.

Based on the ressources this game gets from Activision Blizzard this change is unlikely to come, but yeah it would be good for the game, if we could get a similar report system. Looks like Valve did more right than I thought. They have a good shop system, their reportsystem sounds very promising… if Blizzard would just copy their ideas - the dream.

its not just hots i think this report system is in other games too like owerwatch wow i mean there is a lot of solution out there for problems they have they just need to copy it and perfect it for example battlepass system i think first introduce in fortnite now its in every game if something works go with it . Just look how others games deal with toxicity and try it idk why is this so hard almost every day its post about report system being bad and nothing changes .

Nope, there is no such thing as a ‘team’ report, it’s 4 individual reports.

@Shadowmere I doubt non-toxics can really be banned unless they play a lot, though they could get silenced.

Grubby is a classic example of that, but he got intentionally targeted by trolls who wanted him silenced. They mass reported him and he got silenced very fast.

The admins fortunately did not agree with that silence and removed it from him.

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Do we have any proof of that?

Some higher rank streamers like Cris have tested it with their followers. You need about 20 abusive chat reports to silence someone automatically.

But they can’t be all from the same people. It needs to be 20 separate people filing the reports in a fairly short period of time.

Asmongold has also tried that in WoW. He got silenced within a few minutes after he asked a couple dozen of his followers to report him for abusive chat.


Hi, It shouldn’t be required to report anything, except verbal abuse.
Game itself can detect afk and feeders. Throughout a game all statistics are in place, and it is more than obvious is player is just new, bad, or abusing the gameplay.
System should give warnings, inform player that it has deteced below the average performance. Give warning, lock them out for 10, 15min, 30min, a day, enough to make it less woth to jump into creating new avcount but annoying so that they might stop doing what they do. Punish more often but less sevire.

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Dude what? I support social and chat functions bruh lol. I’m all for a bit of banter and all, but what I’m trying to say is that the report functions deal with trolls that ruin games such as afk laning, purposely feeding. That’s why we NEED it. I’m sure you’ve come across players that did camp at the wrong time, get caught by enemies and dies, then decides to sulk and blame team and just afk lanes. That’s what the report function is needed for and yes it does work. I don’t care about trash talk coz my skin is thick, 100% :fire: :100: :weary::ok_hand:

Ok, but those people weren’t on a team.

True. Iirc, they joined a chat where Cris was on purpose and they all used Abusive Chat report on him.

Though not maliciously, as he had asked them to do that.

It’s weird though. I’ve never been silenced, but I’ve run into enough idiots that I must have been reported at least 20 times.

Yea, it’s definitely not 20 lifetime. It’s some time period. Maybe 20 in a week or less? After that they start decaying.

If it was 20 lifetime reports then 99.9% of players would already be silenced just from random salties reporting them for fun over the years :smiley:

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There are many aspects of the report system that should be changed. Speaking directly to Darak’s post, people who are grouped, any report issued agasint another player should only count as a single report, that would curb deliberate abuse in that particular situation.

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What abuse? I read the wild examples of “abuse” people give on these forums and in 5 years of playing this game (A LOT!) I have never once come anywhere near experiencing any of it.
As with most things of this nature I believe there is always more to the story that the narrator leaves out when they give these examples of “abuse”

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Even if you believe everyone who claims they have been the victim of chat abuse, were in fact liars and in reality guilty, then how do you explain those who have posted how they deliberately take advantage of the flaws in the report system to purposefully make false reports agaisnt innocent players? Are they just lying too?

It might be fair to say many people exaggerate their innocence, but the report system still remains very easy to abuse, with zero punishments against false reporting. I don’t see how you could find a system like this that can lead to account bans, being a system you can defend and which also has no room or need for improvement.


Worst kind of player in the game lol, aba/murky only, ignores his team every game. I have played with and against him a few times. He actually goes afk and throws games on purpose when his team pisses him off for banning his 1-trick, it’s true.

You nail it on the head with your post. Problem is, the main reason people report, is for the satisfaction of being able to retaliate against a perceived attack on themselves (got called garbage, bad, etc.)

Who has seen this scenario before: “Toxic” player whispers you after the game to tell you how bad you were and everything you did wrong. You get offended that someone dares call you out on your mistakes, so you prepare a nice big robust comeback and you hit send… AND… he is ignoring you. So you hit report for abusive chat. Not because what he said is wrong, but because you want to leave thinking you “won” the encounter.

You see, we know that they will just make another smurf account if punished, but we report for that instant satisfaction of being able to punch back. Not to “police the community” as some fools think. You cannot have a community police in a FREE TO PLAY game with an automated system! (unless accounts were to need to be tied to a real-ID and phone number or something more invasive)

Oh you made him lose his rank and stickers… Big whoop, now his new smurf is even more toxic and rude. he will also never support the game by purchasing anything with Real $ if he did buy anything on his main (The real reason this game failed). Learn from mobile games, DO NOT BAN YOUR CASH COWS… And for 50 levels, he is ruining the games of hundreds of people, further driving them away from this game. How does nobody understand this.

BEGONE with the report system until they fix it!

i have read of people in duos and such getting punished

this would require spending resources into the report system, resources that the HoTS devs want to spend elsewhere, considering this report system is pretty much used throughout all of blizzards games i doubt they will change it for 1 game. so overall just REMOVING the system would be both easier and better overall due to the low amount of resources it would take to do

there is a difference between AFK laning and double soaking while your team probably feeds when they don’t need to. i bet you in some situations where you think “they are afk laning” they are just soaking when there is nothing important to fight over. you want to report them for playing well? no matter what tho because the game is free there will be throwers and toxic people, so really the report system isn’t stopping that, but it IS stopping some people who are afraid of losing their accounts from just talking in chat all together, they just have chat turned off. so a system that doesn’t really curb toxicity/throwing and encourages people to NOT talk in a team focused game is bad

here is how the entire report system works, i have gathered this information from testing, posts, history, and testing in other games since this is blizzard we are talking about and have pretty much the same report system in all their games. plus and minus some small features like in Overwatch it will tell you if a report you did on someone did something.

The moment you type in chat, no matter what you type you can be reported for abusive chat and it does not count as a false report. This is because the way they have their ToS worded makes abusive chat SUBJECTIVE. meaning that as long as the person reported says “they way he typed gg i found abusive” it will count.

when you reach X amount of reports you get auto punished by the system, reports decay over time instead of games played. so a person who plays 10 games a day has a much higher chance of getting punished than a super toxic player who plays 1 or 2 games a week.

Punishments are linear, i mean by that as in it starts as silences, then suspensions, then perma bans. Also punishments do NOT decay, you can be on punishment 5, 10 years of not being reported 1 time, then have some bad luck on a certain week, get reported a lot and you are up to punishment 6 which might just be a perma ban.

One thing that the ToS and report system says is that false reporters will have action taken against them, this is false because i did a test with the overwatch version of this report system. in all my games of playing for 1 whole week in QP i reported EVERY SINGLE PERSON in my games for abusive chat, whether or not they where abusive or not. for a good while i got MANY notifications of “a report you reported has lead to action taken against someone” I even made a FORUM POST on their own forums with a title of “I false reported for a week to show how broken the report system is” I did not get 1 punishment at all, they didn’t even take down the forum post. Here I was BLATANTLY admitting I was false reporting and they did NOTHING. so that means that with this report system there is NO punishment for reporting people. meaning people do NOT have to report responsibly and can spam reports to their hearts content and there will be 0 punishment

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