Remove or Rework the reportsystem to prevent the abuse

When we can’t get a good reportsystem that can’t be abused like this one, yes.

Lol you made an entire thread based on darak’s post? I have a million dollar bridge to sell you. It’ll easily net you 400, 000 a year in revenue and should last a a few decades. It connects Alaska and russia. Just give me your credit card info…

This applies to anyone that wants in


1 dont believe everything you see especially when the source has frequently claimed that they were banned for no reason and are always being Mass reported by 4 mans who want to kill game. I have never once encountered such a thing but he has at least 4 separate times. Is he necessarily a liar, no, but i haven’t seen any evidence for this.

2 even if it has happened this thread is still stupid. Not you. Just the thread.

It’s not just Darak, but I read quite frequently complaints about the flawed system from active users. Darak was just the stone that give me the idea to create this topic.

So Shapeshifter, Minky and Darak are liars, because they think this system is abuseable and flawed?

Even though there is proof all over the forums, reddit, twitch, youtube, google, whatever from thousands of users about how the report system is extremely flawed and easily abusable, not having it would be even worse.

They shouldn’t get rid of the system, just rework it so it’s not abusable and can at least target the right people.


Neither shapeshifter nor minky have ever been banned. I never claimed that false reporting doesnt happen but this idea that there are a bunch of 4 mans roaming trying to get ppl banned for no reason is extremely unlikely to me.

Also neither of them have said that report system should be completely thrown out. Alter the system fine by all means. Delete this silly thread and propse an alternate thats viable. Maybe ill like it for a change and leave it alone.

And this is the part that is impossible, because a rework would demand more man power for the devs, but it’s not gonna happen in financial crisis Hots is in. So we have to accept this flawed system.

True, but they claim they know people, who got banned and that’s why they believe that this system is a problem.

Yes. I was the one, who made this first step, but again the alternative is to accept this report system can’t be reworked - at least not in Hots situation.

This is where start to get suspicious. I know minky and shapeshifter enoughbased on their forum conduct to say that they dont deserve to be reported. I cannot vouch for their friends. I also know that when it comes to ppl we care about we are trusting and get defensive. I doubt that both of them can certify their friends behavior and claim that they never deserved a report.

So their cases seem to be that a friend was reported many times. Some deserved and some not. Big difference between that and the angel who was mass reported by 4

You also made no steps lol. Thats like me saying that we should build a bridge between russia and alaska is maki g first step. Noone who can alter report system will read this and your title guarantees that (also posting here instead of reddit :cry:)

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Your cool , I enjoyed reading your comment :sunglasses:

What about my comment? Any interest in the bridge?

Why must we police anyone when you already have all of the tools available to you to police yourself and others that affect you?

The idea of reporting (for most) is not to prevent this player from raging, but the satisfaction of being able to retaliate IRL against someone who you had a disagreement with (or just an ahole in most cases) and make them lose their account(s) for simply being a person on the internet anonymously with no IRL risks.

Instead of being little b-words and snowflakes. Mute the person and go on playing. The only reason you are reporting them is usually because they called you out on something, you got defensive and now you locked yourself in an ego battle and both players (or more) end up calling for everyone to “report them”. They report you, you report them. THIS IS 99% of all reports! The other 1% are the ACTUAL trolls and ragers (at least from my experience).

Like seriously people, mute and move on. Report system only ruins the game, there’s a reason that you also automatically mute the person if you report them in game for abusive chat.

I am 100% for removing the stupid report system.

It’s either used maliciously (or retaliatory) or as a way to take the moral high ground.

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It’s not impossible, they just need to commit to it and put balance patches aside for a while. I’m sure a lot of people would be happy to get a patch with a reworked fair and funcional reporting system that can’t be abused or at least it’s pretty rare to punish the wrong players.

You mean like they did to the PBMM system? Sorry, I can’t think of a way how this reportsystem can be reworked without putting more man power in it, except we can just remove “abusive chat”, but keep the other reasons. Is that what you mean?

The two diffrents about just muting and reporting for abuse chat is by muting the toxic players can continue being toxic cause you just throw the problem over to the next 4 players that get matched with him.

Reporting does not only mute him but also sends in a ticket to Blizzard that in the end gives toxic player a punishment. So no muting does not work. It only prolong the exsistence of the toxic player.

But if you guys wants report system removed then why does LOL and Dota/Smite have thier report system still ? Why does they not remove thier report system and keep mute only ?

Cause they know how big of a problem toxic kids end up being in the long run.
Then Wow should also remove the ability to report someone for multiboxing cause why should you care if someone is multiboxing on 40 accounts at the same time ??

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Lol you got called a white knight. Gotta lpve the forum trolls.

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What else do you call it when someone is defending other potential people they don’t even know and who never asked for your help? My post is Not trolling, I am 100% serious. You seriously just reported my post for the EXACT same reasons I mentioned LOL

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I have no ideas for what could be done. All I’m saying it’s not impossible with the devs we have now, they just need to work on it. You don’t need more man power to have something done as well, you can do with the same number of devs, it just takes longer with less devs, that’s all.

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The reporting system is bad too bad.
You can be reported even though you haven’t done anything and that’s not a good thing.

If you take this personally, stop playing games like this. for the people who take it personally.
e.g. that’s a bad idea, you play bad, ty for the lose or bg. But that is not a reason for a ban. Only strong insults aimed at attacking the person should be prohibited
e.g. f a m i l y etc.

People have extremely fragile egos… and people just can’t handle being told they are bad or wrong. This is the internet though. Anonymity or distance brings out the worst in people when they cannot be immediately laughed at or punished in the moment for something they did/said.

I don’t mind it at all and I will usually agree and ask for what I should do next in those games. Instead of crying the “NO U R BAD, REPORTED!” because I cannot accept any criticism.

I’m sure I get reported daily for calling someone bad or saying that what they did was dumb or to stay with the group, stop dying, OBJ! Y U SO SLOW? But I never have, nor would I ever try to actually verbally abuse someone online (unless they really deserved it LOL). But even then, I’d rather just mute them, ignore them and move on.

What good would it do me to get butthurt because some rando called me names on the internet?!?!?

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Dustin Browder is rolling wherever he is. lmao

Do you know how their report systems work and what is normal there? The height of irony. It’s not the toxic kids who evidently end up being the biggest problem in the long run, it’s the dumb kids. That’s what this game has demonstrated.

I find it so remarkable how people here behave. It’s like they care for the topic in words but when solutions are spelled out they are gone. What you people need is someone to lead you by the nose, nothing less.

Your also cool ! For a green knight